Gospel Reflection 2019/2020



14 June 2020

[John 6: 51-58]

I happened to come across an interesting excerpt on breastfeeding:

"A mother will pause multiple times a day, and give her child undivided attention. She will look into his eyes. She will talk to him. She will touch him, and he will touch her.

The distance of the infant to the mother is perfect for the newborn to visualize the mother’s face. The closeness against the chest wall allows him to experience the maternal heartbeat, a familiar sound. The warmth of the lactating breast replaces the warmth of the womb.

The mother and baby connect in a most unique way. Breastfeeding nourishes the baby, the connection provides the baby with physical, emotional and psychological comfort, and the unbreakable bond of love is fortified."

(adapted from the website of Couple to Couple League International)

Such is our finite human experience which may help us understand the Solemnity of Corpus Christi.

Jesus said,


My flesh is real food,

and my blood is real drink.

Whoever eats my flesh

and drinks my blood

lives in me,

and I live in that person.”

[John 6: 32-71]

At every Mass, Jesus feeds us with His Body and His Blood. Far greater than any human love, He gave Himself completely to us: His Body and His Blood, together with His Soul and His Divinity, in the Most Holy Eucharist.

When we receive His Body and His Blood, that is the closest proximity of us human creatures with our Creator God! He gazes into our heart, as we contemplate on His holy face. He touches us, as we touch Him. We enter into such profound communion with our God: we are nourished, comforted physically, emotional, psychologically and spiritually, and the unbreakable bond of love is fortified.

May we always “taste and see that the Lord is good” [Psalm 34:8] and “recognize in this bread what hung from the cross, and in the chalice what flowed from His side”* [St Augustine].

Let our fervent prayer be,

“Lord Jesus Christ,

come to us through spiritual communion now

as we look forward to our Holy Communion with You at Mass."