Consent (Alex Sandoval)

Title: Consent Communication and Practice

Principle(s) Investigated: Understanding consent and learning how to demonstrate asking for consent.


Lesson is in compliance with California Healthy Youth Act

1.2.S Recognize potentially harmful or abusive relationships, including dangerous dating situations.

8.1.G Encourage and support safe, respectful, and responsible relationships.

Materials: Consent Videos (cell phone, tea, Planned Parenthood Playlist), consent role play scenarios


1. Tell the group that we will be continuing our discussion about consent and practicing different ways to ask and give consent.

2. Ask the group what words or phrases come to ming when it comes to consent?

Brainstorm words and phrases on the board or large post its. (Words should include concepts that have been reviewed in previous unit)

3. Review the components of consent

4. Depending on time, you can show video(s) (ex. cell phone, tea, Planned Parenthood Playlist)

5. Tell the group that now we’re going to get into smaller groups and practice consent skills.

6. Explain that each pair will get 2 scenarios, and will each have a chance to practice while their partner listens.

7. Give each pair two scenarios and ask the pairs to work together for 2 minutes to answer the 3 questions on the card.

8. After 2 minutes, tell them to switch to the second card and have the other person in the pair answer the 3 questions.

9. Ask for one or two volunteers to role-play in front of the large group what they said for.

10. Discuss how that went for the students:

What went well?

How did it feel to say "no" or hear a "no"?

What will you do differently now that you’ve seen the videos and practiced the role plays?

How confident do you feel about practicing consent in your life?

11. Summarize activity and thank students for participating.

Student prior knowledge: Students will have already had a unit where consent is explained in detail and they will know the components (Freely given, Reversible, Informative, Enthusiastic, Specific).

Questions & Answers:

1. What are the benefits of having consent? Answers may include: both partners truly know what is going on and are comfortable with the situations, we are respecting others and their boundaries, communication between partners, its the right thing to do, you can have a safe and healthy time with your partner

2. What could make it difficult to give clear consent in certain situations? Answers may include: someone is asleep, passed out, under the influence

3. How did it feel to practice asking for consent? Answers may include: awkward, easy, good to practice for the future

Applications to Everyday Life: Teaching consent and communication around sexual health is important in order for individuals to learn how to respect others boundaries. Teaching about consent and communication is also important for students to be able to make healthy decisions around sex and understand what a healthy relationship looks like. That is why role playing and practicing in the classroom, a safe space, is a great place to do so in order to feel comfortable and prepared.
