Fast Plants (Sean Berton-Sniderman)

Principles Investigated:

The first principles investigated during this demonstration are the scientific method and experimental design. I will also discuss the differences between making observations and inferences. Finally I will show an effective demonstration of pollination.


7.7a Select and use appropriate tools and technology (including calculators, computers, balances, spring scales, microscopes, and binoculars) to perform tests, collect data, and display data.

7.7c Communicate the logical connection among hypotheses, science concepts, tests conducted, data collected, and conclusions drawn from the scientific evidence.

7.5f Students know the structures and processes by which flowering plants generate pollen, ovules, seeds, and fruit.


-quadrants(for planting into)

-wicks(brings up water from reservoir)

-reservoir with mat

- fertilizer pellets (3 per student)

- seeds (3 per student)


-light bank

-pipette or dropper

-magnifying glass


- big turkey pan (to contain dirt)

-Science notebook


-dried bees



see fast plant procedures (2nd attachment)

Student prior knowledge

The students do not need any prior knowledge to do this activity. It is helpful if they understand the basic needs of a plant. i.e. soil, nutrients, sun, water.


The idea of creating an experiment that isolates variables is foreign to most people. The ability to design an experiment in which all the variables can be adjusted is also difficult. This is a way to demonstrate an effective experimental design that allows for students to explore and investigate their own hypothesis. This demonstration really shows the strength of genetic variation amongst a population. The way in which all of the variables have been controlled allow for the differences to be connected to genetics rather than an environmental condition.

Questions and answers

1. If I plant my seeds without following the exact directions will it really change anything? Won't the plants all be the same as long as I have all the needed materials? why or why not?

the planting procedures must be followed exactly. if you place three fertilizer pellets in one plant and one in another in can change the rates of growth.

2. If your partner makes an observation of his plant and says "it's dead," is that a good observation?

no it's actually an inference based on it's appearance.

3. Is a bee the only way a flower can become pollinated?

no there are many ways flowers can be pollinated some flowers even self pollinate. but pollination can occur anytime the pollen is transfered from stamen to pistil.

Applications to every day life

1. experimental design is used to figure out what is wrong with a car that has a problem.

2. inferences are an important part of our social life, the inferences we make from our observations allow us to be empathetic to our fellow human beings.

3. pollen being transferred by wind causes many of the allergies we feel during windy days.


coming soon
