Instructional Teams talk about Remote Learning

Interview clips from LA-Instructor teams from Florida Atlantic University, Front Range Community College, University of Colorado Boulder, and Chicago State University, discussing ideas around remote learning. 

Front Range Community College (Mathematics): Julia (LA), Vivia (LA), Ken (Lead faculty)

University of Colorado Boulder (Chemistry): Tyler (LA), Kyle (LA), Liliana (LA),  Susan (Lead faculty)

Florida Atlantic University (Mathematics): Mario (LA), Brittanney  (Lead faculty)

Chicago State University (Psychology): Lilla (LA), Antonio (LA), Jubilee (Lead Faculty) 

 If you would like to see more, please visit the LAA Video Resources LAs in Remote Learning Playlist

The essential role of LAs in remote learning:

Our first video has Brittanney and Mario describing the essential role that LAs play in remote learning. 

Fostering community in remote spaces:

Creating a more friendly learning space  in the  remote setting and how seeing faces on camera plays a role in this. 

The importance of sharing yourself and building that sense of community in the classroom.

Changes in the weekly preparation sessions:

Weekly preparation sessions began to focus more on technology and engagement.

Advice for faculty:  

Try to keep some items from your course consistent. 

Make sure you are comfortable with and test the technology in these new spaces.  Develop new ways to check on and encourage engagement.

Supporting group work:

Articulating your expectations for the group work early on supports effective group dynamics. Extra efforts need to be made to support communication between group members.

Roles of LAs in empathizing:

Leverage LA expertise as students themselves. LAs can provide advice and brainstorm based on what they are going through.

It takes a team to engage students in a remote setting. LAs, as near peers can empathize in different ways with students.  Provide space where students can let you know how they are doing.

Leveraging your LMS in the remote classroom:

Leverage discussion boards as a way to engage students in the remote learning spaces. 

Organize your course in the LMS in a clear way and provide an orientation to your LMS, which plays an even more important role in remote learning. 

Faculty LA Interactions and Dynamics:

Make sure LAs can access the instructors they are working with easily. 

LAs can help instructors get candid feedback about how the students are doing in the course. LAs have a unique perspective.