Scratch Programming (Jeff Boruff)

Title: Basic Programming using Scratch

Principle(s) Investigated: Define, evaluate, and design a solution to a real-life event (rover traversing a maze and collecting objects ) using scientific principles and information supplied during lesson.


Materials: laptop computer, Scratch account.

Procedure & Explanation:

Student prior knowledge: Prior to this experiment/lesson, students should have knowledge of computer operation, including the ability to open up multiple copies of an individual website, having multiple tabs on one page and being able to access each tab separately.

Questions & Answers:

1. how were you able to write your program with no previous experience?

2. what factors must be included in your final program?

3. how did you come up with solutions to implement the above factors in your final program

Applications to Everyday Life: How this project applies to everyday life:

As you prepare for life after graduation, you will find that many jobs in the future will require knowledge of computer programming. This introductory course gives you the basic layout for developing programs as well as giving you the opportunity to create your own program using information that you gather from multiple sources. Being able to create your own work in computer programming will help to lead you to greater opportunities in the future.

As you continue your education you will run into situations where you are assigned large multi-step projects. To be able to complete these projects you will need to be able to break them down into the appropriate steps that are required to allow it to be completed. You will need to figure out what is the first step required to even be able to start the project, as well as all of the additional steps needed to complete each portion and come up with a final product that you will present. By seeing how Scratch works , you are introduced to the steps that are required to create a program. Having the ability to break down an assignment into the multiple steps that will be required to complete it is a very important skill and will be something that you will use for the rest of your life.

As I have already stated, Scratch programming will help you break down projects that you do in school, or even in real life. Yet you can also use this skill of breaking something down into its basic components to help you to understand your self and others. By observing actions that people take, you will be able to attempt to discover the reasons why these actions have been. You would apply if/then statements to come up with reasonable solutions. For instance take – if Bob ____, then Bob is angry. By applying information that you already know about Bob, you will be able to deduce the reason why. So if Bob forgot to do his homework, or if Bob did badly on the test would be two good reasons for the then Bob is angry. You can use this on yourself as well to help you determine why you feel a specific way or what you need to do to get something accomplished.

Photographs: Include photos and diagrams that illustrate the how the investigation is performed.

Videos: Include a video of your investigation