Nutrition (Guillermo Jimenez)

Title: Sugar Intro

Principle(s) Investigated: Understanding differences between sugar levels in certain foods and drinks.


1.4.N: Describe dietary guidelines, food groups, nutrients, and serving sizes for healthy eating habits

4.2.N: Practice how to refuse less-nutritious foods in social settings

6.1.N: Assess one’s personal nutrition needs and physical activity level

Materials: Printed article, sugar, cups and measuring utensils


1. Start by filling two glass beakers to 250ml. One will be filled with regular coke and the other with coke zero.

2. Place each container above a Bunsen burner and let the coke boil. You will leave this alone until the end of the presentation.

3. Hand out one printed article to each student

4. Begin PowerPoint presentation. Slides one through six require reading off PowerPoint.

5. Starting from slide seven ask the students how much sugar they think is in each food product before moving forward.

6. After student guess demonstrate how much is in each by visually putting the amount of sugar in a container.

7. After slide fifteen the cokes that were left burning should be done evaporating. What’s left is the sugar in each coke. Visually show all the students so that they can see what they are drinking.

Student prior knowledge: Students should have a basic knowledge of measuring utensils and how to read food labels.

Explanation: Sugar is a leading cause of unhealthy weight gains and is not linked to various diseases. By giving student the handout the understand the negative effects of sugar. Through the power point they acquire the knowledge of different sugars produced. Ultimately, they will learn the recommended amount of sugar they should consume a day. By visually aiding them in seeing the sugar content firsthand we intend to aid them in making healthier lifestyle changes.

Questions & Answers:

Do you think about the ingredients of the foods and drinks you consume?

Most students will answer no. This is intended to have them wonder what they are putting in their bodies.

Recall the last time you decided on a food or drink you consumed. What was your thought process behind it?

Most students will answer that they went for the taste or appearance. This will get students to wonder if they are making the right food choices.

Do you know how much sugar is in a 20oz coke?

A 20oz coke has 65g or 15.5 teaspoons of sugar.

Applications to Everyday Life:

Sugar can damage your heart

Sugar specifically promotes belly fat

Sugar is a silent killer

Sugar may be linked to cancer production and may affect cancer survival

Sugar and alcohol have similar toxic liver effects on the body

Sugar may sap your brain power




IMPORTANT NOTE: Embed a Youtube Video that illustrates the procedure and results. This video should reside in your YouTube account and should be viewable by all. You may use a video in another persons YouTube channel if the video is better quality than what you can make.