Gospel Reflection 2020/2021

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

10 Oct 2021

Eternal Youth and Immortality.

Who does not want eternal youth and immortality?

Throughout history and up to this very day, there are many men and women desiring, searching and pursuing the elixir of life or potion of immortality that supposedly can preserve youthfulness and extend life.

Christianity is very clear on this: we will all die physically one day and someday. We are mere pilgrims on this earth, never meant to live this earthly life forever. Therefore, pursuing eternal youth and immortality of this life is nothing but a futile and fruitless wild-goose chase.

Eternal Life in Christ

As Christians, we do not chase after eternal youth or immortality of the flesh. Instead, we desire and look forward to our eternal life, not founded on any secret concoction or magical potion, but on Jesus Christ alone. What then is this eternal life in Christ? Jesus has revealed to us clearly [cf. Jn 17: 3], “This is eternal life: to know the one true God, and Jesus Christ whom He has sent.”

Jesus is the incarnate Word and Wisdom of God.

He is the incarnate Word of God [Jn 1: 14]: ‘He knows the secret emotions and thoughts of every person; no created thing can hide from Him; everything is uncovered and open to Him.’ [cf. Hb 4: 12-13]

And lesser known to many of us, He is also the incarnate Wisdom of God [1 Co 1: 24], infinitely greater and wiser than King Solomon [cf. Mt 12: 42].

“What must I do to inherit eternal life?”

Like the rich young man, we are coming to Jesus asking for the ‘secret’ to eternal life.

The first part of Jesus’ answer is, “You know the commandments…” Fearing the Lord and obeying His commandments are the beginnings of wisdom [cf. Ps 111: 10], and thus the prerequisite to eternal life. Remember, Jesus does not come to abolish the law or the prophets but to fulfil them [Mt 5: 17]. Therefore, anyone of us who wants to inherit eternal life and to enter the Kingdom of Heaven must ‘at least’ obey the Commandments of God.

However, Jesus also warns us [Mt 17: 20], “unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven.”

This leads us to the second part of Jesus’ answer, “Go and sell everything you own and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow Me.” Here, Jesus is not condemning our riches, wealth, power, influence, comfort, pleasure, fame or fortune. He is condemning our slavery to all these inordinate attachments. Unless we empty our cup, God cannot fill us up.

St John of the Cross reflects that it makes little or no difference at all whether the leg of a bird is tied to a strong rope or the tiniest thread. As long as the bird is tied, its freedom is restricted – it cannot fly. Our flight to God cannot occur and our eternal life in Christ cannot really grow and blossom until all the inordinate attachments that enslave us are broken, however insignificant they may appear. [cf. Fr Michael Chua, Homily, 8 Sep 2019]

As Fr Michael Chua sums it up perfectly in his homily, we need to ‘hate the less to love God more’:

“We must count the COST of being a disciple. If we want to be disciples of the Lord (and embrace eternal life in Him), we must be ready to GIVE UP all our possessions. This demands the SINGLE-MINDEDNESS of the Shema, “You shall LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind” (Dt 6: 5).”

“In that case, who can be saved?”

Hearing the replies from Jesus, we may feel frustrated and angry. Why can’t Jesus be more compassionate, merciful and pastoral? Like the rich young man, we may be tempted to ignore Jesus, leave the Catholic Church, and just walk away – because we cannot accept or live up to the standards demanded by Christ…

Jesus does not attempt to ‘make’ the rich young man or anyone of us to stay with Him and remain in His Church. Yet, to those who believe and stay, Jesus is the incarnate Word and Wisdom of God. With Him, all things are possible. By our cooperation with His grace, we will be empowered to live up to standards demanded of us – to hate the less to love Him more...

Let our fervent prayer be:

“Lord Jesus Christ, help me break free from my inordinate attachments to love You more.”