Demonstrations (Marla Pizzia)

Title: "Glo Germs Glo"

Principle(s) Investigated: Introduction to the germs- How they spread and how to maintain a healthy living. To understand the importance of hand washing and how pertains to a healthy environment. Basic concepts and introduction to bacteria and its parts.

Standards :

7th grade health science : Personal and Community Health

  • 1.5.P Discuss the importance of effective personal and dental hygiene practices for preventing illness

Biology/ life science 9-12th grade

The fundamental life processes of plants and animals depend on a variety of chemical reactions that occur in specialized areas of the organism's cells. As a basis for understanding this concept:

      1. Students know how prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells (including those from plants and animals), and viruses differ in complexity and general structure.
      2. Students know the role of the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus in the secretion of proteins.
      3. Students know most macromolecules (polysaccharides, nucleic acids, proteins, lipids) in cells and organisms are synthesized from a small collection of simple precursors
      4. * Students know how eukaryotic cells are given shape and internal organization by a cytoskeleton or cell wall or both.

Materials: Bottle of Glo Germ liquid and powder, black light, paper towels, paper the shape of a hand, water, and soap.

Procedure: Activity/ lesson goes as follows:

  • Begin by asking students what they know about germs. write their examples on a KWL chart under the "K" section. Have a brief discussion and move on to " what they want to know" about germs. Chart the list under the "W" section. Explain that they will go back and fill in the " what they have learned" section later on in the week.
  • refer back to the "k" chart and begin provide students with more information and explanation that can elaborate their ideas.
    • Discuss " germs are microorganisms that grow and can many can not be seen with the naked eye"
    • an example a germ is"bacteria "
      • Bacteria can spread and reproduce as fast as every 10 minutes!
  • When bacteria spreads it can cause people to get sick and food to spoil.
  • explain to the class that the lesson will allow us to explore the way bacteria spreads and the importance of hygiene.

Student prior knowledge: Essentially students will need to know minimal. They should know that germs spread and people get sick, as this should have been re-enforced in elementary school. Additionally this is an introduction lesson that will eventually lead into the content lesson. Using the KWL chart I will gauge what students may know, and help extinguish any misconceptions.

Explanation: Once you have followed a general guid line listed above you can begin the activity.

  • have students trace their hands on blank paper. right and left. (set this aside)
  • turn lights off and show students what their hands look like before glow germ
  • turn light on and
    • Give each student a nickel sized amount of the glow germ liquid and have them rub it all over their hands really well.
    • turn the lights off and shine the black light on their hands
    • give them a few minutes to explore their hands and turn the lights back on
    • discuss what they found
  • have students now predict "what will happen when you wash their hands with only water?" - place predictions on on hand "A" (write and draw their prediction)
  • have students lift their paper hands in the air and show a few predictions to the class
  • have students wash their hands with NO SOAP - have students wash their hands how they would normally wash, emphasize not to be dramatic as many people do not wash their hands for 2 minutes at a time.
  • turn the lights back off and then shine the black light on them again
  • see if their predictions come true!
  • have them record their actual discovery on hand "B"
  • Discuss what types of results they had
    • example questions to ask the class about their discovery
      • where did the most germs hide after washing your hands?
      • why do you suppose you found more germs is that area?

Questions & Answers:

  • by using this experiment what are trying to demonstrate here?
    • We are demonstrating the spread of germs/ bacteria and how it can begin the chain of growth and spreading.
  • any ideas of ways to eliminate the spread of the germs?
    • cleaning your hands and keeping good hygiene eliminates the spread of germs
  • What possible problems could occur if we do not take care of our hands?
    • people can get sick. Food can be contaminated, germs can multiply.

Applications to Everyday Life:

  1. Every day life- Prevent illnesses - The spread of germs can contaminate food and the environment causing people to get sick.
  2. Scientific experiments: many scientists must keep a germ free environment in order to have accurate results. Drug makers must not contaminate their experiments or they could cause more harm to their consumers
  3. Food and Beverage business: food can be contaminated through the spread of germs. Bacteria such as ecolii can cause someone to get extremely sick and in some cases death. Keeping ideal conditions can keep us healthy.
  4. Pro Food and Bacteria- some foods such as yogurt need bacteria to be present in order to be consumed and provide healthy digestive systems when in ideal conditions



worksheet for bacteria check out


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