
Letter to community announcing camp closing in 2020 

It is with great sadness that we write to you this afternoon to let our community know that Unirondack will not be open for the summer of 2020.

In the past several months the board and executive leadership of camp have weighed this decision with every possible amount of hope and creative thinking we can muster to try and find a way to make this summer happen. But with current social distancing measures in place, the projections of when large groups may gather again, and our proximity to communities that are so deeply impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, we no longer feel there is any way that we can operate our space in ways that properly ensure the safety of our campers and staff. There are too many variables that we are unable to control and it is our belief that opening our doors this summer would bring liability and risk to our community and to the local community of Lowville that we cannot reconcile, and so it is for the safety of our organization’s future and the people around us that we make this difficult decision.

This moment is unique in the history of Unirondack. In the nearly 70 years that camp has been open, we have never missed a summer of operation and we feel the weight of this decision deeply and solemnly. We believe in the value of our mission; in our ability to create lasting change and growth for those who find their way to us. To put it simply, we’re heartbroken. For our campers, our parents, our staff, and ourselves.

As is the case every summer, this summer holds the last opportunity some of our campers have to experience camp as a summer camper. If you are one of those campers we want you to know that we are working to find ways to do something special for you. We’ll also take a moment to brag about our Unirondack staff who are already at work planning evening programs and mailable camp projects for campers who have had their summers taken away. Our amazing staff have resiliency and commitment to sharing the Unirondack spirit that is unwavering and unparalleled. So if you’re one of those staff members — thank you.

Earlier today we wrote a letter to our 2020 staff and in doing so we offered some reflection on the emotion we’re all feeling through this. Often in communities like Unirondack people say that “it’s not about the buildings, it’s about the people.” While we know this is true, there is something fantastical, awesome, unique, and spiritual about the physical spaces we create at Unirondack. As we’ve said, in the coming weeks and months we will do everything we can to bring the spirit of Unirondack to all of you, but we also want to acknowledge and make space for the feelings of loss that come with this announcement. It may be true that the Unirondack spirit lives and thrives beyond the campfire circle, the lodge, meals in Gilman, and the evening programs in Stevens. But it is with these spaces that we distill a purity of that spirit that many of us use to find inspiration, confidence, love, forgiveness, and self-assurance. So we take this time to grieve in whatever ways feel right. 

But as the pain of this news begins to process we humbly challenge our community: Bring Unirondack to the world outside of camp for us this summer. How? Bring in the mail for a neighbor. Volunteer for a local political candidate who fights for the rights of others. Donate the gift of your physical abilities to those who need them or your intellectual strengths to those who may benefit from them. Compliment someone. Refrain from starting that online argument and instead message someone privately with respectful inquiry. Perform random acts of kindness. Send a letter to an old friend. Stand up for those with less. Learn to play the ukulele with your neighbor’s kids. Create a terrible watercolor for the first time in your life and give it to your parents… or your kids. Find someone who needs an ear to listen to and be their shoulder to cry on and don’t stop until you’re both struggling to breathe from shared laughter. How possible is any of this? We have no idea but it’s the Unirondack way to dream big and believe in something greater than us.

Of course the Unirondack spirit feels closer and warmer and greater and stronger with the help of the community we build together when we are at camp — when we can bang hoola hops on Gilman tables and sing with held hands each night around the campfire. But that spirit is only truly possible at camp because it is brought there by all of you. So for now, share it with those around you and know that we will do everything we can to help you while eagerly awaiting your return as soon as possible. 

Finally, we want you to know that Unirondack’s health as an organization is not in danger. We have successfully secured the Federal PPP Loan which will protect the salaries of our Directors. We have also received three large donations in the last 30 days which have provided vital support for us as we look ahead to 2021. We want to be clear that Unirondack will face an unprecedented loss without this summer’s operating income. But we feel nothing but confidence in our ability to return from this to a strong and successful 2021. And to our members, we’ll be providing you with more details of our finances and our plans for sustaining Unirondack into next year. If you have ever donated to our endowment, please know that our 2021 plans are being made possible because of you. Without these funds, we would face a very different reality than the one we’re in today. For those who are registered for a summer session, we will be in touch soon about refunds and finances in the coming days.

Alas, we know these times are uncertain and for so many of us right now there are countless joys that we are missing. We’re so sorry to add Unirondack to that list. Please know that you are all in our hearts right now as we know that we are in yours.

Shalom chaverim,

Lauren Hunt, Executive Director

Kris Fiore, Director

Elizabeth Bashur, Camp Manager 

This was the email I sent to staff members a few hours before we told the full community we were closing camp in 2020 

From: Camp Unirondack <>

Date: Fri, May 1, 2020 at 12:04 PM

Subject: Unirondack 2020


Cc: Elizabeth Bashur <>, <> <>

Hi everyone,

We’re sending out an email to the rest of the Unirondack community in a few hours but I wanted to take some time to reach to update you all (2019/2020 staff) on our summer in a more personal way.

It is with a heavy heart that I deliver the news that Unirondack will not be opening this summer. While we may be able to create a week or two in August, right now we are making the decision to remain closed until September. As I write these words over and over to find the right angle, I want nothing more than to erase them entirely, for it is nearly unbearable for me to sit with the gravity of what they mean.

When I think about Unirondack and what makes it so special, I want you to know how much I think about you. I rant and rave about your genius, your compassion, and the brilliance of all of you every time I talk about camp. To work alongside all of you each summer brings me joy and laughter and fulfillment that is unrivaled. I’m honored to be a part of our staff every summer and when I am at camp it is on a daily basis that I find myself in awe of what you all create. I want you to know that while I am shaken and sad for our campers who will miss this summer at camp, I hold just as much sadness, frustration, anger, confusion, and feelings of bitterness toward this summer being taken away from you. I know how much camp means to you, and it is because of you that our summers are possible.

I’ve been tasked with delivering difficult news to my staff before. And in those announcements I’ve always been able to justify our decisions with the belief that we are doing what is best for camp. While I know that right now this is still technically true, I find no relief in that today. This feels hard in a way I’ve never felt before and a way I never thought I would ever feel.

There is a common adage in communities like Unirondack — Something about how the space or place is not about the facilities, the buildings, the lake etc... In reflecting on this I want to acknowledge two conflicting points. Unirondack as a physical space for campers to exist freely in their bodies and their expressions has value that is valid and real. There are campers who rely on camp as their space to be and exist with dignity, acceptance, support, and love in ways they will get nowhere else. Taking this away is a big deal and I don’t want to belittle it or rush anyone through this loss because no matter what we can do through the mail or through Zoom, we will not feel the sense of satisfaction that comes from delivering campers their favorite meal in Gilman. We will not see campers meeting their first trans or queer folks in an environment that is safe and loving. We will not see campers meeting their first trans or queer folks only to realize that person is inside them and that they can love them as much as we do. And of course we will never be able to recreate the magnitude of unscripted hilarity that comes with a summer at camp full of incredible kids and overtired staff who are snacking in the kitchen at 2am. I have never laughed harder in my life than when I’m working with all of you. Sometimes it is about the space.

But when this pain does begin to ease and we regain our strength I want us to look at what we can still do. Many things that Unirondack delivers, the love, the wackiness, the Unirondack spirit? These are possible without Gilman, without the Lodge, without Beaver Lake and even without the Campfire Circle. Maybe we can’t recreate it perfectly, but the light of Unirondack does not turn to darkness without our summer sessions. The Unirondack spirit is in helping a child realize their potential. The Unirondack spirit is showing campers there is a place that is eager and ready to love them when the rest of the world says it isn’t. The Unirondack spirit is giving campers a place to feel casually and unquestionably loved while saying it directly, and saying it without words during a random act of kindness or a shared moment of strategy while building forts out of pillows. Let’s find ways to bring these moments to our campers this summer.

I have addresses and contact info organized for every camper that would have come to camp this summer and already have ideas for ways we can let them know we’re thinking of them. We obviously don’t have a lot of money this year but I want to find a way to mail each camper something so they can feel like camp is still a part of their summer. And through big wacky online ideas like tomorrow night’s evening program and the Shaggy Dog Tell-A-Thon I think we can still spark joy and bring a sense of camp to their lives that is uniquely Unirondack. I will happily take any ideas you have, big or small.

While the summer sessions, Family Camp, and Adult Camp are cancelled, we are going to prepare ourselves to host any programming we can on camp at the end of August should some big turnaround happen. We don’t yet know what that will entail but ideas such as an all-generational camp, all ages week or two, or a Ballou weekend in August or September are all being considered.

Of course, we want to offer our 17 and 18-year-old Ballou campers something special if we’re able to. We will hold out and pray for some way to make a week of camp happen but we’re open to other ideas as well. Many of these campers have lost their high school graduation, their youth con bridging, and now their last summer at camp. Any ideas for ways we can find to ease this loss is happily welcomed.

Finally, I want to have a campfire of sorts for all of us. Tonight at 9pm we’ll host a staff meeting/feelings share/campfire. I’m not planning any schedule or agenda or structure to it, but I feel it necessary to provide a space for us to be together and share feelings and thoughts and perhaps a few songs and laughs as well.

Meeting ID: 864 9358 3040

Please keep the contents of this email to a select few so that campers and parents may find out through our email to them this afternoon. I guess it feels like it’s time for this letter to end, but I also don’t really know where to stop. I’m so deeply sorry that we could not make this summer happen for you. Thank you for what you’ve given camp, myself, and for what I know you will continue to bring this incredible community. I look forward to seeing you all tonight. If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know. My phone number is (518) XXX -XXXX.

With love,

Kristen Fiore,



The latest COVID-19/Unirondack News

2020 Updates from Unirondack...

It’s been a few weeks since our first email so we wanted to send you an update with some information and details around our planning for 2020 as it pertains to the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic. 

As the waves of information continue to come in from medical professionals as well as our professional networks of camp leaders around the country we are working to prepare for the many different outcomes. While we are still waiting to make a call for this summer’s sessions, we want to at least share with you our plan for the next 45 days.

First and foremost we want to tell everyone that as much as we want to start this Spring season on time, we have no choice but to reschedule our QSA Weekend, Adult Paddling Adventure, and our inaugural Writer’s Retreat. This is obviously a great disappointment for our campers and saddens us to say, but we are already looking forward to ways we can make these weekends better in 2021 and hope you will consider joining us for them next spring!.As of now we are holding off on deciding on Family & Friend's Weekend as it's still seven weeks away and we will make that call by April 15.