How to Unblock a Sink Drain

Most of the sinks at home are prone to clogs and blockages; bathroom, shower, toilet, or washer. The bathroom sink can be blocked by the buildup of hair and soap scum. The toilet can clog easily with wipes, all the same stories round in circles at home overtime. It is not safe to throw anything down the sink, so as the drain, all these particles will go directly to the water system, causing them to break once the waste accumulates down the pipes.

The Proper Steps on Unblocking the Sink Drain

As for the expert's guide, you need to gather some of the following items: Baking soda and white vinegar, Soda crystals, bucket, a Plunger, damp cloth, mask, gloves. The safest way to get things done is to call drain cleaning San Fernando Valley, CA, for they are more efficient for this job.

1. Clean the plughole. Remove the plug and clean any debris or dirt that may block the drain.

2. Seal the plughole. Cover the plughole with water so that there is an airtight seal for the plunger.

3. Block overflow. Use a damp cloth and block the overflow making sure there is an airtight seal.

4. Use the plunger. Place the plunger into the plughole. Push it up and down, but hold the cloth against the overflow to create a good seal.

5. Use baking soda and vinegar. If using a plunger is not successful, baking soda and vinegar can be an alternative to clear the blockage. Gradually pour a cup of baking soda directly into the drain, follow the same amount of white vinegar. A fizzing noise will be heard for its reaction. Let it sit for a few minutes.

6. Flush with boiling water. Run a cycle of hot water to wash the mixture down the drain.

7. Use the soda crystals. Dissolve half a pack of soda crystals in boiling water, and pour it into the ditch to help remove dirt and soap residue.

8. Clean the u-bend part of the sink. If some methods are not sufficient, remove and clean out the u-bend.

9. Grab the bucket. Find the first bend in the pipe at the bottom of the sink, and place a bucket or pail under the u-bend to catch dripping water.

10. Drain the u-bend and observe. Unscrew the fitting where the u-bend under the sink joins. When the water starts to drip, stop unscrewing, and allow water to drain into the bucket. After draining the water:

· Remove the u-bend and look inside it.

· Remove any debris that you see and clean it.

· Reconnect the u-bend, and expect that you should not have a blocked sink anymore. If all else fails, call a professional plumber.