Water Heater Repair Made Easy:
Tips For Troubleshooting and Maintenance

Water heater repair is an unavoidable task for any homeowner. The device itself is tiny, but it can be quite tricky to repair. Once installed, this device can cost you more than it's worth. Fortunately, with some necessary DIY skills, this task can be done on your own.

On average, water heaters are expected to last up to 12 years before they begin to break down. As this appliance gets older, so do the problems that can arise with it. As this happens, problems with the heating elements, plumbing, and the tank can begin to take their toll without proper attention. While some of these things can't be prevented, there are several steps homeowners can take to make sure they will last as long as possible without expensive water heater repair services. Here are some tips:

  1. Preventive maintenance is essential if you want your water heater repair to go smoothly. It involves making sure the tank is cleaned out regularly to remove unwanted sediment, which can cause the heater to function less effectively over time. Another thing to check is the condition of the anode rods used to direct water through the heating element and help it regulate the temperature.

  2. Installing new ones can be a great way to solve water heater problems. With more recent models, it is easier than ever to add hot water as needed without waiting for a tank to refill. To make it even more comfortable, you can install one element on top of another. It can allow you to have more than enough hot water without worrying about running out.

  3. Homeowners should also know that corroded piping can be a source of water heater repair. Dirty piping can hinder the flow of hot water around your system, forcing the hot water to go to areas where it isn't supposed to. Corrosion in piping can also lead to rusty water heaters, which can be very unattractive and hard to clean. If you suspect you have a corroded pipe in your home, talk to your plumber to see what he can do to fix it. It might cost you a few dollars to replace the part, but it's well worth it when you can avoid water heater repair issues in the future.

  4. Sometimes, your water heater can break down because it has run out of pressure. For this, you'll need to look for standard water heater repair issues so you can isolate and troubleshoot the problem. One of these is a pressure relief valve that's not working correctly. This type of valve regulates the flow of pressure through your system and prevents overheating. However, it's common for it to get backed up, either due to rust or cleaning, and to stop working correctly. It will help if you are looking for the pressure relief valve to replace it with a new one or have it checked by a professional, so it continues to work correctly.

  5. Another common water heater repair is a bad sacrificial anode rod. This type of rod connects your hot water tank to the heating system, and as mentioned above, it can develop problems over time if it's not working correctly. If your water heater stops working for no apparent reason, such as a pressure loss or a bad sacrificial anode rod, you may have to replace it with a new one.

Some water heater repair issues can be tricky, so if you're having trouble with any of these valves, you should consult a licensed professional like the water heater repair Peoria, AZ to give you the answers you need.

A suitable pressure relief valve for your tank will help maintain an even temperature across your entire home, so you must check it regularly. If you have an odd-shaped tank, there are even more ways for it to malfunction. For example, if the "A" in the tank is off by more than a half-inch, the tank is probably suffering from rust.

Other trouble indicators include leaks at the bottom of the tank or at the connection point between the water heater itself and your house, leaking hoses, cracks in the lining, and poor connections.