Program Management

Starting, Scaling and Sustaining

Resources: Forms and Timelines


Program Coordinators oversee the LA Program at their institution by attending to activities that support the mission, funding, operations, and assessment of their program. Although all certified LA Programs adhere to the Generalized Program Elements, there may be slight or significant variances in the logistics of individual programs due to local constraints and affordances. 

Program management requires skills of marketing to make the case to start/expand/continue the program and to recruit faculty and LAs.   Professional development skills are needed to develop the pedagogy course and support faculty and LAs in creating student centered learning environments. Logistical skills are necessary to smoothly facilitate application, acceptance, and payment processes. 

First you should familiarize yourself with the essential elements of the LA Model.  Then consider your campus context and make the case for starting a program to your administrators and peers. It is usually beneficial to start small, for instance one department or discipline, then build the program so that it is responsive to your school's context and establishes norms for your program.   Additionally, you must prepare the structure for a successful program, including Campus Leadership, a Pedagogy Course, Transformed Courses that utilize LAs and Weekly Content Prep Sessions. Finally you must recruit and engage your faculty and students in the program.

Core Features  

The LA Model emphasizes four major goals, which may vary in importance at individual LA Programs: curriculum & course transformation, discipline-based education research, institutional change, and K-12 teacher recruitment and preparation.

Core Features  

The LA Model emphasizes four major goals, which may vary in importance at individual LA Programs: curriculum & course transformation, discipline-based education research, institutional change, and K-12 teacher recruitment and preparation.

Contextual Considerations

While all  program management elements may be completed by one or two faculty members at the initiation of an LA program  or at a smaller school, as the program expands it is useful to delineate responsibility as expertise warrants.   In established programs, program management is distributed across an overall Program Coordinator (PC), managing program-wide concerns, and Department Coordinators (DCs), focusing on logistics and recruiting within each department.  See the "Establishing Leadership" page for descriptions of these positions.  LA Alliance tools such as LA Campus and LASSO can also facilitate program management logistics.  

Papers on Program Management