
LAgents are national leaders within the LA Alliance who have experience in organizing regional LA workshops as well as developing programming for and facilitating or co-organize one or more regional workshops and/or have co-organized parts of the International Learning Assistant Alliance Conference. They are leaders in the LA Program at their home institutions and are resources for the LAA community and have dedicated a portion of their professional time to the Alliance. LAgents act as agents of change in instructional reform at the national, regional, and institutional level.

LAA Faculty Mentors are instructor peer mentors who can provide feedback and guidance to instructors who are new to using the LA model or who want to apply new pedagogical practices with their LAs. Faculty Mentors have expertise in areas such as general pedagogy, LA mentorship, or content specific practices and they complement rather than supplant instructor support at their own institutions. LAA Faculty Mentors have been endorsed by their institutional DC or PC as being an effective member of their campus LA program and adhere to the essential elements of the LA model.

The Leadership Council is the governing body of the Learning Assistant Alliance, consisting of over seventy institutions around the country. The LC can support you in big picture questions around the Learning Assistant Alliance such as questions about conferences and workshops, networking, resources, and membership. The LC can be a sounding board and an advocate for your LA Program. The LC can also connect your program other programs or with members of the LAA who can support your specific needs.