Rocket Balloon (Kyle Tomes)

Rocket Balloon Lab (an exploration of Newtons Third Law)

Rocket Launch


Principle(s) Investigated: Newton's 3rd Law, Force, Thrust, Friction,

Standards: HS-PS-3-1 Create a computational model to calculate the change in the energy of one component in a system when the change in energy of the other component(s) and energy flows in and out of the system are known.


- 1 balloon

- 1 long piece of string (about 25 feet long)

- 2 plastic straws

- Tape

- Measuring Tape

-2 Chairs



1) Tie one end of the string to a chair, door knob, or other support.

2) Put the other end of the string through the straw.

3) Pull the string tight and tie it to another support in the room.

4) Insert a straw into the ballon and rap red sting around the neck of the balloon.

5) Blow up the balloon. Place your finger on the tip of the straw to prevent the balloon from loosing air.

6) balloon and tape the balloon to the straw as shown above. You’re ready for launch.

7) Let go and watch the rocket fly!

8) Record you data-->(excel file)

Student prior knowledge:

Students must understand and be familiar with Newtons second and third laws. Students must have background knowledge of the different forces that may effect the movement of the rocket. Students must understand that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.


Students will work together to design and engineer a balloon rocket. Students will be divided up into groups of four or less and given a specific diameter they will be inflating their balloons to. Next, students will predict which diameter of balloon will travel the farthest. Students will then be asked to draw a diagram of the forces that are acting upon the balloon. Next, students will experiment with their set volume of air in the balloon to test how far their balloon is able to travel on the string.

Students will record the distance their particular sized balloon traveled in this excel file.


1) Why do you think we inserted a straw into the balloon? What purpose did this serve if any? Predict what would have happened if the balloon did not have a straw in it.

2) Is there any way friction could have been reduced in this experiment? If so how? If there was less friction in this system, how would this effect the experimental results?

3) Can you think of any real life examples where the basic principles that we used in this experiment are put to use?


Applications to Everyday Life:

1) This experiment explains the basic principles behind why the space shuttle is able to fly into space. The force of the exhaust coming out of the back of the rocket propels the rocket forward.

2) The principles in this experiment explain why when you are on an ice skating rink and you push your friend forward you will move backwards in the opposite direction. Since every action has an equal reaction the force you exert pushing your friend forward will also be exerted upon you but in the opposite direction.

3) This experiment explains why when you are standing on a diving board and push down on a spring board the spring board will exert an force on you in the opposite direction and propel you into the air.