Natural Method of Cleaning the Dishwasher Drain

Drain cleaners and other solutions may vary depending on their use. There were also tools which are very useful for specific issues of your water system. Using the natural method is safe and economical when the problem is just minimal. When you have issues with your dishwasher drain, you can apply a natural process to clear clog and blockages.

The Natural Way


Vinegar can be one of the easiest ways to maintain your dishwasher. Aside from baking soda, this is the best solution to clean the dishwasher. Using vinegar to clean the dishwasher regularly reduce the need to bother with extensive cleaning in the future. Vinegar is excellent for loosening grease, gunk, and scum within the walls of the dishwasher. It not only cleans the interior but also disinfects it. Always prepare vinegar for household cleaning activities. Use this method every few weeks to maintain your dishwasher free of dirt and contaminants. And if the process did not help it, it is time to call a plumber.

Baking Soda

Baking soda has many different uses when it comes to cleaning, and it is also suitable for use on stainless steel. Baking soda is an ideal solution because it is mild, as it does not scratch iron, but is nasty enough to remove hard water deposits and stuck food. Using baking soda is a natural way to clean a dishwasher without using harsh chemicals. Sprinkle with some baking soda along the bottom of the dishwasher tub to keep it clean.

Try to run the dishwasher in a regular cycle using the hottest temperature at least once a month so that your dishwasher stays clean and smells fresh. You can also use baking soda with a mixture of vinegar into your sink drains and toilet. Allow the mixture to sit and rinse for an hour. It is an excellent natural drain deodorizer that can also discard minor clogs that may not have been a problem.

In case these steps can’t solve your drain problem, it is best to call an expert to avoid bigger problems and costly repairs. A trusted drain cleaner like drain cleaning San Bloomfield Hills, MI can give you the best drain cleaning services.

The Mixtures

These procedures are prevalent in most households, and it is beneficial to most homeowners. You need to prepare 1 cup of baking soda with 1 cup of vinegar and a kettle of hot water. Mix the baking soda and vinegar. Pour the mixture into the drain directly to where the clog is and make sure to let it sit there for a few minutes or an hour. While waiting for the time, boil a kettle of hot water and set aside. After an hour, pour the hot water within 5 seconds and repeat the process until the clog will get clear.