
WHAT IS HYPNOSIS? (scroll down for NLP)

Hypnosis is a relatively quick method of making permanent improvements, and changes, but there is no such thing as a one-time "Hypno-Cure"!

Every individual makes progress at his or her own rate.


At last, it's official. Hypnotism really does work - and it has an impact on the brain which can be measured scientifically, according to one of America's leading psychiatrists. "This is scientific evidence that something happens in the brain when people are hypnotised that doesn't happen ordinarily. This research confirms what professional hypnotists have known all along - hypnotism has a genuine effect on the functioning of the mind, as well as the body.” Mr Spiegel told delegates. See the article

How does it feel?

Many people say it feels like that wonderful time period just between being asleep and awake. When your mind focuses and accepts certain suggested images of a physical, energetic, emotional or spiritual nature, the desired changes can take effect. It is only those images you choose to accept that will work.... so actually you are in charge all the time! The person hypnotherapist is a trained guide to help you in this process. During hypnosis you cannot be made to say or do anything you don't want to do and if you were given suggestions to do something against your own convictions, you would simply come out of hypnosis.

Is It Safe for Everyone?

Every person naturally enters a slate of hypnosis at least twice everyday: just before falling asleep at night, and upon awaking every morning.

Most people easily enter 'Environmental Hypnosis' while at the cinema, watching TV, driving on themotorway, or while reading a good book. Hypnosis is very safe, and is in fact, a state of hyper-awareness, during which the subconscious mind is more open and receptive to suggestions given.

Any time there is an emergency, or at the end of a session, you would naturally be able to come out of the Hypnotic state by opening your eyes, and stretching or speaking.

Hypnosis has no side effects apart from the beneficial ones of feeling more relaxed, and changes that have been suggested during hypnosis begin to take place either immediately, or soon afterwards. Some people may have a delayed reaction which means that any suggestions given could take a few hours or days to process.

I can't be hypnotized because my mind is too strong / disciplined.

This is an archaic belief that has, in recent times, been proven untrue. It was thought, long ago that only 50% of the population could be hypnotised. Over the last 30 years, Dr. John Kappas developed methods to induce hypnosis in 100% of the population. Because it is your decision to use Hypnosis for self-improvement, your mind has already accepted the idea of Hypnosis.

It has been proven that Hypnosis can affect virtually every system in the body. When you are in the hypnotic state and accept certain images and suggestions, the body and mind can work together to make changes....



This is what most people can easily achieve. People unconsciously slip in and out of it in their normal daily lives. This stage is all that is usually necessary for most general work. This is where the individual is completely physically relaxed, speaks more slowly but without effort and responds without effort. This is usually easily attainable during your 1st visit, even if you feel a little nervous.

At this level some people will insist they were NOT hypnotized because they were awake and aware of their surroundings all the time, they knew they could stop cooperating at any time, and they often remember everything that was said. This is misconception because yes, in light hypnosis, people can do all of these things.


The individual is very receptive to suggestions, and can produce post-hypnotic responses. Most people can be brought to this level during their 2nd visit. It is often associated with alpha brainwave production. This individual can recall forgotten events, and is very receptive to useful suggestions. Analgesia is possible as well as very localized anaesthesia.


The individual seems to have “melted” into the chair or table. Often associated with theta brainwave production. Local anaesthesia is possible. Many of my clients have reached this level of hypnosis, which helps the suggestions to become deeply embedded in the subconscious mind. Often at this stage the client feels as if they have been asleep, with little recollection of the hypnosis, but easily awakens when prompted to do so.


This is a more profound level of trance, called by many names. One name is the Esdaile State (named after physician, James Esdaile, who used hypnosis while performing surgery in poverty stricken populations, where anesthesia was not available). In this trance state, and only under the guidance of a trained hypnotherapist (certified in hypnotic anesthesia), people can undergo surgery (and childbirth) without drugs. They feel no pain. People in this state can turn off sensation in all or any part of the body. Few people can achieve this level of trance without extensive conditioning under the guidance of a hypnotherapist trained in depth hypnosis methods.

What is NLP?

At first, NLP can seem very hard to define. So, let's just start with breaking down the words of Neuro-Linguistic Programming:


Our nervous system, or our mind, which we use to experience the world, through our senses:

  • Visual
  • Auditory
  • Kinesthetic
  • Olfactory
  • Gustatory


The language and other communication we use to store experience and give it meaning, including the following things we experience inside our mind:

  • Pictures
  • Sounds
  • Feelings
  • Smells
  • Tastes
  • Internal Dialog (self-talk)


Discovering and using the programs, patterns and strategies we run in our mind to achieve our goals.

In other words, NLP is how we use the basic language of our mind to consistently achieve the results we want in life.

Other Definitions:

  • An attitude and methodology that leaves behind a trail of techniques.
  • The study of subjective experience.
  • The realization that our words don’t describe the world we live in, but determine it.