Gospel Reflection 2020/2021

2nd Sunday of Advent

6 Dec 2020

[ Mark 1: 1-8 ]

As Malaysians, we will never forget the 14th Malaysian General Election. On 9 May 2018, the wind of change and hope swept across Malaysia – we had a change of government. What we had been waiting for and hoping for – the end of corruption and authoritarianism – the impossible had, somehow and somewhat, become possible.


When the new government took over, the winning coalition itself was in a shock. The leaders themselves buoyed by euphoria did not expect the election results. They were not ready to change their opposition mindset, not ready to change themselves, not ready to take over, not ready to fulfill their election promises…, and they were struggling to get their acts together.


We the people too, were not ready for change and to change. We fought over petty concerns and lost sight of the big picture. We were impatient – demanding overnight change but in reality it always takes years if not decades to change a whole generation. Instead of building bridges, we continued to fuel racial and religious hatred.


And less than two years down the road, with the infamous Sheraton move, all hopes were shattered, and Malaysia had slipped, tripped, fallen and spiraled into even worse state than before.


   We waited but we were not ready and not worthy for what was to come…


As we enter into the Second Sunday of Advent, the ‘waiting’ continues... As Christians, we are waiting for our Lord Jesus Christ.


   Are we ready and worthy for Jesus who is to come?


Last Sunday, Fr Michael Chua in his homily introduced to us the mnemonics wait, watch and witness


   (1) Wait.

The Lord is not slow to carry out His promises… He is being patient with all of us… [2 Pet 3: 9] Therefore, we must wait with patience, we must wait with hope and faith, and we must wait with perseverance.


   (2) Watch.

We must stay awake and be vigilant, and always be ready and worthy when the Lord comes for the Day of the Lord will come like a thief… [2 Pet 3: 10] With prayerful watch, we must continuously renew our mind, our heart and our life in conformity with the mind, the heart and the life of Jesus our Lord – to live without spot or stain [2 Pet 3: 14]. St John the Baptist came proclaiming ‘a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins’. If we do not repent, confess our sins and change our ways, we will never be ready and worthy for Christ.


   (3) Witness.

Our waiting and watching must lead us to action – witnessing to Christ in our words, our deeds and our lives. We are the messengers who go before the Lord, preparing a way for Him, making His path straight. ‘He must increase, and I must decrease’ must be our lifelong mantra.


Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI reminds us that, “A message full of hope resounds in the liturgy of Advent, inviting us to raise our gaze to the ultimate horizon but at the same time to recognize the signs of the God-with-us in the present.” Indeed, Jesus is here! Let us go and meet Him! [cf. Mt 25: 6]


Let our fervent prayer be:

   “Dear Jesus, may I be always ready and worthy to welcome You.”