Gospel Reflection 2019/2020


19 June 2020

[Matthew 11: 25-30]

The Sacred Heart of Jesus is always depicted as a flaming heart encircled by thorns. It is a moving expression of the Heart of our Lord, choked by our sins, yet ablaze with passionate love for you and for me.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church #1439 teaches that,

“… Only the Heart of Christ

who knows the depths of His Father's love

could reveal to us the abyss of His mercy

in so simple and beautiful a way.”

The heart is the core of a person. And God has set His heart on us and chose us! [Deut 7: 7]

In the pierced heart of the Son, the Father’s infinite love for us is fully revealed. It is the love that conquers sin and transcends death, the symbol of the One who loves us to the end.

Today, Jesus invites us to learn from His heart and to imitate His love, His meekness, and His humility.

"Shoulder my yoke and learn from Me,

for I am gentle and humble in heart."

Let our fervent prayer be,

“Lord Jesus Christ,

gentle and humble of heart,

make my heart, like Yours, burn bright.”