LAA Resources

Interested in eLearning environments, please see our eLearning resources here

Resource News!

Check out the publication in the Journal of Chemical Education Special Issue on Insights Gained While Teaching Chemistry in the Time of COVID-19 focusing on LAs in remote settings.

Detailed Guides and Resources

The LAA Resources provide assistance to LAs, faculty, program coordinators, and administrators seeking to start, scale, improve, and sustain their LA program. Videos, pedagogy course materials, program management documents,  program snapshots, and much more are available by following the links below.  

In this video. Dr. Valerie Otero describes how the LA Model, characterized by the three central elements, is a program you emulate rather than replicate. 

Alliance Member Voices:

“In my opinion, the LA program has created a greater sense of community in the physics department.  This project has resulted in shifts including but not limited to faculty teaching practices, the creation of meaningful partnerships around teaching and learning physics content, and faculty, across departments engaging in reflection regarding best practices in higher ed.   Our institution has experienced rapid growth, limiting practitioner's ability to reflect on teaching. The LA program encourages faculty to "slow down" and engage in dialogue (with LAs) about factors that influence student's ability to learn physics content….” - Rowan University 

Find other Alliance Sites around the world

While the LA Model is characterized by three essential elements: Pedagogy, Weekly Preparation, and Practice, LA Programs around the world each bring their unique perspective to the model.  These perspectives are based on institution characteristics, strengths, and needs. 

To see  LA Program websites from around the world, click on the map at right.

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. DUE-1525338, 1524893, 1525354, and 1524829.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.