air pressure (shabraya hays)

Shabraya Hays



Develop a model that predicts and describes changes in particle motion, temperature, and state of pure substance when thermal energy is added or removed.


Glass bottle with wide mouth



Boiled egg


· Exploring air pressure

· The amount of air pressure surrounding us

· Observing the changes in particle motion when heat is added

Prior knowledge:

The students will have basic knowledge of air pressure and its properties. Students will know that air takes up space, and is constantly pushing around us.


1. Set up materials in front of class; glass bottle, small cup of water, boiled egg, newspaper and lighter

2. Ask the class is there anyway I can get this egg into the bottle with out using my hands, and without breaking? Have students make their predictions.

3. How do you think I can achieve my goal using the materials on this table? (have students make their predictions.

4. Start experiment, Wet the top of the bottle with small amount of water.

5. Light small piece of newspaper, let the fire catch for a second

6. Place inside the bottle

7. Place the egg on top the bottle

8. The egg will slide into the glass bottle with breaking or being pushed

9. Ask the students to observe the process, and ask them what they think happened? How did it work?

10.Now that we got the egg inside of the bottle, how do you think we can get the egg back out of the bottle?


Air molecules inside the bottle become heated when you place the burning piece of newspaper inside. The air molecules are spreading apart. They start to try to escape pass the egg. The air outside pushing down on the egg is trying to get into the bottle. It pushes the egg inside the bottle.


1. Why does the burning piece of paper help push the egg inside the bottle?

2. How is the air molecules inside the bottle changing and how to they differ from the air molecules on the outside?

3. How can we air pressure again to get the egg out of the bottle?

Real world application

The affects of a change in air pressure happens everyday. Imagine going up in a n airplane, your ears have this need to pop. As you go up to a higher altitude the pressure inside your ear rises and pushes your ear drum out. As the airplane descends the pressure outside the ear pushes it inward, causing the popping sound and balancing everything out. The same thing is happening to the egg in the experiment. Air rushing out, and air pushing in causes the egg to push into the bottle. When you blow back into the bottle the egg pops back out like ear does doing descent of your plane ride.