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Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church...

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Foreword by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

“Many people say to me: The youth of today are not interested in this. I disagree, and I am certain that I am right. The youth of today are not as superficial as some think. They want to know what life is really all about. A detective story is exciting because it draws us into the destiny of other men, a destiny that could be ours. This book is exciting because it speaks of our own destiny and so deeply engages every one of us.

So I invite you: Study this Catechism! That is my heartfelt desire. This Catechism was not written to please you. It will not make life easy for you, because it demands of you a new life. It places before you the Gospel message as the “pearl of great value” (Mt 13:46) for which you must give everything. So I beg you: Study this Catechism with passion and perseverance. Make a sacrifice of your time for it! Study it in the quiet of your room; read it with a friend; form study groups and networks; share with each other on the Internet. By all means continue to talk with each other about your faith.

You need to know what you believe. You need to know your faith with that same precision with which an IT specialist knows the inner workings of a computer. You need to understand it like a good musician knows the piece he is playing. Yes, you need to be more deeply rooted in the faith than the generation of your parents so that you can engage the challenges and temptations of this time with strength and determination. You need God’s help if your faith is not going to dry up like a dewdrop in the sun, if you want to resist the blandishments of consumerism, if your love is not to drown in pornography, if you are not going to betray the weak and leave the vulnerable helpless...”

The Holy Eucharist:

I AM the Bread of Life

101 Q&A on the Mass...

Eucharist - I AM the Bread of Life.pdf

The Herald Malaysia (E-Paper)

Catholic news from Malaysia and from around the world...

Herald is now in HARDCOPY, available at your parish.
You can also read the WEB VERSIONHERE.

Cover Page:

Let’s All Fight Corruption

“Corruption is not countered with silence,” the Pope once said. “We must speak about it, denounce its evils, and try to understand it so as to show our resolve to make mercy reign over meanness, beauty over nothingness.”

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Being Jealous of God’s Generosity by Fr Ron Rolheiser

Are we jealous because God is generous? Does it bother us when others are given unmerited gifts and forgiveness?

You bet! Ultimately, that sense of injustice, of envy that someone else caught a break, is a huge stumbling block to our happiness. Why? Because something in us reacts negatively when it seems that life is not making others pay the same dues as we are paying…

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Seeking God Through Imaginative Prayer

Take a few moments to experiment with imaginative prayer. Choose your favourite Gospel story. Read through it a few times to reacquaint yourself with the details.

Put the Bible down and ask God for the grace to come to know, love, and follow Christ more deeply. Step into the scene AS A PARTICIPANT RATHER THAN AS A SPECTATOR. SEE the persons involved, HEAR the words spoken, WATCH the actions performed. PAY ATTENTION to where you find yourself in the story. What do you see? What do you hear? How do you feel? What goes through your mind? Above all, INTERACT WITH CHRIST as He meets you in this story, SHARE WHATEVER IS ON YOUR HEART with Him, and LISTEN to what He may be saying to you. Afterward make a few notes of how it went for you.

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Give Migrants and Refugees A Chance

Pope Francis said history showed that new arrivals played ‘fundamental role’ in social and economic growth. “This continues to be true in our own day. Their work, their youth, their enthusiasm, and their willingness to sacrifice and enrich the communities that receive them...”

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Our Real Demons by Fr Ron Rolheiser

What do demons actually look like?

There’s a very powerful one named ‘paranoia’ who brings with him a series of other demons: ‘distrust’, ‘suspicion’, ‘self-protection’, and ‘fear’… Then there is a demon named ‘pride’, with him a very nasty companion called ‘envy’… Next, come the demons of ‘gluttony’ and ‘greed’, they bring with him the demon of ‘lust’…

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Pope Urges Peace in ‘Senseless and Tragic War’ in Ukraine

(Pope Francis’ Visit to Kazakhstan, Sep 13-15, 2022)

“I have come here as a pilgrim of peace, seeking dialogue and unity. Our world urgently needs peace: it needs to recover harmony.”

(Pray for Ukraine)

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Malaysia Day Message By Bishop Cornelius Piong

As Christians, we are citizens of the Kingdom of God and the Government of Malaysia. We live like salt and light, bringing a great influence to those around us wherever we are (Mt 5: 13-16).

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Never Tire of Being Catechists

Pope Francis has encouraged catechists to never get tired of their ministry, to avoid a ‘school lecture’ type of catechesis, and to strive to offer a “living experience of the faith that each of us wishes to pass on to the new generations”.

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Want to be Happier? Go to Confession

Gladsome guilt brought you to confession. Sinful shame tries to tell you that it will do you no good. Shame says, you will never change; you should be embarrassed. But neither God nor the Church knows any of this. You are the sheep that was lost, so very long ago in life. As far as God in the Sacrament is concerned, you were long ago found and brought home. So renew your confidence in God and in yourself.

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Sanctity of Life: Conception

Life. What does it mean to you and at what point does life begin?

(Exploring truth from medical, legal, psychological and, of course, from the spiritual aspect.)

[Watch the full video on Catholics @ Home | Sanctity of Life: Conception]

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Thailand Recognises Catholic Churches After 93-Year Wait

The government of Thailand has officially recognised three Catholic churches after 93-year wait in a bid to foster religious harmony…

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Christianity Is The World’s Most Persecuted Religion

Imagine being at your parish church this Sunday celebrating Eucharist. Just as your pastor finishes his homily, gunfire erupts from the back of the church. As you quickly turn around, you see armed men firing their weapons into the assembly. And with added horror, you see numerous fellow parishioners lying dead…

May this never happen to you. But tragic scenes similar to this, as well as other brutal forms of persecution, are happening to fellow Christians in many countries throughout the world…

(Pray for the persecuted Christians throughout the world.)

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ArchKL Begins Year Dedicated to Families

Archbishop Julian said, “We can choose our friends, but we cannot choose our family. Our family has been put there by God for a purpose – to teach us how to get along and to be patient with each other, and to forgive...”

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Why Should We Vote in the Next GENERAL ELECTION?

Fr Clarence Devadass reiterated that as citizens, it is OUR MORAL DUTY AS CATHOLICS to vote as stated in the social teaching of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC).

[Watch the full video on Catholics @ Home | GE 15: Why Bother Going to Vote?]

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‘Rules of War Cannot be Dominated.


(Vatican Media interview with Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk, head of the Ukranian Greek-Catholic Church, 6 months after the Russian Aggression)

We experience, in a direct way, that war is the ‘MYSTERIUM INIQUITATIS’ St Paul spoke of: it is truly a mystery of evil that opens up in the world. That aggressor who starts the wat lives the illusion that he can dominate the rules of war, but it is, indeed, an illusion.


God is the source of peace; He is the Lord of peace. We believe that only He can put an end to this mystery of iniquity.

(Pray for peace in Ukraine, Sri Lanka and Nicaragua.)

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Asian Bishops to Inaugurate General Conference

In 1970, on the occasion of Pope Paul VI’s visit to Manila, the Asian Bishops came together for the first time. From that meeting flowed the desire to strengthen the collegiality among them and the need to define and articulate what it means to be ‘Church in Asia’ in the spirit of Vatican II.

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Friar George Ho: It Was Like a Romantic Relationship

“Despite my failures, I knew deep down I was loved not only by my Mum but also by God, but I did not know how it was so. That feeling intensified during my first Holy Communion. After receiving the Holy Eucharist, I remember how deeply I felt His loving presence within. I felt I was indescribably slain by His love.”

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One God, One Guidance System, And One Road for All of Us by Fr Ron Rolheiser

God is the same. We have an intended destination and God gives us constant instruction along the way. Religion and the Church are an excellent GPS. However, they can be ignored and frequently are. But, God’s response is never one of anger nor of a final impatience. Like a trusted GPS, God is forever saying ‘recalculating’ and giving us new instructions predicated on our failure to accept the previous instruction. Eventually, no matter our number of wrong turns and dead ends, God will get us home.

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Pope Francis: Desire for Eternal Youth is ‘Delusional’

“The conceit of stopping time – of wanting eternal youth, unlimited well-being, absolute power – is not only impossible, it is delusional. Our existing on earth is the time of the initiation of life; it is life, but one that leads you towards a fuller life… a life which finds fulfilment only in God.”

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Where Does God Show Up on Your Calendar?

Where does our faith show up (in our calendar)?... Standing on front of the jam-packed calendar and realising how little of our faith was revealed gave me a wake-up call…

Could we celebrate an extra feast day each month at home, to enliven our faith as a family? Are we called to a retreat, a class or a group at our parish – something new to help us grow in faith?...

I know the prayer I need to carry with me now, a psalm in my pocket: “Teach us to number our days with You in the centre. Give us the wisdom to give our time to You.”

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Ortega Regime Shuts Down Diocesan Radio Stations in Nicaragua

Nicaraguan police BROKE INTO Divine Mercy parish the night of August 1 in the town of Sebaco in the Diocese of Matagalpa to SHUT DOWN one of the five Catholic radio stations ORDERED TO BE CLOSED by the Daniel Ortega regime…

“All our radio stations have been closed. But they won’t silence the Word of God. We will continue to report and denounce the situation that, like this one, continues to violate the freedom of speech and religion in Nicaragua,” said Bishop Alvarez.

(Pray for the Church in Nicaragua)

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Catholics Respond with Prayer and Song When Protesters Disrupt Conference

When protesters tried to disrupt a conference of Catholic leaders held over the weekend in Napa, California, they soon gave up when their chants were drowned out by 800 people singing 'Salve Regina', a hymn to the Virgin Mary…

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Disarmed and Dangerous by Fr Ron Rolheiser

DISARMED AND DANGEROUS! Corny as that may sound, it expresses the REAL THREAT to injustice, violence, and war. DISARMAMENT IS DANGEROUS. Someone who is genuinely unarmed is ultimately the one who poses the greatest danger to disorder, immorality, and violence. Violence can withstand violence, but it can be brought down by non-violence…

Jesus was disarmed and so dangerous that the authorities of His time found it necessary to kill Him. His complete non-violence constituted the ultimate threat to the established order. Notice how both the civil and religious authorities at the time did not so much fear an armed murderer (Barabbas) as they feared an unarmed Jesus…

Disarmed and dangerous. To carry no weapon except moral integrity is the ultimate threat to all that is not right.

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Church’s Failures Are Not The End of the Story


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Why Is There Something Instead of Nothing? by Fr Ron Rolheiser

Among Thomas Aquinas’ arguments, we find this one: Imagine walking down a road and finding a stone on the ground and asking yourself, ‘who put that stone there?’ You could simply conclude that it has always been there and think no further about it.

However, imagine walking down a road and finding a clock that is still keeping time, and asking yourself, ‘who put the clock there?’ In this case, you could not simply say it has always been there and leave it at that. Why? Because the clock has a clear intelligent design that demands some intelligence designed it. As well, it is still keeping time, which means it could not have always been there. SOMEONE PUT IT THERE, AND AT SOME CLEAR POINT IN TIME…

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Covenant Between Humanity, Environment Needed

Humanity can no longer ignore the cries of the earth that is suffering due to greed and excessive consumption of its resources, Pope Francis said.

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2nd World Day for Grandparents and Elderly – Jul 24, 2022

Connecting the Old and the Young

In 2040, 20% of the world population will be over 65 – that is 1 in 5 people on the planet. Moreover, in 2040, there will be more human beings over the age of 65 than under the age of 5 – a statistic that has never before occurred in human history. What are the implication for healthcare, housing, food, mental health services, government aid and pastoral care?

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Are We Ready to Journey As One?

Archbishop Simon likened the Pre-Synod Assembly to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus (Lk 24: 13-35). As they were traumatised after witnessing Jesus’s cruel crucifixion and death, so are the People of God, coming out of a gruesome two-year pandemic. At Emmaus, Jesus first asked what was bothering them, He listened to their grief and story. Then He opened their hearts and minds to the Scriptures...

We must continue to ask, “What is the Holy Spirit saying to the Church TODAY? And we must always be ready, available, waiting and alert!

(See Page 2, 4, 5, 6 for the summary and a synthesis of the (arch)diocesan reports.)

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Women to Have a Role in Choosing Bishops

In a historical first, Pope Francis announced his intention to include two women on the committee advising him on the selection of bishops.

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Reparation Mass for Vandalism at Keningau Cathedral

Holy Hour, followed by a Reparation Mass will be held on Thursday, July 14 as a penitential act for the vandalism that occurred at the Cathedral of St Francis Xavier on Thursday, July 7...

“We need to forgive the person for, as we know, he was not of stable mind when he committed this act, and thus, let us pray for him. The Church will not ask for compensation,” said Bishop Piong.”

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Embrace Vatican II Liturgical Reforms

Pope Francis said he believes the ongoing clashes over the Church’s liturgy calls for Catholics to ‘abandon our polemics’ and ‘safeguard our communion’. He warned that it would be ‘trivial’ to read the tensions present around the Mass as a divergence in taste between one ritual form or another...

The beauty and the centrality of the Mass should not be spoilt by a ‘superficial and foreshortened understanding of its values or, worse yet, by its being exploited in service of some ideological vision, no matter the hue.’

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‘Find Hope Amidst Conflict, Global Crisis’

‘Hope in times of crisis... can be found in small acts of conversation and communication, appreciating one another’s differences and celebrating what we have in common…’

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Church Must Go Out to ‘Meet the World’

Like Sts Peter and Paul, the Church must go out to evangelise and not be bound by the chains of routine and spiritual mediocrity that stifles the Gospel message…

At times, Christians may be overcome by laziness and ‘prefer to sit and contemplate the few sure things that we possess, rather than getting up and looking to new horizons, towards the open sea…’

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Marriage Preparation is a ‘Duty of Justice’

“There is, therefore, first and foremost, a duty to accompany with a sense of responsibility those who manifest the intention to be united in marriage, so that they may be persevered from the traumas of separation and never lose faith in love.”

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Make Self-Care a Priority by Fr Philip Chua

Let us be clear: self-care is not synonymous with self-indulgence or being selfish… Self-care includes anything that we do to care for our physical, psychological, spiritual, and emotional health. A simple way of interpreting self-care is viewing it from the perspective of “me too”, as opposed to “me first”…

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“Can you come to Ukraine to save all the children?”

A young Ukrainian boy, Sachar asked Pope Francis, “I do not have a question but a request: Can you come to Ukraine to save all the children who are suffering there now?”

(Pray for Ukraine)

[Catholic News Service | Pope makes Pentecost appeal for Ukraine]

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Nigerian Church attack: When suffering is overlooked

It is striking to browse the webpages of major news outlets and not see among the top news items – with few exceptions – the dramatic MASSACRE carried out in a CATHOLIC CHURCH IN NIGERIA DURING MASS ON PENTECOST SUNDAY.

(Pray for Nigeria)

[Rome Reports | Pope prays for the victims of the Church massacre in Nigeria]

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Don’t Be Guardian of Dead Traditions!

“An eloquent example of how to confront the crisis can be found in the epic figure of Aneneas, who amid the flames of his burning city, carries on his shoulders his elderly father Anchises and takes the young son Ascanius by the hand, leading them both to safety.”

“Aneneas saves himself, but not by himself. He brings with him his father, who represents his past, and his son, who represents the future. And so he moves forward…”

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Being Chosen a Cardinal

(Most Rev William Goh, Archbishop of Singapore)

I have never thought of any appointments, certainly not to the College of Cardinals… But God works in mysterious ways. Man proposes, He disposes…

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Resumption of Parish Activities

(Chancery Extract of the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur)

The highlights of changes will take effect from Sunday, June 5, 2022…

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Organ Trade is New ‘Organised Crime’

Decrying human trafficking, Cardinal Charles Bo of Myanmar sounded the alarm on the organ trade, calling it a new form of ‘HUMAN CANNIBALISM’...

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Week-long Prayer for China

“We are incensed and aggrieved by the oppression and persecution of China’s Christians and other religious minorities, some of whom are even suffering genocide. We pray for the government of China to govern with respect for universal and immutable human dignity and freedom of conscience and religion.”

Following the arrest of Hong Kong Cardinal Joseph Zen, Cardinal Charles Bo, President of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC), has renewed and strengthened his call: “I urge Christians of all traditions everywhere to pray for Hong Kong especially, and the Church China, as well as the Uyghurs, Tibetan’s and others facing persecution in China.”

(Pray for the Church in China and the people in China)

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Liturgy Should Lead To Unity, Not Division

Pope Francis said that the liturgy should not be ‘a battleground’ for ‘outdated issues’.

“I emphasise again that the liturgical life, and the study of it, should lead to greater Church unity, not division. When the liturgical life is a bit like a banner of division, there is the stench of the devil in there, the deceiver.”

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Time for Catholics to Return to Mass

With the COVID pandemic receding the bishops in England and Wales have announced the reinstatement of the Sunday Mass obligation. While the online-streaming of Catholic services has helped the faithful, the bishops said, online viewing of Mass DOES NOT fulfil a Catholic’s Sunday obligation.

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Killing the Innocent by ABORTION is not mercy!

“It is not mercy to kill the innocent by abortion, it is not mercy for the child that is eliminated, nor for the mother to whom they want to present that action as a solution.”

“It is not mercy to mutilate human beings by not taking care of their development and moral and religious instruction; it is not mercy, moving forward and abandoning the one who is left behind…”

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Fear of Missing Out by Fr Ron Rolheiser

Remember how as a child, tired and unable to keep your eyes open, you still struggled against anyone who would try to put you to bed… You didn’t want to miss anything… while so much life was going on… We never really outgrow that…

... Dying is hard. Letting go is hard. Being pushed aside is hard. Disappearing from life is particularly hard, That’s why little children don’t like being put to bed.

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Let us NOT get used to war! by Tony Magliano

“Please, please, let us not get used to war! Let us all commit ourselves to imploring peace, from our balconies and in our streets! Peace!” Thus proclaimed Pope Francis in his Easter message Urbi et Orbi.

(Pray for peace in Ukraine and peace in the world.)

Note: There will be no Herald e-Paper next Sunday 8 May 2022. Next issue will be on 15 May 2022.

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Pope Francis Laments ‘Easter of War’

In his Urbi et Orbi blessing on Easter 2022, Pope Francis lamented an ‘EASTER OF WAR’ as he prayed for PEACE IN UKRAINE and AROUND THE WORLD...

“Faced with the continuing signs of war, as well as the many painful setbacks to life, Jesus Christ, the Victor over sin, fear and death, exhorts us not to surrender to evil and violence…"


(Pray for peace in Ukraine and around the world)

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Blood of Bucha Victims ‘Cries Out to Heaven’!

Pope Francis CONDEMNED the ‘HORRIFIC CRUELTIES’ against unarmed women and children in Bucha, Ukraine, saying that the blood of the innocent civilians ‘cries out to heaven’ for an end to the atrocities of war…_

“And, in the current war in Ukraine, we are witnessing the impotence of the organisations of the United Nations!”

(Pray for Ukraine)

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Pope Francis Speaks of Peace, But…

Pope Francis ‘no’ to war, a radical and convinced ‘no’, has nothing to do with so-called neutrality nor can it be presented as a partisan position or motivated by political-diplomatic calculations. In this war, there are aggressors and there are the attacked. There are those who attacked and invaded, killing unarmed civilians, hypocritically masking the conflict under the guise of ‘special military operation’, and there are those who strenuously defend themselves by fighting for their own land. The Successor of Peter has said this several times in very clear words, condemning without qualification the invasion and martyrdom of Ukraine that has been going on for more than a month…

(Pray for Ukraine)

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Malaysian Church Joins Pope Francis in Consecrating Ukraine and Russia to Mary

Pope Francis consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on Friday, March 25. He entrusted the nations to Mary’s help and protection…

(Pray for Ukraine)

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The Immaculate Heart of Mary Will Triumph!

“In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph!” These were the words of Our Lady to the shepherd children of Fatima over 100 years ago, words that give hope in the midst of the clamour of wars.

On March 25, Pope Francis will consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary...

Prayer allows itself to be transformed into actions, charity and practical faith. Prayer, in its weakness, can appear to be a failure. Even God seems to fail in Jesus on the cross: instead, it was there that He conquered hatred, evil, death, and began a new history, a new creation...

(Also on Cover Page: Special Prayer for Ukraine)

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Lent is About Eternal Rewards, NOT Appearances

Pope Francis cautioned against the temptation to allow Lenten prayer, fasting and almsgiving to be taken over by an ‘illness of appearances’ that cares more about earthly than eternal rewards.

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Bishops Call for A Stop to Violence and War

The Catholic Church of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei is ‘joining the chorus of Christian leaders across Asia, together with people of faith and goodwill, in humbly appealing for peace and justice. We call upon Russia, Ukraine and all interested parties to PUT A STOP to the MADNESS and VIOLENCE of war and come to the table of peace and justice.’

(Pray for Ukraine)

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Plea for Peace

(‘May those who hold the fate of the world in their hands spare us from the horror of war’)

Vatican Secretary of the State Cardinal Pietro Parolin has CONDEMNED a Russian military offensive in Ukraine, calling the move TRAGIC and issuing an appeal for negotiation and goodwill to prevail in preventing the outbreak of further violence…


(Pray for Ukraine)

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Pope’s Francis’ Lenten Message

‘Let us not grow tired of doing good, for in due time we shall reap our harvest, if we do not give up. So then, while we have the opportunity, let us do good to all.’ [Gal 6: 9-10]

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The Perfect Ritual by Fr Ron Rolheiser

Sometimes it takes an OUTSIDER to help you see the beauty and depth of something you have never fully appreciated.

David P. Gushee, an Evangelical (in his book ‘After Evangelism’) describes, “I view the design of the CATHOLIC MASS as something like A POLISHED GEM, REFINED OVER TIME TO A STATE OF GREAT BEAUTY – if you know what you are looking at… The movement of the Mass manages to accomplish so much in something like an hour – a processional, with the cross held high; greetings in the name of the triune God; early confession of sin, brief but compelling; an Old Testament reading by a lay person; a sung psalm; an Epistle reading by a lay person; the Gospel reading by the priest and the ceremony around it; a brief homily; the centering movement provided by the creed and the prayers of the people. An offertory and music. Then right to the Table – the people offer gifts that are then offered to God and come back to the people as Christ’s body and blood; the kneeling in humility; the Lord’s prayer as an important part of the Eucharistic rite; the precious chance to pass the peace with neighbours just before the supper; more kneeling; the chance to watch people coming up for Communion and pray for them, or instead be quiet with God; the final Trinitarian blessing and recessional.”

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‘Unacceptable to Trample on Human Rights’

(The first Interview of the newly-ordained Bishop Stephen Chow Sau-yan of the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong)

‘I find it UNACCEPTABLE for human dignity to be ignored, trampled upon, or eliminated entirely. God gave us this dignity when He created us in His image and likeness. And therefore it is universal because it comes from the love of God...’

(Pray for Bishop Stephen Chow Sau-yan and the Church in Hong Kong)

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Maturing of Christian Faith and Mindfulness by Fr Michael Kelly, SJ

Being aware of the presence of God makes us alert to the promptings of the Spirit and move us into God’s presence in all we experience. And this experience is the antidote to the exhaustion that comes when we realise that our struggle for relevance in our faith or compelling intellectual coherence in our understanding of faith assertions will never actually meet our requirements.

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All Have The Right to Life

People have a right to life, not to death, which must be welcomed but never provoked, Pope Francis said.

The Pope also criticised a problem he said is real for older people ‘in certain social class’ – of not being given all of the medicine or care they need, since they lack the money.


“One must never ‘forget the uniqueness of each patient, his or her dignity and frailties’. IT IS THE PERSON IN HIS OR HER ENTIRETY WHO IS IN NEED OF CARE: body, mind, affections, freedom and will, spiritual life… Care cannot be divided; because the human being cannot be divided.”

“The saints who cared for the sick always followed the Master’s teaching: heal the wounds of the body and soul; pray and act for physical and spiritual healing together.”

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When Our World Is Falling Apart by Fr Ron Rolheiser

It’s a journey we all need to make in times of chaos and deep restlessness in our lives, namely, to find a place, a space, a friend, a family, a house, a table, a bed, a book, or something that grounds us again in security, trust, stability, and faith.

Of course, there are headaches and heartaches for which there is no cure; but the soul doesn’t need to be cured, only properly cared for. Our task is to go ‘home’, to find those people, places, prayers, and books that caress our souls at those times when our world is falling apart.

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Everyone Suffers in War

‘May the winds of war be silenced.’

‘May the wounds of men, women, and children be preserved from the horrors of conflict.’

[Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher]

(Pray for Ukraine)

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Corruption Will Be the Ruin of A Nation by Anil Netto

These days, corruption and accountability are very much in the news. Just days after an anti-corruption protest in Kuala Lumpur, came more alarming news: Malaysia has dropped five rungs to 62nd place out of 100 nations in Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index for 2021…

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360 Million Christians Persecuted Worldwide Last Year!

Based on data collected on the ground, the annual Watch List distinguishes between two main expressions of persecution – “squeeze” (pressure such as restricting believers’ private, family, social, civil or ecclesial life…) and “smash” (plain violence such as beatings, assassinations, destruction of churches…)

5,898 Christians lost their lives last year because of their faith. That includes 4,650 in Nigeria and 620 in Pakistan.

“This translates into 16 Christians being killed every day around the world…”

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Reading the Bible from the HEART of the Church

Ultimately, reading the Bible is supposed to help us encounter Jesus Christ, the living Word of God.

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Where My Sight Cannot Reach, My Other Senses Can

(Sr Veronica shares her story as a visually-impaired religious sister from Kenya.)

“I am not shy about talking about myself! This is part of life! This situation is normal. Challenges are everywhere… you must learn to handle your challenges and not allow them to handle you. Once God diminishes one sense, the others increase. Where my sight cannot reach, I can use my imagination, and sensitivity… and common sense. It depends on the gift of each one.”

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What We Do in Private… by Fr Ron Rolheiser

No one is an island; indeed, no one is ever really alone. If you are a person of faith, or even just someone with highly attuned intuitive sense, you will know that there is no such thing as private act, for good or bad. Everything we do, no matter how private, affects others. We aren’t isolated nomads whose private thoughts and acts have no effects on anyone else…

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It Is Time to Rebuild

“It is time to rebuild Brazil, it is time to rebuild society in justice and peace.”

“Selfish attitude, unlimited consumption, disregard for the common home and indifference towards the poorest have caused many diseases.”

“Christians are challenged to show to the way to be exemplary in following Jesus Christ...”

(Pray for Brazil)

Page 7:

China Seeks to Expand Influence Over Hong Kong’s Catholic Church

China’s religious overseers have been gearing up to exert influence over people of faith in Hong Kong…

Those involved in the meeting have shared that mainland officials stressed the need for greater ‘Sinicisation’ of the faith, a Chinese policy which incorporates the supremacy of the Chinese state and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) into the prerequisites of religion.

(Pray for Hong Kong and China)

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Prepare for Christmas by Serving Others

With Christmas just a week away, Christians should prepare for Jesus’ birth by serving those in need rather than focusing on what awaits them under the Christmas tree, Pope Francis said.

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Getting Vaxxed is an Act of Love, Social Justice

“Vaccination offers protection, not only for ourselves, but also for our brothers and sisters, particularly the more fragile among us. It is thus an act of love and care and also one of responsibility and social justice.”


There will be no Herald e-paper on 26 Dec 2021. The next issue will be on 2 Jan 2022.

Cover Page:

Enough is Enough, My Dear Myanmar! by Archbishop of Yangon, Myanmar

How do we explain events where the poor were getting treatment for COVID and conflict-related wounds? Violence raged. We do not ever condone the injustice and suffering of the innocents. Those expected to guard the life and security of our people have become a frightening cause for distress and dread. Even to them, we say: There is power in Love. This is the message of Jesus and Christmas...

Page 9:

BBC Names Myanmar Nun to List of 100 Most Influential, Inspiring Women

Sr Twang knelt in front of armed forces… to halt their pursuit of fleeing demonstrators... She pleaded with the police not to harm the protestors…

(Pray for Myanmar)

Page 19:

Gaudete Sunday – the Third Sunday of Advent

The Third Sunday of Advent is also known as Gaudete Sunday. The word ‘gaudete’ is derived from the Latin word ‘gaudium,’ which means joy, and ‘gaudeo,’ means to rejoice or be glad…

Page 14:

Leaving Church by Fr Ron Rolheiser

Where do you go when anger keeps you away from your family table?

Do you search for a more like-minded family?

Do you give up on finding a family table?

Do you just stay home on a Sunday morning?

Are you okay to go to your deathbed still angry?

Are you content to remain disillusioned?

Page 19:

Advent: Hope and Waiting

(Most Rev John Wong’s Message for Advent)

We will be Advent people, people who wait with Hope, people who not only focus here and now but who look forward to the fulfilment of the promise of the coming Kingdom…

Cover Page:

Pope to Persons with Disabilities: the Church is Truly Your Home

“The Church is truly your home! We, all of us together, are Church, because Jesus chose to be our friend… Everyone has a part to play; no one is a mere extra.”

Page 5:

Catholics @ Home | Vaccine Hesitancy: What It Means and What We Need to Know

Dr Benedict Sim, consultant infectious disease physician at Sungai Buloh Hospital speaking about vaccine hesitancy… He warns against obtaining unverified information about vaccines from non-credible sources on the Internet or from messaging apps like WhatsApp. He encourages people to speak to their doctor if in doubt.

(Watch Catholics @ Home | Vaccine Hesitancy)

Page 14:

Dealing with Emotional Paralysis by Fr Ron Rolheiser

Not everyone is Jesus, who went into the darkness of His crucifixion alone. Except, except, He wasn’t alone. He was with His Father. If we trust our faith strongly enough to know that, irrespective of anything, we will know that God is there for us, then we can risk entering the darkness alone…

Cover Page:

The Gift of the Eucharist

(US Bishops foster Eucharistic devotion with new document)

US Bishops are calling on American Catholics to “enter more deeply by faith and love” into the Mystery of Mysteries, the REAL PRESENCE OF CHRIST in the Eucharist…

Page 9:

Blessed Carlos Acutis Named A Patron of Eucharistic Revival Campaign

“The more often we receive the Eucharist, the more we will become like Jesus, so that on earth, we will have a foretaste of heaven.”

[Blessed Carlos Acutis, 1991-2006]

Cover Page:

Christ’s Mission Continues Amid the Pandemic

“Discipleship in the Church does not stop while we are socially distanced. The mission of Christ does not stop while we are separated through concern for the spread of the virus infection...”

Page 7:

China Shuts Down Christian School in Beijing

Rights groups say the crackdown on churches and Christian organisations including charities, schools and orphanages has intensified since 2018 when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) adopted repressive new regulations on religious affairs…

(Pray for China)

Back Page:

Myanmar Junta Amends Broadcasting Law to Curb Media

“In effect, the Broadcasting Law now also applies to Internet including YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, media websites and other platforms used to publish videos, podcasts and similar digital versions of traditional television and radio…”

The junta suppressed the press following the Feb 1 coup and has charged several journalists with defamation and unlawful association. It also revoked the licenses of private media outlets.

(Pray for Myanmar)

Page 10:

Look Deeper to See the ‘Spiritual Reality’ of the Eucharist, the Unborn, and Unhoused

Every Mass is a miracle. Do we see it? When we receive the Eucharist, do we see beyond the appearances of bread and wine to the reality of Jesus Christ offering Himself to us?…

Can we see beyond the physical appearance to the reality that science now show us: That each child in its mother’s womb is a unique, living human being? That each abortion kills a human life?...

The two things are intimately connected: reverence for the sacred Eucharist and reverence for human if where it is most vulnerable and defenseless…

Page 14:

Beware of Your Inner Circles by Fr Ron Rolheiser

We define and protect our idiosyncratic islands by a particular ideology, view of politics, view of morality, view of gender, and view of religion. Anyone who doesn’t share our view is unwelcomed and not worthy of our time and respect...

We have the social media where we can find the exact ideology, politics, and moral and religious perspective that fosters, protects and isolates our island and makes our little nuclear clique one of self-sufficiency, exclusivity and intolerance. Today, we all have the tools to plumb the media until we find exactly the “truth” we like…

Cover Page:

Pope Calls For ‘Mission of Compassion’ Spurred By Pandemic

“We know that the call to mission is not a thing of the past, or a romantic leftover from earlier times. Today, too, Jesus needs hearts capable of experiencing vocation as a true love story that urges them to go forth to the peripheries of our world as messengers and agents of compassion.”

Page 14:

Permission To Be Sad by Fr Ron Rolheiser

Sadness is an unavoidable part of life and not, in itself, a negative thing... This needs to be honoured in our Eucharists and in other Church gatherings. Church is not just a place for upbeat celebration. It is also supposed to be a safe place where we can break down. Liturgy too must give us permission to be sad… We need to be true to our souls by being true to its feelings.

Cover Page:

(Pastoral Letter from Rt Rev Sebastian Francis)

For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation and Mission

“The purpose of the synod of this consultation is not to produce documents but to plant dreams, draw forth prophesies and visions, allow hope to flourish, inspire trust, bind up wounds, weave together relationships, awaken a dawn of hope, learn from one another, and create a bright resourcefulness that will enlighten minds, warm hearts and give strength to our hands.” (Preparatory Document)

The vision of a Synodal Church calls for:

a) a journey of personal conversion; and

b) obedience to the direction of the Holy Spirit, through the Church

Page 10:

Fratelli Tutti’ Important for Muslims too, says Grand Imam

“The encyclical is useful for Muslims and, at the same time, for others because it emphasises that we are brother,” he said, noting that the Qu’ran says to Muslims: “You are brothers and you are equal in humanity.”

Cover Page:

Demilitarise Our Hearts

Pope Francis urged everyone to work toward purifying of hearts so that peace may fill our world.

“We must not be indifferent onlookers… On the contrary, we need to empathise with those who share our humanity, its aspirations, its struggles, and its frailties…”

Page 3:

MCCBCHST Calls For Action Against Muslim Preacher

In a one-minute TikTok video released on Oct 2, Syakir claimed that in the ‘last days on earth’ the enemies of Islam will swarm Muslims like how crowds of people swarm a tray of food, and this is how the ‘non-believers or kafir (infidels) are swarming Muslims today’…”

He also says that Buddhists and Hindus are bombing mosques and killing Muslims in Thailand, India, and Pakistan.

Page 12 & 13:

World Day Against the Death Penalty, October 10

Death Penalty – Stop That Killing!

Human life is sacred. From its beginning, it involves the creative action of God and remains forever in a special relationship with the Creator, who is its sole end. (CCC 2258). Every human person is made in the ‘image and likeness’ of God (Gn 1: 27). God is the sole master of life. The death penalty simply disregards the inherent dignity of the human person and the God-given value of human life.

If the government insists that killing is wrong, then it should not kill either.

Cover Page:

Pope’s October Prayer Intention:

May All Christians Be Missionary Disciples

“Jesus asks us all, and you as well, to be missionary disciples. Are you ready?”

Page 5:

Fr Rob Galea – From Rebel to Musician to Priest

“I used to pray that I would be able to sing and tell the world about God’s love, but I put one condition to Jesus – I’ll do whatever you want, but please don’t let me be a priest…”

(Watch Catholics @ Home | All Access Fr Rob Galea)

Cover Page, Page 8-10:

Fraternity, Inclusiveness and the Wider ‘WE’

Our ‘WE’ – both in the wider world and within the Church – noted the Pope, is crumbling and cracking due to myopic and aggressive form of nationalism and radical individualism…

The Church today is called to go out to the streets of ‘every periphery’ to heal wounds and approach those who have gone astray, without being afraid and without proselytizing

Page 11:

Synodal Process Not About ‘Gathering Opinions’, But ‘Listening to the Holy Spirit’

The Pope said that this wasn’t simply ‘theological opinion’ or merely ‘personal thought’ but, rather, the blueprint for the Church contained in the Acts of the Apostles, which shows the early Christian community ‘walking together’.

He reflected on episodes from the New Testament which showed how the first Christians resolved their seemingly irreconcilable differences by gathering together to make decisions. He repeatedly emphasized the Holy Spirit’s leading role in decision making…

The pilgrim hermeneutic, that is, one that is one the move. The journey that began after the Council? No. It began with the first Apostles and continues…

Page 14:

When We Doubt the Power of Prayer by Fr Ron Rolheiser

Jesus said that there are certain demons that can only be cast out by prayer and fasting. I suspect that we find that easier to believe literally, in terms of an evil spirit being cast out of a person, than to believe that our prayer can cast out the more earthily demons of hatred, injustice, misunderstanding, division, war, racism, nationalism, bigotry, and bodily and mental illness.

Prayer is a sneaky, hidden antibiotic – needed precisely when it seems most useless.

Page 10:

We Need ‘Creativity of the Gospel’, Not ‘A Defensive Catholicism’

“This is the first thing we need: a Church that can walk together, that can tread the paths of life holding high the living flame of the Gospel. The Church is not a fortress, a stronghold, a lofty castle, self-sufficient and looking out upon the world below...”

Page 14:

The Triumph of Good Over Evil by Fr Ron Rolheiser

Goodness will triumph over evil, not because I wish it, but because God has promised it and, in Resurrection, God showed that God has the power to deliver that promise...


SEP 5-12, 2021

Page 12:

Christ Is with Us in The Eucharist

Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco: “The Church has no other name to announce and adore: Jesus Christ. Remember, His face is the Gospel, His presence is the Eucharist.”

Back Page:

The Eucharist Should Not Be Received Unworthily

“It is STILL the doctrine of the Church, that anyone who knows himself or herself to be in a state of serious sin which distances him from the love of God, should not move forward to receive Holy Communion…”

“There is a debate going on in some countries about whether a politician, who for political reasons votes for an immoral law, should be prevented from receiving Holy Communion...”

“If voting for an immoral law, even in a secular state, amounts to becoming an ACCOMPLICE TO THE CRIME, then we would be dealing with a moral decision that is INCOMPATIBLE with receiving Holy Communion…”

“Even if he is unable to prevent the passage of an immoral law, he should AT LEAST be on a record of having opposed it…”

Cover Page:

Pope Francis: Choose Christ Over (Mere) Formalities

Pope Francis asked Catholics to reflect on how they live the faith, and strive to put Christ at the centre of their actions to avoid falling into MERE formalities…

“Does the love of Christ crucified and risen again remain at the centre of our life as the wellspring of salvation, or are we content with a few religious formalities to salve our consciences?”

Page 5:

Catholics @ Home | Finding God in All Things with Fr James Martin, SJ

“The key is to notice where God is and to pay attention to it. It could be something as simple as the laughter of a child, or receiving a funny text message from a friend, or having a good meal. Most of our prayer life and spirituality is noticing these things. If we are not attentive, we may overlook and miss them”

(Watch Catholics @ Home: Finding God in All Things)

Cover Page:

Let Us Build a Better Future for Malaysia

(Merdeka Day and Malaysia Day Message 2021 from the Catholic Bishops of Peninsular Malaysia)

“The never-ending COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the lives of all Malaysians... The political crisis which has started at the beginning of 2020 seems to have caused greater instability in the country… The building of a nation belongs neither to the elite nor to a select few. It belongs to all Malaysian citizens…”


Back Page:

Pope Francis: Hypocrisy In the Church Is a Particularly Detestable Evil

“What is hypocrisy? It can be called the fear of the truth. A hypocrite is afraid of the truth. It is better to pretend rather than be yourself. It is like putting makeup on the soul, putting makeup on your behaviour, putting makeup on how to proceed: this is not the truth…”

Cover Page:

Pope Francis: Vaccination Is an Act of Love

“Getting inoculated is ‘an act of love’ for oneself, family, friends and all people. Vaccination is a simple but profound way of promoting the common good and caring for each other, especially the most vulnerable.”

Page 13:

Jesuits Pray for Afghanistan

Two Jesuits stranded in strife-torn Afghanistan have sought prayers as the Taliban militants took control of the mountainous landlocked country.

(Pray for Afghanistan | Page 12, 13 & Back Page)

Page 14:

The Richness of the Eucharist by Fr Ron Rolheiser

Truth be told, we are not ever really faithful to the Gospels; we don’t love our enemies and don’t turn the other cheek, but we are faithful (at least) in one major way, we keep the Eucharist going – and that single act is going to save us.

Page 10:

Anti-Catholic Sentiment Against Angela Merkel’s Potential Successor

In response to the (anti-Catholic) video clip, the German Bishop’s Conference called for a fair election campaign. “We consider the way in which the election commercial deals with the expression of a religious conviction to be inappropriate.”

Catholic Students in Ireland Bullied for Their Faith

The report blamed growing secular behaviours for why religious students would be targeted, and teachers reported “evidence of pressure on students to be identified as a non-believer”.

“If the world hates you,

understand that it hated Me first.”

[Jn 15: 18]

Page 19:

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

“It was fitting,” St John Damascus wrote in a sermon on the Assumption, “that she, who had kept her virginity intact in childbirth, should keep her own body free from all corruption even after death,” and “that she, who carried the Creator as a child at her breast, should dwell in the Divine Tabernacle.”

Cover Page:

With the Truth of the Gospel, One Cannot Negotiate

“Either you receive the Gospel as it is, as it was announced, or embrace something else… One cannot compromise. Faith in Jesus Christ is not a bargaining chip; it is salvation, it is encounter, it is redemption. It cannot be sold cheaply…”

Page 10:

Hope in the Valley of Darkness by Fr Gerard Theraviam

In the seeming silence of God, I hear the voice of the Shepherd: Yes, I am with you always, yes, to the end of time (Mt 28: 20). Emmanuel – God is with us! He does not abandon His people…

Cover Page:

Myanmar Faces the Darkest Moment of Perfect Storms

Myanmar’s courageous Cardinal Charles Bo has issued heartfelt pleas for help… He issued a direct plea to the military to ‘drop all guns’ and ‘bring medical care’, noting that for many, ‘every breath has become a challenge’.

(Pray for Myanmar)

Page 5:

Be Kind to Your Mind – It’s OK to Not Feel OK

“We brush our teeth to prevent tooth decay. Likewise, we need to look at how much time we spend on mental health in a day and how to build it up in order to cope with this sort of disaster that happens in our lives.”

“A good day begins with adequate sleep the night before (6 to 8 hours for adults and 10 hours for teenagers).”

(Watch Catholics @ Home: Be Kind to Your Mind)

Page 10:

Pope Francis Calls for Unity in the Celebration of the Mass

by Fr James Martin, SJ

“Overall, I agree with Francis ‘motu proprio’ (Traditionis Custodes), not simply based on my own experience of the People of God. It was a kind of discernment in which the Pope consulted widely, listened to the Spirit and decided.”

(Read Traditionis Custodes)

Cover Page:

Catholics unite in prayer for an end to pandemic

“The Archbishop of Kuching, Most Reverend Simon Poh: ’As a priestly people, grounded in the faith that God is always with us, let us pray and intercede for the world, especially in this pandemic time.’…”

(Continue to pray; the Lord listens.)

Page 10:

Are we facing a crisis of faith? by Fr Dr Clarence Devadass

“In the midst of this great ‘suffering’, we need to find meaning in our relationship with God, especially when faith is stripped of its access to time-honoured practices, churches and the living community…”

Page 14:

Why stay in the (Catholic) Church? by Fr Ron Rolheiser

“I stay in the Church because the Church is all we’ve got!”

Cover Page:

Pastoral letter from Archbishop Julian Leow:

God is with us in this prolonged storm

“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for You are with me. [Ps 23: 4]”

Page 9:


The Paschal Prayer of Jesus for Us

“Jesus prays dramatically in the Garden of Gethsemane… He prays on the cross… He prays in the decisive hours of His Passion and Death… Jesus prays for me.”

Page 12:

Joy – A Sure Sign of God

“Joy is not just the sure sign of the life of God in the soul, it is a sign of the life of God - period. Joy constitutes the inner life of God. God is joy.”

Front Page:

Pope Francis’ Prayer to Our Lady Undoer of Knots

“Mary, Undoer of Knots, pray for me.

Virgin Mary, Mother of fair love, Mother who never refuses to come to the aid of a child in need, Mother whose hands never cease to serve your beloved children because they are moved by the divine love and immense mercy that exist in your heart, cast your compassionate eyes upon me and see the snarl of knots that exists in my life. You know very well how desperate I am, my pain, and how I am bound by these knots. Mary, Mother to whom God entrusted the undoing of the knots in the lives of his children, I entrust into your hands the ribbon of my life. No one, not even the evil one himself, can take it away from your precious care. In your hands there is no knot that cannot be undone. Powerful Mother, by your grace and intercessory power with Your Son and My Liberator, Jesus, take into your hands today this knot.

I beg you to undo it for the glory of God, once for all. You are my hope.

O my Lady, you are the only consolation God gives me, the fortification of my feeble strength, the enrichment of my destitution, and, with Christ, the freedom from my chains.

Hear my plea.

Keep me, guide me, protect me, O Safe Refuge!”

Cover Page:

Pope Francis warns against preachers who sow division online

“There is no shortage of preachers who, especially through the new means of communication, can disturb communities. They present themselves, not primarily to announce the Gospel of God who loves man in Jesus, Crucified and Risen, but to insist (themselves) as true ‘keepers of the truth’…”

“And they strongly affirm that true Christianity is what they adhere to, often identified with certain forms of the past, and that the solution to the crises of today is to go back so as not to lose the genuineness of the faith. Today too, as then, there is a temptation to close oneself up in some of the certainties acquired in past traditions...”

Page 9:


Perseverance in love

“We are to pray without ceasing.”

“Work and prayer are complementary.”

Cover Page:

World’s first heart transplant from COVID+ donor at Vatican Children Hospital

Marking a world first, the Bambino Gesú Hospital has performed an organ transplant from a SARS-CoV-2 positive donor to a negative patient.

Page 4:


Jesus, model and soul of all prayers

“The greatest turning points of Jesus’ mission are always preceded by prayer, but not just in passing, but rather by INTENSE, PROLONGED PRAYER…”

Page 4:


The certainty of being heard

“Prayer is not a magic wand: it is a dialogue with the Lord! We ask for our needs, things that we want, but is this appropriate or not? When we pray we need to be humble: this is the first attitude for prayer…”

Page 10:

Bring Jesus to a world where the thirst for God is less and less

Pope Francis: "Go outside. Become a Church that opens itself to others, that goes out to meet those who suffer, to a world in which ‘the thirst for God is less and less’."

Page 4:


Distractions, a time of barrenness, sloth

“The first problem that emerges to those who pray is distraction (cf. CCC 2729)… Distractions are not to be blamed, but they are to be fought… St Teresa used to call this (wandering) imagination in prayer ‘the madwoman in the house’; it is like a madwoman that leads you to wander here and there… We must stop it and put it in a cage, with attention…”

Page 11:

Fears rise over China’s growing crackdown on Christian religious leaders

“The recent arrest of a Vatican-approved bishop, priests and seminarians in northern China came as a shocking development, if not a surprising one, as religious persecution in the Communist-led country has continued to intensify under President Xi Jinping. Police arrested Bishop Joseph Zhang Weizhu of Xinxiang May 21, a day after the authorities detained seven priests and unspecified number of seminarians…”

(Pray for the persecuted Church in China)

On the Cover Page:

Pandemic may have accelerated secularization of Europe by 10 years.

Catholics going to Church may decrease (further)!

Front Page:

Child casualties increasing in Israeli-Palestinian conflict

“at least 55 children in the State of Palestine and 2 children in Israel have been killed...”

“violence, killing and hatred must stop”…

(Pray for peace)

Page 4:

Praying the Psalms by Msgr James Gnanapiragasam

We know that Jesus prayed the Psalms. It would be fair to say that He knew the 150 Psalms by heart…

Page 14:

Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the 2021 World Communication Day - May 16, 2021

The invitation to “Come and see!”, which was part of those first moving encounters of Jesus with the disciples, is also the method for all authentic human communication…

Back Page:

Why is France losing one religious building every two weeks?

One religious building (is) disappearing every two weeks – by demolition, transformation, destruction by fire, or collapse – two-thirds of fires in religious buildings are due to arson…

Page 12:

Our heart is stronger than our wounds by Fr Ron Rolheiser

What sets Christian faith apart from most other religions is that Christianity is primarily a religion of grace, and not of self-effort. As Christians, we don’t have to save ourselves; we don’t have to get our lives right all on our own. Indeed, nobody ever does… None of us ever get our lives right on the basis of our own strength… GOD’S HEART IS STONGER THAN OUR BROKENNESS!

Page 13:

India’s Catholic leaders seek ways to ease COVID-19 crisis

India continues to add more than 30,000 COVID-19 patients daily! (Pray for India)

Cover Page:

Vatican dedicates May to global Rosary ‘marathon’ for end of COVID-19

(Let us pray with faith in communion with the Church on Earth and the Church in Heaven.)

Page 6:

Christians decry Myanmar military’s search in churches

At least four Catholic churches in villages in Pathein Diocese in Irrawaddy division were searched by police and soldiers…

(Pray for Myanmar)

Page 9:

When the ‘Evil One’ wants to fight the Church, he stops Her praying

Pope Francis, “Everything (in the Church) is born in prayer, and everything grows, thanks to prayer.”

Page 11:

Hong Kong pro-democracy activist at Court: ‘I plead guilty, but I have done no wrong’

“Your Honour… As a Christian, during Easter when the scripture is read, I was reminded how Christ went to meet His fate on the Cross, sacrificing for mankind to reconcile sinners with God. From His arrest to His prosecution to His death sentencing by Pilate, He was a political prisoner who committed no crime apart from being seen as a threat to the Jewish hierarchy by serving the poor and oppressed and preaching the Good News…”

(As Myanmar burns, Hong Kong is crushed. Pray for Myanmar and pray for Hong Kong…)

Page 2:

Easter gives us hope of conquering oppression and injustice by Anil Netto

“The power of the Resurrection makes us invincible to the forces of death and darkness in the long haul…”

Page 10:

Holy Week a nightmare for Christians in Asia and Africa by Ben Joseph

“With ‘Easter attack’ becoming a routine affair in Asia and Africa over the past decade, Holy Week has become a nightmare for Christians in some places, as the mere act of going to church invites death and destruction for the congregation…”

Page 10:

Pope Francis explains each day of the Easter Triduum

Cover Page:

Mary as our Mother, ‘not a Co-redeemer’

Pope Francis, “Christ is the Mediator, Christ is the bridge that we cross to turn to the Father. He is the only Redeemer: there are no co-redeemers with Christ. He is the only one. He is the Mediator par excellence.”

Cover Page:

The Family Year begins today

Marking the fifth anniversary of Amoris Laetitia, a special Year dedicated to the family was launched on the Solemnity of St Joseph.

Page 6:

High Court rules use of word ‘Allah’ by non-Muslims allowed

Page 11:

(Pope in Iraq) Terrorism and death never have the last word

Page 12:

Opening our secrets to the light by Fr Ron Rolheiser

'You are as sick as your sickest secret…'

Cover Page:

Iraq, I come as pilgrim of peace, seeking fraternity, reconciliation

Recent decades marked by war, insecurities and persecution have reduced the numbers of once vibrant Christian communities in Iraq…

Cover 10:

Why is a papal visit to Iraq globally important?

By breaking bread with Muslims on a Friday, the Pope asks the Western world to rethink its confrontational theory of a ‘clash of civilisations…

Back Page:

A brave nun makes a stand in Myanmar

Undeterred by fear, Sr Nu Tawng knelt down before the security personnel, pleading them not to shoot the unarmed civilians…

Page 10:

The free world must match the courage of Myanmar’s people

The courage, creativity and commitment of the people of Myanmar are incredibly inspiring… Yet the world so far, though it maybe hearing, seems to be responding limply… (Pray for Myanmar)

Page 11:

Pandemic, terror threats: Iraq papal trip is complicated, even for (Pope) Francis

Pope Francis planned visit to Iraq, Mar 5 to 8, has more than a usual share of complexity… Christian community is still reeling from three years of devastation wrought by Islamic State terrorists who destroyed churches and forced hundreds of thousands to flee a brutal fundamentalist regime… And in Qaraqosh, a city in the Nineveh plains, some 100,000 Christians were uprooted in 2014 by the Islamic State terrorists…

Page 4:

Pope Francis: Lent is a journey from slavery to freedom

Back Page:

Pope Francis: A day that begins with prayer is a good day

Cover Page:

Cardinal Bo: Release Aung San Suu Kyi

‘We have seen so much pain in conflict. Seven decades of bloodshed and violence have brought no results…’ (Pray for Myanmar)

Page 12:

Our unconscious search for God… by Fr Ron Rolheiser

‘Best to realize this early, so we do not have to write, “Late, late, have I loved You!”’

Page 11:

Exhaustion meets new beginnings by Prof Hoffsman Ospino, CNS

‘As Christians, we believe that life, good, order and love prevail over death, evil, chaos and hate…’

Page 12:

God cannot tell a lie… by Fr Ron Rolheiser

‘God is one, true, good and beautiful – this is what anchors our sanity. We are sane and remain sane only because we can always trust two plus two equals four, ever and always!’

Page 14:

Sunday of the Word of God

Your word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path! (Ps 119:105)

Cover Page:

Pope Francis and Benedict XVI receive first dose of COVID-19 vaccine.

“I ask everyone – government leaders, businesses, international organizations – to foster cooperation and not competition, and to seek a solution for everyone: vaccines for all, especially for the most vulnerable and needy of all regions of the planet. Before all others: the most vulnerable and needy!”

Page 14:

The Year of St Joseph: What Catholics need to know.

St Joseph is the foster father of Jesus our Lord, the spouse of Mary, patron saint of workers and also the patron and protector of the Catholic Church. Discover why Pope Francis has declared this year (8 Dec 2020 – 8 Dec 2021) as the Year of St Joseph.

Page 11:

Life after the pandemic: a reading through the reflections of Pope Francis

Page 12:

What is your practice? by Fr Ron Rolheiser

Page 8:

Christmas 2020: The light of hope shines brightest in darkness.

Page 11:

Why Christians believe in INCARNATION, not REINCARNATION.

Cover Page:

May our lives be touched by God’s love.

Christmas message from Archbishop Julian Leow.

Cover Page:

Celebrating 2021 as the Year of St Joseph

Marking the 150th anniversary of St Joseph being declared Patron of the Universal Church… the Pope said, ‘Christians can discover in St Joseph, who often goes unnoticed, ‘an intercessor, a support, and a guide in times of trouble.’

Page 5:

Advent at home: How Catholics are preparing for a season of joy – even in 2020

‘God is still with us… He hasn’t abandoned us…’

Page 11:

Keep the liturgy (livestreamed Mass) sacred and focus

‘The camera does not alter the validity of the celebration but it does hurt our sense of decorum and the quality of our prayer. It obscures the sacred.’

Cover page:

Communities that take their own ‘path’ lack the Holy Spirit

‘Where is the Holy Spirit there?’

‘Where is prayer?’

‘Where is the community’s love?’

‘Where is the Eucharist?’

‘Without these four coordinates, the Church becomes a human society, a political party… there is no Holy Spirit.’

Page 9:

Pope Francis describes (his) three ‘COVID’ moments

‘Great suffering has the power to change you for the better, if you allow it to.’

Page 10:

Catholics and Vaccinations

The moral principles are clear: everyone is obliged to take care of his own health, and parents also have the duty of caring for their children’s health. That is part of the Fifth Commandment…

There is a responsibility to inform one’s conscience properly… in the light of the concern that we should all have for the health of our children, public health and the common good.

Page 11:

COVID-19 and Vaccinations - Letter by Department of Social Justice, Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales

Page 12:

The Law of Gravity and the Holy Spirit by Fr Ron Rolheisier

quoting St Augustine, “You have made us for Yourself, Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You…

Page 1 to 25, 27:

We have a great intercessor in heaven

We are challenged to live by the gospel spirit and be with all those who have embraced eternal life, including Cardinal Anthony Soter Fernandez…

On Page 11:

Francesco has made global headlines

Discover what Pope Francis really said (and what he did not), what it means, and what the Catholic Church throughout the centuries teaches on civil union and marriages…

On Page 12:

(Beware of) the Prince of Lies… by Fr Ron Rolheiser

Let us be on guard when we live in a world where two plus two is often no longer equals four…

On Page 11:

In Fratelli Tutti, Pope Francis addresses a world 'on the brink'

with Supplementary on 'Fratelli Tutti'

On Page 14:

How to look after your mental health?

On Page 2:

Building hope, one brick at a time by Anil Netto

On Cover Page:

Chinese Catholics angry over book claiming Jesus killed sinner!

“I want everyone to know that the Chinese Communist Party has always tried to distort the history of the Church, to slander our Church, and to make people hate our Church!”

On Page 13:

Cardinal Robert Sarah: We MUST return to the Eucharist!

On the Page 2:

Trials and tribulations… by Anil Netto

On the Page 12:

The invitation to COURAGE… by Fr Ron Rolheiser

On the Cover Page:

Making the poor a priority isn’t political,

it’s the GOSPEL!

On the Cover Page:

Cardinals condemn China’s 'potential genocide' of Uyghurs!

On the Page 12:

Letting go of false fear by Fr Ron Rolheisier

On the cover page:

China hacks Vatican and Hong Kong Diocese ahead of talks!

On Page 7:

Any change in the name of St Paul’s Hill will distort Melaka’s history

On the cover page:

Hong Kong suspends Public Masses the second time