Teaching Activities ⑮

On the 25th May 2020: Making a lecture in the course "Holistic medicine" of the Faculty of Medicine, Kobe University: its title "LGBT from the viewpoint of Constitutional Law in comparison with the legal system of Germany and the EU" (No. of participating students: 122 of the 6th year at the Faculty of Medicine of Kobe University; about 1 hour for lecture plus 30 minutes for discussion). 

・As a class of Holistic medicine, I have made a lecture concerning the legal problem of LGBT.

・The purpose of this lecture is to promote the personality and the ability of future medical doctors as a person to understand the social problems, esp. the other fields than medical science.  

・The contents of this lecture are as follows:

Introduction: What the modern constitutionalism is.

Chap. 1: Conception of the fundamental principles of the modern constitutionalism; what the principle of the Respect for Individuals of Art. 13 of the Japanese Constitution.

Appendix: One unique feature concerning the historical Development of the modern constitutionalism in the world.

Chap. 2: Legal Correspondence about LGBT in Japan: Special Act on Gender Identity Disorder of 2003.

Chap. 3: German Transsexual Act of 1980 as a comparing material.

Chap. 4: Transition of German Transsexual Act under the strong Influence of the decisions by the Federal Constitutional Court in Germany.

Chap. 5: The legal system of the same-sex marriage or life partnership in the EU Member-states. (Appendix: problem of LGBT free zone in Poland and Hungary)

Chap. 6: The Decisions as Constitutionality of Requirements for changing legal sex by the Supreme Court in Japan

Conclusion: Significance of Respect for Individuals in the diversity society in the 21st Century.

・At this lecture, I explained the legal transition and social awareness about family and sexual diversity in Europe contrasting with Japanese situation. Even now the Japanese legal situation is still very conservative. Some female Representatives in the Japanese Diet are making an assertion "Person of LGBT is unproductive in the society". And on this year, I introduced the legislative process of the draft of an Act of Prohibition of the Discrimination because of LGBT.  

・To the contrary, the Court of the European Human Rights and the Federal Constitutional Court in Germany judged often the restrictive requirements of Transsexual Act as violation of Human right and unconstitutional. 

Also on this year, I could not make a normal lecture in the classroom, because of COVID-19, only with online class. Therefore, unfortunately I could not feel the real response of the participating students exactly. It was a real disappointment.