Water Leaks

2 Most Common Types of Water Leaks

Water leaks are very common and almost all homes have experienced this type of plumbing problem. Some people say a drip is just a small drip, you can have a container to fetch the drip anyway. Leaving a small drip is not a good idea. A small drip may become bigger and cause damage to your fixtures and property. Though it may be a small problem at first, it is one of the reasons why your water bill increases. Who loves wasting money on leaks? Of course, no one would love to pay for the bill they never consumed.

In this article, I am going to show you 2 types of water leaks that is very common among houses.

Pipe Leaks

Over time, pipes can worn out and may cause a leak. Holes in the pipes continuously cause drops of water to leak. This may not seem to be a problem at first, but over time it can cause flooding and damage. The damage it can cause is not only on your pipes but on your appliances and property as well. Small leaks at first may grow bigger and bigger due to the pressure and will eventually burst, causing a flood. If you have considered getting it repaired while it is still small, the cost would be much lesser than having a whole house repaired due to flood from a pipe burst.

A professional plumber in Bradenton, FL advises everyone to make sure your pipes are not leaking, especially during winter. Others consider having their pipes inspected on Sprint time to have it prepared for the coming winter. Leaks are common during Winter and may result in a pipe burst.

If you hear a gushing sound of water, or a pool of water near the location of where your pipes are buried, it is imperative to call a professional plumber right away.

Faulty Showerheads Leak

It is only natural that water goes out of your showerheads when you turn on the tap. After all, it is the purpose of the showerhead. However, if you turn off the tap and the water still drips from the showerhead that is another story. Leave for a few minutes, if your showerhead still drips water that is the time to act and solve the problem. Faulty showerhead leaks can contribute to a spike in the water bill. So, you better replace your showerhead if necessary.

However, not all faulty showerheads need a replacement. There are times when a repair is enough to fix the showerhead instead of throwing it away. In cases like this, the expert plumbers know when to replace it.