Questions for you to consider in setting up and reflecting on your weekly preparation sessions whether you are new to the LA Model or experienced.

Setting up the weekly preparation session:

  • How do you anticipate your Weekly preparation session will look?

  • What roles do you see LAs taking in these weekly sessions?

  • What do you see as the essential goals and features of a preparation session?

  • What challenges do see in running a prep session?

  • What’s on the table for discussion?

  • What are ways you can prepare experienced LAs to engage in novel instructional activities? Can they mentor newer LAs? Can they develop new mini activities?

  • How will you promote opportunities for LA input?

Reflecting on the weekly preparation session:

  • Who is doing the talking? Is this a collaborative relationship, where the LA and faculty member are co-constructing the learning environment, or is it more mentor-mentee, where the LA is enacting the vision of the faculty member?

  • Who is asking the questions?

  • Who makes the final decisions about the instruction?

  • How would you classify the weekly preparation session: Mentor-Mentee? Collaborative?

  • Does your LA have an opportunity to suggest and develop instructional materials?

  • What types of discussions happen in your weekly preparation session: Discussions of content? Reflections on student learning? Co-thinking about classroom modifications?