Drain Cleaning Services for Your Home

Drain cleaning is a delicate procedure that affects not just your plumbing system but the pipes that carry wastewater to your home. But many homeowners wrongly believe that they can clean a clogged drain on their own and feel that they can fix a minor problem themselves. Some chemicals used in residential plumbing can actually soften plastic materials such as PVC pipelining. When this plastic is softened it becomes easier to crack. When it cracks it results in a larger leak and subsequent overflow of raw sewage, which can be a very serious problem.

In some cases, however, simple drain cleaning services can resolve minor problems. It may be that you are dealing with a stubborn obstruction, such as hair or food. In these cases, a simple plumbing repair is all that is required. If hair or dirt clogs the drain, the first step is to turn off the water at the shut-off valve for the house. You may need to speak with a plumber about attaching a drain-cleaning device, in order to prevent the clog from being converted into a much bigger problem.

Sometimes a simple drain cleaning technique can also get rid of tree roots that have been trapped in your plumbing system. Tree roots are a common problem for new homeowners. They usually grow underground, where they remain invisible until they begin to exert pressure on your pipes. As they grow, they create obstructions in your drainage system, resulting in blockages that require the next drain cleaning service. A professional plumber like drain cleaning Van Nuys, CA service provider will know which tools to use in order to clear tree roots from your drains.

Another issue that plumbers encounter quite often is overflowing sewer pipes. Sometimes the solution to this issue is to merely siphon away what wastewater has accumulated in your sinks, toilets, and laundry. In other cases, though, the problem may be deeper, and plumbing work is required in order to address the root cause of the issue. In these cases, schedule drain cleaning services to remove the excess water from your sewer pipes.

Sometimes plumbing issues can be solved without calling a plumber. You can try some of the many natural solutions available to unclog your drains. For instance, placing a slice of parsley or dandelion around the sink can help to draw the water away from the toilet, while adding a little taste to your water. Another option is to add a few tablespoons of baking soda to your toilet bowl each time you flush it. You might also try to soak a tampon in vinegar, which dissolves when flushed, and using that as a backup plan if you use the bathroom in the evening.

If you are trying to work with a pipe that is blocked, it is best to contact a plumber instead of attempting to solve the problem yourself. Hiring a plumber to come out and take care of your plumbing problems can cost money, but in the long run, it will ensure that your plumbing problems are taken care of properly. After all, a plumber knows his job better than you do! You may not be able to fix the blockage on your own, but a plumber can do it quickly, and with the highest quality equipment.