Outreach Lecture Series②

Lecture to General Public at the Class of Citizen's College Courses in Amagasaki-City

・”Figure of the State in some Japanese Novels: from the Nation State to the New Order like the European Union ” at the Class of Citizen’s College Courses in Amagasaki-City, Large Hall of Amagasaki Mukohigasi Shogaigakusyu Plaza, 13:30-15:30, on the 26th September 2019, (the number of audience=76)

・By referring to some Japanese Novels, this lecture explains the role and problems of Nation-State at the era of globalization. Some novels demonstrate the development of Japan after the Meiji-era as one kind of modern Nation-State, but also the deadlock of the Great Empire of Japan before the W.W.II under the Constitution of the Great Empire of Japan. After the W.W.II, some novels show the development and problem of Japan under the Japanese Constitution, but now at the 21st Century, the Japanese Constitutionalism in turmoil. As the result, there is a very popular novel which describes the development of the Constitutionalism as the basic values in Europe, and also another novel which describes the new public order as the human network like the EU in order to protect normal people living in the unified society. This lecture shows the figure of the public entity that should be in the future in order to establish the world in which people can be living in the safe and free society.

・Outcome; Through the questionnaire after this lecture, 68 participants (approximate 90%) answered "satisfaction with this lecture". Other 8 participants answered "interesting in the content of this Lecture, but a little bit difficult to understand it". I think that I could achieve the purpose of this lecture of prevailing the knowledge about the substance of the EU over the senior public.

・As the result of high rate of satisfaction, the administrative staff of the Citizen's College Courses in Amagasaki-city requests to me for continuing this lecture series next year also.