Gospel Reflection 2020/2021

Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ,

King of the Universe

21 Nov 2021

Politikus, pandemic and pandemonium in Malaysia.

It is 20 Nov 2021 – the Malacca state election day – and the political turmoil in Malaysia persists while the number of new COVID-19 cases soars. Since the infamous Sheraton Move (Feb 2020), we have witnessed frequent dramatic episodes of power grabs, power plays, party hopping, secret deals and unholy alliances.

Politics is such a dirty game; we do not call it ‘gutter politics’ for no reason. It is popularly said that, “This is quite a game, politics. There are no permanent enemies, and no permanent friends, only permanent interests.” There is no moral principle nor any sense of right and wrong in the political arena: only lies, unfaithfulness, disloyalty and double-crossing. It is all about individual power, glory and honour.

Jesus is our King; we are His servants.

God-incidentally, this Sunday is the 34th Sunday in the Ordinary Time (the last Sunday in the Liturgical Calendar of the Church) – the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. And our Lord Jesus reminds and reassures us that, “Mine is not a kingdom of this world.” [Jn 18:36]

The Kingdom of God is not a thing or a geographical dominion of worldly kingdom. It transcends and is far more supreme than all earthly powers. The Kingdom of God is the person of Jesus Christ for He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. ‘On Him was conferred eternal sovereignty, perpetual glory and everlasting kingship.’ [cf. Dn 7: 13-14]

As faithful Christians, we have no King but Jesus. To Him alone, we pledge our entire life, selfless service, utmost love, total faithfulness and undivided loyalty. He is our only inspiration, motivation and aspiration; we put Him first in our long list of priorities. Whatever we say, whatever we do and however we live our lives, they are all for the glory of Jesus our King.

Jesus is not just the King for us Christians.

He is the King of the Entire Universe.

It may sound arrogant and offensive to many, but this is what this Solemnity is all about [Ph 2: 10-11]: “at the name of Jesus every knee should bend, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

The universal and everlasting Kingship of Jesus is not bound by time, space or location. His Kingship is not limited to a particular group of people or believers: He is not just the King of the Jews; He is not just the King of the Christians; and He is not just another king in the long history of humanity.

While Jesus Christ must be the King in our hearts, our minds, our lives, our homes, our families, our ministries and parishes, He must also be the King in our streets, our neighbourhoods, our marketplaces, our malls, our offices, our societies, our political arenas, our hospitals, our country, the world and the entire universe. No, we are NOT called to a military coup, a political takeover, or a subtle conspiracy. Rather, we are called to show Jesus to the world and to the entire universe: His love [1 Jn 4:8], His truth [Jn 8:32], His justice, His peace, and the joy in the Holy Spirit [Rm 14: 17].

If God is for us, who can be against us? [Rm 8:31]

Even if the political turmoil continues, the economy crumbles, the pandemic persists, disasters strike, dreams shattered, faith shaken, hope dashed, lives lost…, our Lord Jesus Christ is STILL the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, yesterday, today and tomorrow. He is ALWAYS in control. May we always and everywhere proclaim Jesus as the King of the Universe through our words, our deeds and our lives.

Let our fervent prayer be:

“Lord Jesus Christ, we have no King but Thee.”