Air Conditioning Maintenance

Air Conditioning Maintenance Checklist

Your Air Conditioning unit plays a vital role in keeping your home relaxing. No matter how hot outside, you can always stay cool indoors with a well-functioning AC to serve you. However, AC units can malfunction anytime. If this happens, it can be quite stressful on your part especially when the environment's temperature is not desirable.

To prevent a sudden breakdown of your AC, it is important to have seasonal maintenance. It is helpful in keeping your energy's efficiency at the right label while enhancing the quality of air inside your home. Also, it can help you reduce repair costs. Why? The earlier a problem is detected, the higher the chances of fixing it easily without much cost. If you consider AC maintenance, your unit's lifespan will be to its maximum level since you have taken care of it really well.

Below is the maintenance checklist that you should consider for your air conditioning unit before summertime comes:

Check Air Filter

We all know that the purpose of having a filter in the furnace is to trap dust, dirt, pollens, and other solid particles. Without cleaning your filter regularly, those particles can build up in the air filter's surface. Build up slows the flow of air which makes the blower to work even harder than it should. This can lead to bigger problems with the unit and energy waste too. It is best to check the air filter monthly and clean it. Buy a new one if necessary.

If you are not sure how to do it, it is always best to ask for help from an air conditioning maintenance provider like the plumber in Monument, CO. Rest assured, all aspects of your AC will be checked thoroughly and fixed if needed.

Check AC Vents

Your louvers are the window-like opening in your AC where the air comes out. Clean this cover to make sure it has no dust that can block the way of air. You can use a pipe cleaner to wipe it. If you see some black build up, it can be a sign of mold growth. Call a professional to check your vents to avoid making the problem worst.

Replace Sagging Belt

If your furnace has an electric blower, chances are it has a fan belt. Once a year, check the belt for signs of snugs and cracks. Replace immediately if you find it is worn out. By replacing the snagging belt, you help other parts of your AC to avoid getting damaged.