11th KLA Presentation Meeting







日にち: 2014年 12月 21日 (日)

時間: 14:00 - 17:00 (18:30〜渋谷にて忘年会)

場所:東京大学教養学部 駒場Iキャンパス 18号館4階コラボレーションルーム3

参加費: 無料, 事前申込不要





辞書における語義の記述はその編纂方針や方法により様々であるが、大別すると(1)共時的観点から中心義を優先(2)共時観点から高頻度の意義を優先(3)通時的観点から原義を優先する、の三つがある(瀬戸, 2005)。これらの大まかな分類は現代の辞書の語義記述を考えるだけでなく、古辞書における記述の態度を考える際にも有益である。本発表ではこの枠組みを参照しながら、Samuel Johnsonの「英語辞典」(1755)の序文とそれに先立つ「構想案」(1747)にみられるが本辞書の序文ではそれほど明確に言及されていない語義記述の考え方と実際の記述を見ながらジョンソンの辞書にみられる語義記述に対する態度について検討する。ジョンソンの定義はのちにRichardson (1838)により「語釈」にすぎないと批判されたが、Richardsonの批判にみられる態度と比較しながら、彼が批判対象としたJohnsonの語義記述に対する態度を検討し、「英語辞書」における「記述主義」と「規範主義」のゆれについて考えたい。




【要旨】 (上記英語版をご参照ください。)




【要旨】 (上記英語版をご参照ください。)


Dear All,

We are delighted to announce that the 11th Komaba Language Association(KLA) Presentation Session will be held this month.

This time, Masaaki Ogura, Mai Ishizaki, and Xinqi He, from the University of Tokyo will give presentations.

We will also have a Bōnenkai, a year-end party, in Shibuya after the session.

We hope many of you will join us and share your stimulating ideas from various perspectives with us.

Date: Sunday, December 21, 2014

Time: 14:00 - 17:00 (The bonenkai starts from 18:30 in Shibuya)

Place: Collaboration Room 3, Fourth Floor Building 18, University of Tokyo Komaba I Campus

-- Free admission, no reservation necessary --

【Presenter 1】Masaaki Ogura, Ph.D. student, Department of Language and Information Sciences

【Title】Definitions in Johnson’s Dictionary and his perspective on language

【Language of presentation】Japanese


(Please see the Japanese version bellow.)

【Presenter 2】Mai Ishizaki, a master's student, Department of Language and Information Sciences

【Title】The perception of spatial relations and the acquisition of prepositions by Japanese learners of English

【Language of presentation】English


The adults' understandings of spatial relations are formed lexically and based on the patterns of their native languages (McDonough, Choi & Mandler, 2003). Therefore, it is likely that adults have difficulty in acquiring a foreign language which has different patterns of spatial morphemes from their native language. English differs from Japanese in the way that it encodes contact relationship. For example, while two prepositions "on" and "above" are distinctively used to express the notion of contact relationship with the reference object in English, the same term "ue (-ni)" is used in Japanese. Thus I would like to investigate a possible way of examining how the perceptions that the native speakers of Japanese have of spatial relations have effects on the acquisition of English prepositions.

【Presenter 3】Xinqi He, a research student, Department of Language and Information Sciences

【Title】The Relationship between Japanese Learner’s Perception of Cross-linguistic Similarities and Their Learning Motivation

【Language of presentation】English


It has been proved that cross-linguistic similarities facilitate positive transfer both in related and unrelated language learning process. English-based loanwords, as one of the cross-linguistic similarities between English and Japanese, were claimed to exert positive impact on English acquisition process, especially comprehension process. Yet, Japanese society, including researchers, educators and public figures hold a negative attitude towards how loanwords influence English acquisition. There may be a great chance that this kind of perception would wield a negative impact on learner’s perception of loanwords as well as their confidence in English learning, which as a result, would probably diminish their motivation. This research will apply a case study with interview method to serve the purposes of the study, which is to understand whether negative public attitude towards loanwords actually influences learners’ attitude towards loanwords and whether this attitude has any impact on learners’ motivation.

If you have any questions, please contact us at komabalanguage@gmail.com.

For further information, please visit your website at komabalanguage .

Best regards,

Komaba Language Association, The University of Tokyo