Syllabi and Logistics

Designing and Revising the Pedagogy Course

A hallmark of the LA model is that it is flexible to local needs.  While the Pedagogy Course is a key element, its implementation can vary widely from institution to institution.  It has been taught face-to-face, hybrid, and online for 0, 1, 2, or 3 credit hours.  It may fulfill major requirements or be an elective.  It can be taught by faculty in the discipline, discipline based education research faculty, education faculty, learning center support instructors, high school teachers, or a combination thereof.  

A review of institutional contexts, affordances, and constraints can help new programs determine the general structure of their pedagogy course.

Course Planning

Once the overall structure of the course is determined, the instructors can design the curriculum for the course.  Core topics should be present in all pedagogy courses, but the ordering can be adapted for local context.  Examples of course activities, readings, and assignments can facilitate creation of new courses and serve as inspiration for revising an existing  course.

Sample Syllabi and Course Summaries

Sample short syllabi from a variety of institutions are available for comparison.  (Campus specific information such as withdrawal policies and access to classroom management systems has been edited out for clarity.)

Chicago State University (2023)

North Dakota State University (2015)

Rutgers University (2023)

University of Colorado Boulder  (2023)  

LA Pedagogy Highlights for CU Boulder faculty