A sheitel, a wig for a woman, must be made synthetic,

As real hair wigs are now problematic, 

By a married Jewish lady, a sheitel is worn, 

Or instead, a tichel, a kerchief, must her crown adorn. 

Real hair wigs are forbidden, as they’re sourced from places, 

Where there are many alien practices, 

The hair is cut, and given to false gods, most bizarre, 

So the hair, in avoda zara (Heb: “idol worship”) gifted are. 

Properly covering her hair, a married Jewish lady acknowledges, 

That daas Moshe and daas Yehudis is her modesty tznius (Heb: modesty) pledge, 

Modestly dressed as our Imahot (Heb: mothers, Sarah, Rivka,Rochel and Leah) of ages gone, 

Holding fast to G-D’s rules that say, immodesty is not worn. 

A wig or sheitel should be short or shoulder length, 

If made any longer, then it is a neglect, 

Of the laws of tznius, modesty as Jewish women know, 

That to attract attention, we strictly forego. 

A tichel or kerchief, must be of placid color, 

Its design must be modest, so it won’t sour, 

The dignity of our dress and our self-respect, 

That from Heaven directs us, we must not neglect. 

Jewish women, as well as Jewish men, follow Jewish modesty dress code, 

That from times ancient until now, we all strive to uphold, 

Our exemplary true modest behavior and dress, 

Are a testimony to our laws of morality, which we Jewish people profess. 

Jewish women disdain any attention seeking devices, 

So limbs and body are covered to distance any advances, 

In fit and in color, texture, design and in length, 

All factors are matched, for our spiritual strength. 

Tastefully dressed, shunning every fashion call, 

The Jewish woman, is aware of her special role, 

A role model of modesty, unassuming in all ways, 

She avoids carefully and foils, any stray stares. 
