Gas Line Problems

Gas Line Problem Signs You Should Never Overlook

As I have shared already on my previous blog posts, the gas line problem should not be overlooked. There are signs that you need to check concerning your gas lines. Knowing these signs are important to be able to act fast regarding repairs and safety measures.

The following are 3 signs that there is a problem with your gas line:


You can tell by the smell if it is gas or not. Natural gas has no scent, meaning it is odorless. If you are wondering why it smells, it is because the producers add this odor to be able to distinguish gas from other forms of liquid. If you smell a strong sulfuric odor or simply a smell like that of a rotten egg, you might have gas leaks. If you encounter this type of incident, get out of your house immediately. Make sure everyone is out, including pets.

Do not use mobile phones inside your home if there is a strong smell of gas. Call the appropriate authorities away from your house. Mobile phones can ignite a fire, so be careful when using it especially if there are gas lines. If you happen to know a specialty plumber for gas line repairs like the plumber in Granada Hills, CA, call them right away to inspect and repair your gas lines.

Dying House Plants

Natural gas is harmful to plants. It is not a surprise to everyone. But, do you know that dying plant is also a sign of gas line problem. Gas can poison your plants. If you happen to have a leak in your gas line, your plants within the vicinity may die. The bushes will be dying and your plants may develop yellow spots. If you see this in your indoor plants, your gas leak may be from inside. If you see that this is happening to your plants outside, there might be a gas leak in the lines in your yard.

Upward Blowing Dirt

The 3rd sign of gas line problem is easy to overlook, especially for busy people. But, this is a sign you need to check especially in your yard where gas lines are buried. See if there are dirt blowing upward above the location to where your gas lines flow. If you see this as a speck of dirt without gravity, then there might be a gas leak. Gas leaks force the dirt to be pushed upwards.

Now that you have read the 3 signs of gas line problems, you must remember to take precautions. The gas line problem is no joke. Be alert and stay safe!