LAA Faculty Mentors

Mentorship for Faculty using LAs

LAA Faculty Mentors are instructor peer mentors who can provide feedback and guidance to instructors who are new to using the LA model or who want to apply new pedagogical practices with their LAs.

Faculty Mentors have expertise in areas such as general pedagogy, LA mentorship, or content specific practices and they complement rather than supplant instructor support at their own institutions.

LAA Faculty Mentors have been endorsed by their institutional DC or PC as being an effective member of their campus LA program and adhere to the essential elements of the LA model.

Any member of the LAA is welcomed and encouraged to contact an LAA Faculty Mentor.

A searchable database of LA Faculty Mentors is available. Mentors names, contact information, institution, and department are available. You can also search for the types of classes and what courses they use LAs, when they are available, and areas in which they have LA expertise.

I had no prior training in pedagogical matters. The LA model allowed me to introduce active learning into my calculus classes, providing a structure for organizing activities.

Mentor Lee Klingler

Florida Atlantic University, Mathematics

I like the LA model because the LAs motivate students to engage in learning during class, and I find it easier to think about my lessons through the lens of a student when I have LAs.

Mentor Krista Strand

California State University Chico, Mathematics

It allows for small group activities even in large lectures. Having the LA's perspective, is extremely helpful in planning lessons and determining classroom strategies.

Mentor Philip La Porta

Rowan University, Physics

The best teaching decision I have made was to become part of the LA Program. I love the team teaching approach (I also have TAs). Because of the LAs, I have been able to convert more teaching ideas into action and their input/feedback has made the class much better.

Mentor Natalie Smutzler

University of Colorado Boulder, Psychology

The LA model has been shown to be effective in helping students learn through numerous studies. Using LAs pushes faculty to rethink and reform their teaching practice. I like co-teaching, so having LAs in a class is a great way to get a co-instructor.

Mentor Benedikt Harrer

San Jose State University, Physics

LAs are a great resource for the students; they have been in the student's place recently and have a great understanding of their difficulties and how to help the students overcome them.

Mentor Christy Fillman

University of Colorado Boulder, Biology