Simple Drain Cleaning Tips to Avoid Nasty Drain Problems

Top drain cleaning tips range from only using a garden hose to properly maintaining your drains. Some homeowners also learn about methods of using chemical-free cleaners along with proper preventive maintenance.

Top ideas when cleaning your drains

If you're looking for drain cleaning tips, then here are some ideas:

· Keep your sinks and drains clean

Most top drain cleaning tips advise homeowners to keep their sinks and baths free of debris and clogged drains. To prevent your sink from getting clogged:

  • Use a non-scratch sponge in the bathroom, and be sure that it doesn't touch the walls.

  • Don't scrub the sink surfaces.

  • If you must use abrasive cleaners on the bathtub or sink, do so very gently. You can purchase unique chemical-free products for sinks and baths at your local home supply store.

· Use chemical-free drain cleaners.

Cleaners, though, aren't for rinsing out your sink. Instead, these chemicals are explicitly made to dissolve tough grease and grime on your drains. Use one of these products, mix it with a few drops of water, and apply it to the drain. You'll want to follow the product's instructions for maximum effectiveness. A top expert in drain cleaning Westport, CT, advocates using chemical-free liquids as drain cleaners.

· Regular checking helps

The most common culprits include tree roots, hair, and animal feces, which can clog many pipes. Regularly check your gutters to ensure that they're not clogging. If you find that they are, scoop out the debris immediately. This will help you avoid replacing some of your drains, especially if you live in an area that experiences heavy snowfall. Be sure to wear a mask and gloves when performing this procedure to prevent yourself from inhaling the debris or ingesting any of it.

· Clean the usually unnoticed drains

Other types of drains, including septic tanks, should also be cleaned regularly. A quick trip to the local hardware store or a call to a plumber can help you determine what you can do independently. For example, you may find that using natural ingredients such as baking soda, vinegar, and even tea tree oil will help keep your drains clean. Adding small amounts of these ingredients to your regular cleaning liquids will help keep bacteria from growing, which can cause your pipes to become clogged more quickly.

· Keep your pipes free from debris.

When there are drains clogged with debris, it's possible that you won't be able to expel solid waste materials down the drain completely. In most cases, all that's needed to clear out clogged gutters is a plunger. If you need to resort to using a professional plumber, be sure that you discuss the best time for him to perform the necessary work. Hiring a pro early on could save you time and money in the future.

· Drain your sinks, always.

Finally, don't forget to drain the sink after every use. Many household experts suggest that using a sanitizer, like a chemical cleaner, is better than using a traditional sanitizer. However, make sure that you follow the product's instructions to ensure that your chemical cleaner will work as it's meant to. While regular household cleaners can effectively eliminate drain debris and germs, there's no guarantee that they'll work if you have a severe drain problem in your kitchen or bathroom. So, before you run out and buy a chemical cleaner, try these top drain cleaning tips first!