Leining Replacement

Original Plans for new Leining Building  - Devin Hollands

The board was wishy-washy what they wanted and the idea for a 2 story rooming house was replaced with the concept of a single use

building - Medical only.   So the plan changed to a Medical center with room for a nurse and a LOFT for the family of the nurse and off-season 

a group room for youth groups.  This is what was built.   Marcus Jaiclin had the second floor bathroom added and the ceiling of the nurses

room covered over and the staircase enclosed..  so the open LOFT became a full second floor with 2 rooms as desired originally.

Leining Plans for Demolition - taken down Family camp 2002 - Devin Hollands

Concept for Leining Version with Extension  June 2001 - Devin Hollands

New Leining Plans - Dave Ashley  April 2001

New Leining Infirmary plans - and Mirror image as built

The Plans as drawn were given to the builder and he was asked to FLIP them and build the reverse - so that the living quarters for the Nurse would be away from the Overlook staff building - so less noise to bother the nurse.  Also important is you can see the stairs drawn in by hand as I had them changed to they started by the door.  The architect had them starting in the center of the room.  The original building had an open LOFT on the second floor.  In order to later use the second floor as we do now the stairs had to start by the door and go up.    The open area of loft was later covered over to create the upper right room, and the bathroom was added.

Motion for New Leining Building - 1998 Devin Hollands

 - Plan was side-lined as the Heath Dept. wanted the workshop moved OUT of Overlook building.  Thus Leining took a back seat.  Tom Cutter surprised the Building and Grounds chair (Devin Hollands) with a letter from the Health Department at the meeting!

Original Concept drawings for new Leining - note LOFT and TRIP CAMP garage - Devin Hollands

Dedication Photos 

Original Loft can be seen here from lower Right bedroom

Leining Before and After