Gospel Reflection 2020/2021

7th Sunday of Easter

16 May 2021

John Chapter 17 is the longest recorded Prayer of Jesus to the Father. After the Last Supper and before the Sacrifice of the Cross, Jesus, the Eternal High Priest, offers Himself and intercedes for His disciples. This priestly prayer of Jesus transcends time and space, not limited to His disciples then, but it is also offered for you and for me who have come to believe in Him.

Here are three (3) points for our further reflection:

1) We are CALLED by God’s Name. [cf. Jr 14:9]

Yes, it is true that God calls each one of us personally by our individual name. Our names are inscribed on the palm of His hand [cf. Is 49: 16]. However, we are also called by God’s name: we are God’s people, the sheep of His flock; we are God’s children; we are CHRIST-ians, the disciples of Jesus Christ.

Through our Baptism, God’s name is already on our foreheads [cf. Rv 22: 4]. We do not belong to ourselves. Neither do we belong to the world, nor to the power of evil. We belong to God alone. Not one of us will be lost, for Jesus always watches over us and protects us, unless we – out of our own free will – choose to reject God, stray away, and follow our own design.

2) We are called to be TRUE to God's Name. [cf. Jn 17: 11]

How have we been true to God’s Holy Name? Are we worthy to be called God’s people, God’s children and Christ’s disciples? Do our words, deeds and lives bring glory to God or bring shame to Him? More often than not, we bring shame rather than glory:

- How often have we been forwarding fake news, fabricated lies, unverified messages, rumours, fears and even hatred through social medias?

- How often have we parked indiscriminately with a rosary hanging in the car, or worse still, with our car bumper sticker that ironically says, “Jesus loves you”?

- How often have we as Christians sowed the seeds of deception, distortion, division and discord around us and even in the Church?

And the list continues…

Because of how we live and how we behave, a stinging comment (often attributed to Mahatma Gandhi) has gained much popularity: “I love your Christ, but not your Christians because your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” What shame have we brought on Christ? Mind you, we are supposed to be children of light!

And Bishop Barron warns that, “Those of us who regularly gather around the table of intimacy with Christ and yet engage consistently in the works of darkness are meant to see ourselves in the betrayer (Judas).”

3) We are called to be ONE in God’s Name.

Jesus prays that “they may be ONE like Us”.

God is one. God is the perfect unity of three Persons – the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Christ and His Holy Church are ONE like the union between husband and wife. St Paul points out that Jesus Christ is the Groom and the Church is the spotless Bride of Christ – they are one and inseparable [cf. Ep 5: 22-33]. Therefore, our Christian faith has both personal and communal dimensions – our individual self is saved by Jesus through His Church – to reject the Church is to reject Christ! Jesus Himself says that [Lk 10: 16], “Whoever listens to you listens to Me, and whoever rejects you rejects Me, and whoever rejects Me rejects the One who sent Me.” Let us therefore, always abide in Christ and remain in His Church.

CALLED by God’s Holy Name, may we always strive to be TRUE to His Name and ONE in His Name. May God’s Name be glorified throughout the world!

Let our fervent prayer be:

“Lord Jesus,

You are the Way.

Our hearts are restless until they rest in You – guide us in Your Way.

Lord Jesus,

You are the Truth.

The light of Your Truth has the power to dispel the darkness of our minds and hearts – consecrate us in Your Truth.

Lord Jesus,

You are the Life.

We long to live in Your presence – give us Life to the full.

Dear Jesus,

You are the Way, the Truth and the Life.

No one can go to the Father except through You.

You are both the Way and the Goal:

help us hold fast to You and follow You on this Way of Love to the Heavenly Father. Amen.”