Gospel Reflection 2020/2021

2nd Sunday of Easter

(Divine Mercy Sunday)

11 Apr 2021

The world that we live in – the air, water, light, land, seas, the flora and fauna, the natural beauty and all its resources, the very planet and the physical conditions that enable life and sustain life – they are nothing but gifts from God.

Our prized possession, our greatest human achievement, our fullest potential, our health and wealth, our family and friends, and valued relationships – they are nothing but grace from God.

Our body, our mind, our soul, our intellect, our will, our wisdom and our strength – they are nothing but God’s blessings to us. Even our life, our every breath and our very existence – they are nothing but willed by God.

Whatever we have, whoever we are, whatever we will be – all belong to God alone and we depend on His Divine Providence.

We are fragile beings: nothing is within our total grasp, nothing is within our complete control, nothing is within our full comprehension. We have nothing to call our own. By our own effort, we ‘cannot add a single hour to our span of life’ [cf. Mt 6: 27]; neither can we save our own souls.

Despite all our unworthiness, brokenness and sinfulness, the psalmist exclaims in wonder [Ps 8: 4-6]:

“What are human beings that You are mindful of them,

mortals that You care for them?

Yet You have made them a little lower than God,

and crowned them with glory and honour.

You have given them dominion over the works of Your hands;

You have put all things under their feet…”

Yes, despite all our unworthiness, brokenness and sinfulness, our loving God is a generous Giver: He does not stop giving; and He continues to give… God gives us His Only Begotten Son to die for us that we may live. His Son gives us His Body and His Blood to nourish us; and He surrenders His entire Self on the Cross out of love for His Father and for every one of us. After His Resurrection, He continues to give – He pours out on us His Holy Spirit and gives us His Church.

‘God's Love is the flower – Mercy the fruit.’

[St Faustina]

We may be doubting, our faith may be wavering, our hope may be diminishing, yet God’s infinite love and His immeasurable mercy will always be there to sustain us. Jesus’ loving hand will draw us to His merciful Heart [Jn 20: 27]: “Doubt no longer but believe.”

May we truly experience the Divine Mercy and may our faith be restored, and our hope renewed. As we receive God's mercy, may we also show mercy to others.

Like Thomas, may we respond to Jesus with great joy and firm conviction:

“My Lord and my God! I believe in You!”

St Faustina's

Praises of God's Mercy

[Click to Pray]