Call a Plumber Immediately

When to Call for a Plumber Immediately

If you experience any of the following, it is not time to do it yourself. It is time to call for professional help right away to minimize the damage it may cause.

Your Pipes Have Burst

Especially in winter months, pipes can burst when the water inside the road freezes. this will cause significant water damage if not fixed immediately. You may not be ready to easily find which pipes are affected, but your local plumbers can. They’ll be ready to see if the pipe burst behind your wall, in your yard nearby, or under your property’s foundation. This expertise can jumpstart the solution and help save your home from costly and unsightly flooding. Your plumber can even prevent a leak before it happens if he or she notices a bulging pipe that’s under abnormal pressure. Conversely, if you were to require the time to look for the leak yourself, the time wasted within the process could heighten the difficulty and may result in bigger problems.

Your Toilet Won’t Stop Running

You flushed the toilet hours ago. So, why is it still running? This is one of those issues that can creep up on you and even go unnoticed for a while, as it doesn’t create a ton of noise. Yet, a flowing toilet signals that something more serious is at play within your plumbing. If water is consistently filling up within the tank, your water bill also will rise alongside it.

There is a seal that connects your toilet tank to its bowl. When this seal is broken in any way, water can leak, which signals the tank to stay refilling over again. That accounts for the streaming noise you’re hearing from down the hall. Your plumber can remediate this problem and provides you the silence and peace of mind. If you’re looking for an expert, I would highly recommend a plumber in Northridge, CA. Aside from their fast and great customer service, I guarantee you that they can help you solve the problem.

Your Sink is Slow to Drain

When you’re taking a shower, does it feel like you’re wading in a kiddie pool? Does the water in your kitchen sink fill up to your elbows while you’re washing dishes? If so, you may have a drainage issue. While there can be many culprits, the crux of the matter is that something is clogging up your plumbing. From children’s toys to the garbage and even small rodents, anything might be stuck in your pipes and you won’t know just by looking down your dark drain.

A plumber, on the other hand, can use a special tool called an auger to remove any troublesome clogs. This is a long and flexible instrument, also called a drain snake, that’s 10 times more effective than that old wire coat hanger you’ve been trying. Rather than spend time trying to chip away at it and potentially wreck the inside of your pipes in the process, go ahead and call a plumber.