Water Filtration for Your Home

Water Filtration System for Your Home

A whole house water filtration system is basically a filtering system attached to your house's main water supply, usually at the point-of-entry. The water that you use in your home will go through the entire central filter, which will get rid of the need to individually install individual water filters for each faucet. Every time you take a bath, fill your car with water, or even take a shower, all of this water goes through the filter. There is no way for the average person to individually clean out the filter and get rid of the dangerous chemicals and contaminants that may be floating around in the water. It is best to contact a trusted service provider like water filtration system McAdenville, NC professionals.

Water Filtration System and Plumbing

The basic components of a water filtration system are a filter, an ion exchange unit, and one or more pre-filter components. The filter has an activated carbon core, which traps the impurities while allowing the healthy, essential trace minerals to pass through. Osmosis is the name for this method of filtering, as it is the standard that most filters employ. The process of osmosis is actually quite natural and has been used in plumbing for hundreds of years. In actuality, it is the reverse of the way most homes obtain their water, and the plumbing of the average home does not utilize the proper method of filtration.

Most municipal water filtration systems only treat for the maximum allowed contaminants which have been identified in the supply. The problem is that there are so many different pollutants and contaminants in the environment today that these regulations can sometimes become too stringent and cause a water filtration system to be ineffective for a specific household. There are also some households that have such a variety of contaminants in their tap water that they are serviced by several different providers, making it necessary for them to order supplies from multiple companies. Not only does this cost money, but unless a household pays for delivery, it will take several trips within the city or county in order to have all of their water filtration needs to be met.

For families with a more stringent water filtration system requirement, there are options available. One of the most popular types of filters for household use is reverse osmosis filters, but they are very expensive and also have some major disadvantages. First, reverse osmosis filters can only trap chemical contaminants, not organic ones which are thought to be much more healthful for human consumption. Secondly, reverse osmosis filters are only effective at removing some types of minerals and metals from drinking water. There are other systems on the market that can be combined with a point-of-use softener to provide additional minerals to drinking water.

A point-of-use water filtration system can remove many more contaminants than reverse osmosis systems can, but these filters are often more expensive and have a higher installation fee as well. The best option for any family is a combination of both filters. Water filters can add additional cost, but a point-of-use system can help protect your family's health and savings on monthly bills. Combining activated carbon filters with a re-mineralization step can be the most effective way to ensure that chemicals and other contaminants are removed from your tap water.

Activated carbon filters have proven to be very effective at removing chemicals such as herbicides, pesticides, benzene, chlorine, and many other chemicals from water. In addition, activated carbon has been shown to remove iron and other metallic contaminants from drinking water. In addition to softening the water, these plumbing fixtures can greatly reduce your monthly water bill. In the long run, a water filtration system with one of these or other components is an excellent investment.