Course Assignments

Pedagogy course "best practices" feature reflection

A few key assignments tend to anchor most LA Pedagogy Courses:

○      Teaching reflections: LAs develop reflective practices by submitting regular (most often weekly) teaching reflections that help LAs connect theory and practice. 

○      Mid-semester feedback: LAs analyze mid-semester feedback from their students as a way to monitor their own growth and to make changes in their LA practices.  Example Feedback Form, Assignment, Evaluation Rubric, and Examples of LA presentation slides.

○      Poster session or other end-of-semester LA community event: Allows new LAs to share what they have learned and how they have developed in their first LA experience. Faculty, administrators, and others interested in course transformation are invited.  

Assignments to connect theory and practice

Peer observations of LAs in their classroom assignments

Observation of high school classroom

Literature Review Paper

Potential semester-long  Pedagogy Course projects

Semester-long pedagogy projects enable LAs to think deeply about one topic area from multiple perspectives and pull together ideas they have discussed in the course such as metal models, student conceptions, inquiry, and questioning strategies.  Projects may be completed in small groups (2 to 3 students) or individually.