23rd KLA Presentation Session

Post date: 2020/01/02

日にち: 2019年12月14日(土)


場所:東京大学教養学部 駒場Iキャンパス 18号館 4階 コラボレーションルーム2

日にち: 2019年12月14日(土)


場所:東京大学教養学部 駒場Iキャンパス 18号館 4階 コラボレーションルーム2

【発表者1】 戸田 博之さん(東京大学大学院総合文化研究科言語情報科学専攻博士課程)

【タイトル】 Action Research; an Experimental English Business Email Writing Course at a Japanese University

【発表言語】 英語

This action research was conducted at a private university in Tokyo focusing on conducting an experimental instruction aiming at offering the students entry-level knowledge regarding business email writing practice in English. The course was a 14-week, 14-session class targeting at familiarizing students with practical email writing in English in real-world situations. The major purpose of the research was to improve the methods and procedures of teaching in the researcher’s English business email writing class in the future by coordinating some of the findings in prior studies in the field of second language acquisition. Based on the data collected including email texts, it was found out that offering lectures on genre knowledge on email writing could provide the students with a framework to write email more readily and that conducting peer review could lead to the improvement of learners’ awareness for effective writing to achieve the goal of communication. On the other hand, as the researcher instructed the participants to focus on the content of the email texts without paying too much attention to the form, the course did not generate much progress seeing from this aspect of their writing.

【発表者2】 Zhang Aohanさん (東京大学大学院総合文化研究科言語情報科学専攻修士課程)

【タイトル】 Improving English Abilities for Academic Purposes with MOOCs

【発表言語】 英語

This research aims at investigating learners’ process of improving their academic English abilities via taking English-conducted Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). With the development of education technologies and the Internet quality, more and more learning resources are provided on multimedia online platforms which facilitates the knowledge dissemination. Despite many researches focusing on learners’ motivations of taking MOOCs and evaluating the efficacy of integrating MOOCs in classroom scenarios, little is known about how learners’ language ability is influenced by taking MOOCs either intendedly or incidentally, not in classrooms, but in self-motivated learning environment. This research believes that it is valuable to understand learners’ needs, strategies, and difficulties of improving their academic English abilities that could be related to MOOCs. To examine the aforementioned aspects, qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews. The interview questions were informed by the results of a survey session which all interviewees needed to take before being interviewed. Since this is still an on-going research, I will not draw any conclusion during this presentation but report some interesting findings regarding based on the interview data.

【発表者3】 榊原 知樹さん(東京大学大学院総合文化研究科言語情報科学専攻博士課程)

【タイトル】 日英翻訳の基礎的ノウハウを活用したライティング教育

【発表言語】 日本語

近年、英語で授業をおこなうライティング指導の普及が進む一方、Google Translateなどの自動翻訳の精度も飛躍的に高まっている。教室を離れると日本語で考え、自動翻訳を利用してライティング課題に取り組む学生が目立ちはじめた。こうした新しい時代を迎え、英語のみで考えるように指導するのではなく、日本語で着想したアイデアを的確に英語で表現する技能も習得させることがライティング教育の効果向上につながるのではないか。そのためには日本語から英語への翻訳(日英翻訳)の基礎的ノウハウを教授することが有効なのではないか。本発表では、英語によるライティング指導の枠組みを継続しつつ、部分的に日英翻訳の要素を取り入れた場合、どんなメリットが期待でき、どんな問題点が予想されるかを、L2ライティング教育におけるL1使用の問題と併せて考察する。具体的には、学習言語との接触機会などの面でデメリットが伴うと予想されるものの、他方、習熟度の低い学習者には過度な認知負荷の軽減などのメリット、習熟度の高い学習者にも英語表現の洗練化などのメリットが期待できることを示す。