Student Recruitment

Student recruitment and hiring is essential for the success of every LA Program.

Depending on if the program is large or small, established or developing, the details for successful recruitment and hiring will vary. Recruitment is critical as the strengths of an LA program stem from the strengths of the LAs.

Recruitment methods

Faculty recommendation

Faculty reaching out to students who have been in their classes and recommending they apply to the LA program is a very effective recruitment strategy. Students are often pleasantly surprised that their instructor thinks highly of them and that they would be an asset to the LA program. This can particularly entice less confident, but highly capable, students to apply. Furthermore this increases the likelihood that instructors will have their first choice of an LA for their class.

Experience in an LA Supported Class

Interacting with LAs in an LA supported class is a positive experience for most students. Seeing first hand the benefits of LAs to the classroom environment can encourage students to apply for the program so that they can make similar positive contributions.

LA Information Sessions

Formal recruiting can occur through LA information sessions. These sessions serve not only to introduce students to the LA model, but also provide more detailed logistical information such as time commitments, application deadlines, and registration for the pedagogy course.

Using LA Campus will simplify the hiring of LAs and matching them to courses. The LA Campus application asks students questions about why they want to serve as an LA, what courses they would like to LA for in additional to logistical questions, such as making sure they have time in their schedule to LA. Logistics for Hiring LAs provides tips for ensuring a good match between the LA and the classroom in which they will be working.