Gospel Reflection 2020/2021

Picture Credit: Aleteia | Gustave Doré

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

14 Nov 2021

Doomsday prophets and cults.

Throughout history, we have seen notorious doomsday prophets and cults coming and going. They base their faith on apocalypticism: “The end is HERE.” While preaching hellfire and brimstone, they claim to dream dreams and see visions [cf. Jl 2:28] – they claim they are the only ones who know the secrets of God and the secrets to heaven. They are nothing but wolves in sheep’s clothing: creating fears, chaos, confusions and divisions.

As faithful Catholics, we do not believe in these self-acclaimed seers, mystics or prophets; nor do we believe in unauthorized dreams, visions or apparitions. Jesus has already warned us beforehand [Lk 21: 8], “Beware that you are not led astray; for many will come in My name and say, ‘I am He!’ and, ‘The time is near!’ Do not go after them…”

The end of time according to the catholic and apostolic Church.

St Paul has reminded us [1 Co 7: 31], “This world as we know it is passing away.” We are pilgrims in this world, on a journey to heaven. We are made for heaven; the world is not our eternal home. The Bible, both the Old Testament and the New Testament, has multiple times mentioned and described the end of time: concerning death, judgement, the salvation of our souls, the final victory of our Lord, and our eternity in heaven (or in hell).

So, when will the end of time be?

Jesus’ answer might not please us or appease our curiosity:

“It is not for you to know the times or periods that the Father has set by His own authority.” [Ac 1: 7];

“... that day or hour, nobody knows it, neither the angels of heaven nor the Son; no one but the Father.” [Mk 13: 32]

Indeed, it is not for us to know the day and the time; and it does not profit our souls to know. All we are asked by our Lord is to stay awake, stay sober, stay vigilant, and stay ready:

“Beware, keep alert; for you do not know when the time will come… Therefore, stay awake – for you do not know when the Master of the House will come, in the evening, or at midnight, or at cockcrow, or at dawn, or else He may find you asleep when He comes suddenly.”

[Mk 13: 33, 35-36]

Our ONLY Blessed Hope.

For this, all of us can be sure: not all of us will live till the end of time when the Lord returns, but most of us will meet the Lord when we die. The insistent question is: are we ready to meet the Lord?

At every Mass, the priest leads us in prayer, ‘… we await the blessed hope and the coming of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.’ The end of time – the Second Coming of our Lord – is supposed to be a jubilant anticipation, not a horrendous hopelessness.

As Christians, our focus must not be on ‘the time of great distress, the darkening sun, the failing moon, or the falling stars’ [cf. Mk 12: 24]. Rather, our focus must be on the blessed hope we have in our Lord Jesus Christ and His words. “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away.” [Mk 13: 31] Everything in this world and in this entire vast universe is transient. Jesus ALONE is 'the Way, the Truth, and the Life' [Jn 14: 6]; and His words are 'truth, spirit and life' [cf. Jn 6: 61-63]. ONLY Jesus and His words remain immutable, unchanging, abiding, perpetual and eternal. Jesus and His words are the 'pearl of great price' [cf. Mt 13: 45-46] that we must seek, keep and guard.

In the midst of this chaotic, confusing and changing world, Jesus remains ‘the same yesterday today and tomorrow’ [Hb 13:8]. Embracing Jesus and His words is embracing eternity. By embracing, we are to know, to understand, to fall in love with, to believe in, to count on, to cling onto Jesus, and to allow ourselves be transformed by His Truth, His Spirit and His Life.

Let our fervent prayer be:

“Lord Jesus Christ, let Your words find a home in me.”