For Pesach, buy a kosher Haggadah and look in the first few pages which will show you a picture on how to arrange a seder plate with the symbolic Pesach food and also how to arrange the matzah, extra maror, kosher red wine or kosher red grape juice and also the salt water in another receptacle. 

You can arrange the foods for the seder plate on a large plate if you do not have a subdivided seder plate. 

Make sure you don’t eat any leavened foods during the 8 days of Passover. (7 days in Israel) 


When out of Mitzrayim G-D brought all us Jews, (Mitzrayim, ancient Egypt) 

The world and its people were amazed at the news, 

They all knew then of G-D’s Holy Name, 

Yet they did not at all, try to change their game. (only Yisro, Moses' father-in-law did) 

Only Jewish people did and do, 

Every day and Pesach too, (we are commanded every day to remember that we left Mitzrayim, Ancient Egypt as if it were yesterday, thereby obeying G-D's word.) 

To celebrate Pesach only Jews are committed, 

To celebrate only we Jews are permitted. 

A proper Haggadah please use, 

No counterfeit or substitute, 

Every word is set from Torah in time, 

Therefore counterfeit copies we must decline. 

Formed into a Holy nation (goy kadosh) from oppression so severe, 

Keeping our Hebrew names, speech (speech: language: ancient Hebrew) and modest clothing ever so dear, 

We trusted Hashem and were faithful to Him, 

Worshiping no other gods, as they have no meaning. 

The miracles by G-D were likened to those of Creation, 

G-D brought ten plagues upon the cruel nation, (the nation of Mitzrayim: ancient Egypt), 

The laws of nature G-D suspended, 

So that Mitzrayim's evil to us be ended. 

We left Mitzrayim with gold, silver and jewels, 

And none of the disgrace of our torturers, 

With disgrace the cruel nation was amply rewarded, 

For its cruel oppressive obstinance towards us. 

Before we left, flour cakes of bread we kneaded, 

So hastily that they could not at all be leavened, 

We baked them in the fire we made on the way, 

Hungrily eating them by the roadside, a memory of travail. 

Pharaoh almost caught up to us, as we stood at Yam Suf, 

All his charioted horsemen and he were in our pursuit, 

We, sandwiched between our enslavers and drowning, 

Hashem saw we needed, to be saved from our blundering. 

Hashem urged Moshe to split the sea, 

By raising his staff that the waters should flee, 

We bravely entered the water, up to our neck, 

Even before the twelve (12) split channels had taken effect. (one channel for each tribe.) 

We entered the waters, Moshe raised his staff, 

That for us was a sign from Hashem, acting on our behalf, 

On entering, into sections the sea did split, 

With twelve (12) dry land channels for each tribe to exit. 

Walking on dry ground, vertical sea walls on each side, 

With the ancient Egyptians pursuing us from behind, 

They were foiled, as their chariot wheels were ground, 

Into the sea, pursuers perishing, their gold and jewellry we found. 

Matzah, "lechem oni”, bread of the poor and oppressed we ate, 

We eat also now as commanded on this date, (by Hashem in the Torah, Pesach, 8 days outside Israel, NO cakes, biscuits or regular bread to be eaten, a very important commandment that MUST be followed by all Jewish people throughout Pesach.) 

With the bitter herbs of the slavery we abhorred, 

There is also the memory of the korbon sacrifice by the “zroah” on the seder plate, recalled. (Pesach Korbon is not performed today as the Holy Temple is not standing at present.) 

Matzah of special "watched" wheat flour is made, 

So that it's not baked into hametz (leaven) instead, 

Shmura matza means it’s guarded, carefully watched, 

So too the flour it's made of, so it is not blemished. 

Humble deflated, just like matzah bread, 

We should be satisfied with the minimum instead, 

Many luxuries we avoid, as some are not even needed, 

Our souls have this already, fully conceded. 

Revelling in wealth is an unwanted trait, 

Rarely focused on becoming more perfect, 

Wealth, a great gift from Heaven can be, 

If it is used judiciously. 

A gift from Above it is given to some, 

To test where they will place their income. (Do they give tzaddaka, charity, in the correct measure and to the most deserving recipients?) 

So too the humble, as they are tested, 

Not to rely on many assets. (but relying, with perfect faith on G-D's day to day providence and sustenance to us.) 

All is from Above, in G-D’s plan Supernal, 

Hashem chooses all for each and everyone, 

Being humble, (like matzah) not showing any arrogance, 

Just thanking G-D for His care and providence. 

This meaning of Pesach is also to avoid arrogance, (in every facet of life, not just wealth.) 

As arrogance causes Hashem, to turn away His Face, 

Knowing that all comes from the Holy One, (even if we worked for it, as Hashem gives endurance, intellect, knowledge and talent in specific proportions and of different types to people.) 

So to be conceited, is called a crime. 

Pesach, matzah and maror and are the three things to remember, 

When sitting at the Passover seder, 

Recalling our poverty, slavery and bitter existence, 

Which ended with G-D’s miraculous assistance. (Passover: passing over our houses, but visiting death on the first born of our enemies who had enslaved us.) 

Passing over our houses G-D saw, 

Where there was blood placed around the door, 

Those who listened to G-D and there daubed Pesach blood, 

Were all allowed to remain alive. 

The people who worshipped other gods, 

Had all their first born destroyed, 

At the Hand of G-D their first born all died, 

Pharaoh cried and let us go for the first time. 

The Song of Songs on Pesach is read, 

It tells of times of old, when after G-D we sped, 

With love for G-D and His Word, through the burning desert, 

Affirming that our covenant with G-D, is still fully asserted. 

G-D is involved with us all the time, 

We try to absorb this fact so sublime, 

We wait until G-D will not refrain,(But G-D is always with us, it is just that we are in golus, {golus:exile}, as we are without the Jewish Holy Temple, the Beis HaMikdash standing at present.) 

To send us Moshiach to save us from pain. 

A happy and kosher Pesach, Pesach kasher v sameach! 
