Weekly Preparation Sessions

Cases: In a weekly preparation session, LAs can go over content, reflect on learning, and much more. See video examples of these different preparation session activities here.

Find examples where LAs and faculty:

  • engage in role playing and development of content understanding,

  • support each other during challenging interactions,

  • engage in reflection on student learning,

  • are part of small learning teams and large large learning teams.

Tools and Reflection Instruments: Resources to run and assess your weekly preparation sessions.


  • questions to consider when creating and reflecting on these sessions,

  • a sample session agenda,

  • a planning sheet,

  • a way to reflect on the level of collaboration between LAs and faculty in these sessions.


One of the pillars of the LA model is the weekly preparation meeting. During these sessions, LAs meet with instructional leaders.

As a team, they discuss the specific LA assignment and the particular course the LAs are supporting.

Core Features and Contextual Considerations

Weekly preparation sessions involve either instructors in LA supported classes (more common when classes are small) or LA Program coordinators (more common when classes are large) working with LAs. In some cases LAs interact with graduate students.

The amount of time for these meetings can vary depending on a number of factors but they are typically between 30 minutes and 1.5 hours. Research suggests that, at the minimum, weekly in person meetings are the best model.

During the weekly preparation sessions LAs participate in the following activities:

  • Review content knowledge;

  • Role play through inquiry-based instruction and modeling of inquiry-based instruction;

  • Reflect and discuss student learning and student understanding;

  • Co-think through in-course modifications and curriculum development;

  • Discuss pedagogical content knowledge;

  • Discuss effective interpersonal interactions.

The specific focus of each week’s meeting might vary based on a number of factors such as (1) What is happening in the course in that particular week? (2) How comfortable is the LA with the content for the course? (3) How well developed are the course materials and the course structure?

Papers on Weekly Preparation

V. Otero, S. Pollock, and N. Finkelstein, Am. J. Phys., 78, 11 (2010).

M. S. Sabella, A. G. V. Duzor, and F. Davenport, Leveraging the expertise of the urban STEM student in developing an effective LA Program: LA and Instructor Partnerships, 2016 PERC Proceedings [Sacramento, CA, July 20-21, 2016], edited by D. L. Jones, L. Ding, and A. Traxler, doi:10.1119/perc.2016.pr.067. Contribution number LAA-042

F. Davenport, F. Amezcua, M. S. Sabella, and A. G. Van Duzor, Exploring the Underlying Factors in Learning Assistant - Faculty Partnerships, 2017 PERC Proceedings [Cincinnati, OH, July 26-27, 2017], edited by L. Ding, A. Traxler, and Y. Cao, doi:10.1119/perc.2017.pr.021. Contribution number LAA-050