AC's Musty Smell

4 Common Reasons Why Your AC Smells Musty

Working air conditioning is one of those things most people tend to require without any consideration. After all, there are already tons of things to try to occupy your mind daily: figuring out what you are going to eat, taking your kids to high school, and the million emails and questions from everyone at the office. Yet, if you get home and recognize your ac smells musty, you might only ignore it.

Several factors will cause your air-con system to emit a moldy or musty smell. The most likely culprits include the following:

1. Frozen Evaporator Coils

Air conditioners work by absorbing warm air from inside your home, removing humidity from it, cooling it, and cycling it back to your home through the return vents. For air to flow freely through this process, it's crucial to possess clean air filters. If you don't replace them regularly, the dirt collected in them will block airflow, causing water drops from the humid air inside your house to gather on the evaporator coils. The AC's refrigerant will maintain cooling air, creating water drops to freeze on the reels.

2. AC System is just too Big for Your Home

Not all air conditioners created the same. If your air-con system is just too big for your home, it can cause the air to be cycled throughout your home too quickly. It leads to improperly dehumidified air browsing your AC, which may cause excess moisture throughout your home.

An AC capacity can be measure in British Thermal Units (BTU). When you purchase a unit, you've got to require under consideration the square footage of your home, construction materials, sort of insulation, ceiling height, and more. For each ton of heat that needs to be removed from your home, you need an AC with 12,000 BTUs.

To check the BTU capacity of your air conditioning, check the label on the condenser unit. At the top of the name, you'll see your air conditioner's model number (M/N). The BTU capacity is the number in the second section of the M/N after the first dash. If you're unsure if you've got the proper size, an HVAC technician can assist you. I would highly recommend you call a plumber in Osprey, FL; they have the best technician that will surely ease your problem regarding your AC.

3. Drain Pan Is Full

When the humidity is faraway from the air, the moisture causes water droplets to fall under an AC part called the drain pan (also referred to as a drip pan). With usual wear and tear, the drain container can become rusted or won't drain the collected water. When this happens, mold can build up, and you'll be ready to smell it inside your home.

4. Clogged Condensate Line

The water that collects within the drain pan drained outside your home through an AC part called the condensate line. It is a PVC pipe that you can see next to the condenser unit (the portion of the AC that sits outside your home). Since this pipe may be a small cavity designed to carry water, it's an essential location for mold, mildew, and sludge to grow – causing clogs and musty smells inside your house.