Shop Around to Find the Right Water Filtration System

A water filtration system can effectively clean out unwanted substances and chemicals in your water. However, many homeowners are not familiar with all the choices that they have available. There is a variety of systems that vary in price, size, efficiency, and technology. If you are looking for a water filtration system, there are some things that you should consider. One thing to consider is whether you will need a shutoff valve on your water filtration system. It is a device that stops your water supply if the filter is not complete. Most homeowners will have this type of filter, but you may want to double-check. Another thing that you should think about is what your plumbing maintenance requirements are. If you do not have a regular water supply and are serviced by a water filtration system that filters only one faucet, it may not be necessary to have a shutoff valve or filter.

If you are attached to a good water supply and regularly have the water tested, you will probably need both a shutoff valve and filter. Your plumbing professional can help you assess your needs. If you have carbon filters, then additional maintenance requirements may be needed. Some homeowners choose a water filtration system based on the type of filtration they need. Water filtration starts with activated carbon granular technology. In this process, activated carbon collects chemicals, minerals, and organic compounds in water. You can then buy different types of filters based on the contaminants that you want to remove.

Other homeowners, who have wells, choose a water filtration system based on the presence of chlorine. Chlorine is a by-product of the chemical industry and is added to tap because it makes tap taste better. The problem is that it does not remove dangerous chemicals from water, and some health issues, such as cancer, have been linked to long-term exposure to chlorine.

Some homeowners, who are still attached to their water pipes, choose to use a reverse osmosis water filtration system. It is a plumbing device that filters liquid using a semi-permeable membrane. Reverse osmosis filters are best for soft water; however, they cannot filter out all of the minerals found naturally in water, which are usually removed through a carbon filter. If you are getting hard water and need a reverse osmosis water filter, you may not necessarily be getting all of the minerals you think you are. Many companies sell combination filters that include carbon granules, ion exchange, and micron filtration. Another essential thing to consider when shopping for your home water filtration system is your water source. You want to find a plan that removes chlorine and any other chemicals, but you should also look at the minerals that your area is known for. Visit water filtration system Charlotte, NC for more info.

If you love drinking water from a mountain spring, but the water you get from your city water treatment plant has chlorine and other harmful chemicals in it, you may not be getting the water quality that you want. Spend some time in your area to find out what you can get and what you will need to get to the quality level you want. The most effective water filtration systems include activated carbon filters, multi-media block, and ion exchange filtration. If you are looking for a water filtration system that removes chlorine, pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, VOCs, prescription drugs, lead, microscopic organisms, and bacteria, look for an activated carbon filter. For a multi-media block water filter, look for carbon that has been treated with micron filtration. Ions can remove chemicals, pesticides, bacteria, and impurities while protecting your health. Look for these features when shopping for the right filtration for you.