Script Peter Pan


INTRODUCTION (Telón cerrado)


(Captain Hook and Peter Pan enter from the audience area. Hook is chasing Peter Pan)

PETER PAN: Come on Hook, I’m sure you can run faster than that.  

HOOK: Come here, you silly boy.

PETER PAN: You will never catch me!

(On stage. They are sword fighting. Suddenly their swords lock and they are face to face)

HOOK: You are trembling Pan. Do I frighten you?

PETER: No Hook, your breath… stinks! (Pushes Hook away and cuts his hand).

(Hook lets out a yell of pain and drop his sword)

HOOK: Argh, you’ve cut off my hand! Where is it?

PETER: Looking for this, stinky breath? (He shows Hook his hand)

HOOK: Give it back, Pan!

PETER: Never! (He throws the hand into the water and runs off)

(Crocodile’s roar)  

HOOK: I’ll get you for this, Pan. I won’t rest until I’ve got my revenge. (He exits)



(Music while the narrator is talking)

NARRATOR: This isn’t the first time for it to happen and it won’t be the last. In fact, in a quiet street in Bloomsbury, London; the Darling family lived. Peter Pan chose this particular house because he knew, the children who lived there believed in him. There lived three girls, Wendy, Michelle and Joanna and they believed in Peter Pan; and they knew him as the hero from their story books.


Se abre el telón


JOANNA: Blast you, Peter Pan!  

MICHELLE: Take that! Are you giving up, Captain Hook? Are you?

JOANNA: Never! I’ll teach you, I will cut off your head like you cut off my hand!

WENDY: (Chuckling) Oh, no, Joanna. It was the left hand.

JOANNA: Oh, yes. Thank you, Wendy.

NARRATOR: Wendy, the eldest daughter, not only did she believe in Peter Pan, she was his biggest fan. She knew everything about Peter Pan and all his marvellous adventures.

(Nana pushes Michelle.)

MICHELLE: Oh, Nana, I will not go to bed. It’s still very early and I want to play!

NARRATOR: As Nana, the nursemaid, was a dog she kept her opinions to herself.  

(Mrs. Darling enters)

MRS. DARLING: Where is your father? We mustn’t be late for the party.

MR. DARLING: (outside): Mary, Mary.

(Mr. Darling enters with a tie in his hands)

MR. DARLING: Oh… there you are.

MRS DARLING: What’s the matter?

MR. DARLING: This tie... Unless you can get this tie to go around my neck, we will not be going at the dinner party tonight, and if I don’t go to the dinner party tonight, then I will never be able to step foot into the office again; and if I can’t go to the office again…

MRS. DARLING: Calm down, dear. Let me see…There, perfect! Please, let us be on our way!

MICHELLE: Take that!

JOANNA: Aha, I will get you for that!

MICHELLE: And, if you do I'll cut you to pieces. Aha!

MR. DARLING: A little less noise, please girls, a little less noise!

JOANNA: Look, father! Michelle is playing Peter Pan.

MICHELLE: And Joanna is playing Captain Hook.

MR. DARLING: Peter Pan, again children?

MICHELLE:  Yes, Wendy said that Peter…

MR. DARLING: Wendy?? Wendy!!!

WENDY: Yes, father?

MR. DARLING: Will you stop filling these poor girls’ heads with your silly stories about Peter Pan!!

WENDY: Oh, mother, you look simply lovely in that dress!

MRS. DARLING: Thank you dear.

MR. DARLING: Wendy, do not change the subject!

WENDY: But they aren’t silly stories, father.

MR. DARLING: Well, I say they are nonsense. Captain Crook, Peter Pirate...

WENDY: Peter Pan, father!

MR. DARLING: Let me tell you, it’s ridiculous; there are no such people in this world...

CHILDREN: Oh, father…. you don’t understand.

MR. DARLING: Wendy, I’ve warned you! There is no excuse. Mary, this child is growing up, she is soon becoming a young lady, it is time she had a room of her own.


WENDY: Father!

JOANNA: What? What?

MICHELLE: No, no! Wendy cannot have her own room!

MR. DARLING: Wendy, I understand you enjoy sharing with your sisters, but you are growing up and it is time you had your own space and privacy!

WENDY: But… I don’t want to grow up.

(Nana reappears with a bath towel)

MICHELLE: No, Nana, no! I will not bath, NEVER!

MR. DARLING: Girls, go with Nana please. You must bath before bed!

(The girls and Nana leave the room. Nana collides with Mr. Darling’s trousers)

MR. DARLING: Oh, Mary, look! Nana’s fur is all over my trousers.

MRS. DARLING: I’ll brush it off for you George, come on, you’ll be alright.

MR. DARLING: Mary, sometimes I think it may be a mistake to have a dog as a nurse.

MRS. DARLING: Why, George? Nana is a treasure to our family.

MR. DARLING: I have an uneasy feeling at times; she looks at the children as if they are her puppies.

MRS. DARLING: Do you think the children would be safe without Nana? The house wouldn’t be the same without her.

MR. DARLING: Safe? Of course, they’ll be safe. Why not?

MRS. DARLING: George, we must keep Nana for the children’s safety. Earlier tonight, I saw a face in the children’s bedroom window.

MR. DARLING: A face in their window? And, the children’s room is two floors up?

MRS. DARLING: The face looked like one of a young boy, it seemed like he was trying to get in.

MR. DARLING: Impossible!

MRS. DARLING: This is not the first time for me to see that boy. A week ago, I was sitting by the fire when suddenly, I heard a noise. When I looked up at the window and I saw him, he was in the room! Luckily because of Nana springing on him, the boy jumped out of the window. Nana tried closing the window to stop him, but it was too late to catch him. He managed to escape, but his shadow didn’t. Here, look… here it is! (She shows him the shadow)

MR. DARLING: (He takes the shadow): Well, I doubt it would be anyone we know…

MRS. DARLING: I think… Don’t yell but I think it’s Peter Pan. It seems like he’s coming back to try and take back his shadow…

MR. DARLING: Peter Pan again? How can we expect the children to stop believing in Peter Pan and these silly stories, if you believe in them too? No wonder Wendy’s full of these silly ideas!

MRS. DARLING: George, dear… Please, I would not lie about something like this. Oh! Here they come.

(This scene is broken by the return of Nana with the children. Mrs Darling puts the shadow back inside the wardrobe. Nana collides again with Mr. Darling)

MR. DARLING: Oh, Mary, just look at my trousers, covered with her fur again. (to Nana): Clumsy, clumsy dog!

(Nana is on her knees by the kennel).

WENDY: Father, you’ve made her cry!

CHILDREN: Oh father, poor, poor nana! Don’t be so mean to Nana, father.

MR. DARLING: Poor Nana! (Sarcastically) Poor Nana! Oh, yes, of course poor Nana. (Talking to Nana) Out, out, I say. (Nana remains inside her kennel) There will be no more dogs for nursemaids in this house! (to Nana) Your place is in the yard. Don’t look at me like that. It’s just that… you are not a nurse…  you are a dog… and the children aren’t puppies they are people. And sooner or later, people have to grow up.

MRS DARLING: George, George, remember what I told you --- that boy!

MR. DARLING: Am I master in this house or is she? (to Nana): Out, out!

CHILDREN: Please, father!

MR. DARLING: (to Nana, fiercely): Come along!

(Nana barks and snaps at him)

MR. DARLING: Come on Nana!

(Nana comes slowly, but retreats quickly)

MR. DARLING: Good Nana

(Nana raises her head and quickly lowers it)

MR. DARLING: Kind Nana

(Nana raises her head and shakes “No”)

MR. DARLING: Nice Nana! Pretty nana!

(Nana comes to Darling and rolls over playfully kicking her feet in the air. Mr. Darling grabs her).

MR. DARLING: There we go! Come on!

(He drags her off and they exit)

CHILDREN (crying): Oh, father.

WENDY: Please, don’t. She will be a good dog.

MICHELLE: Poor nana, out there all alone.

MRS. DARLING: No more tears, Michelle. It’s a warm night. She’ll be alright.

(The children go to bed)

JOANNA: (as the barking below goes on): She is very unhappy.

WENDY: That’s not Nana’s unhappy bark. That’s her bark when she senses danger.

MRS. DARLING: Danger? Are you sure, Wendy?

WENDY: Yes, mother.

MICHELLE: Can anything harm us, mother, after the night-lights are lit?

MRS. DARLING: Nothing darling. They are the eyes a mother leaves behind to guard her children. Good night, my dears!

(Looking at the window) Dear night-lights that protect my sleeping children, burn clear and steadfast tonight.

(Mrs. Darling turns off the lights and leaves).




NO se cierra telón



Se apagan las luces


(The children are sleeping. Tinker Bell enters the room. Flashlight. Peter Pan enters the room searching for his lost shadow)

PETER: Tinker Bell! Tink!

(Nana barks outside, and in fright Peter hides behind the curtains)

PETER: Tinker Bell. Where are you?

TINK: Peter, I can’t see you.  


Se encienden las luces


PETER: (Coming from behind the curtains) Oh, there you are.  Where would they have put my shadow, Tink? It must be here somewhere.  (Tink opens a music box and starts dancing)  

PETER: Stop playing and help me find my shadow. Shadow, shadow?

TINK: Ah, it is over there, Peter.

PETER: Where? I think it´s inside this wardrobe. (He opens the wardrobe and finds his shadow, but closes it with Tinker Bell inside) Oh, my shadow. Stick!! (he tries to stick the shadow) Stick!!(he tries again) Alright shadow, I’ll stick you back on with soap. (He picks up a bar of white soap from the dresser. He soaps the shadow and lies on it trying to stick them back together. He stands up but the shadow is still on the floor) Shadow, stick! Oh dear, it didn’t work. What’s the matter with my shadow? (He loses hope and sits upset).

WENDY: (Sitting up in bed): Boy, why are you crying?

PETER: (Peter stands up quickly): Who’s there? What is your name?

WENDY: Wendy Moira Angela Darling.

PETER PAN: Wendy’s enough.

WENDY: What is your name?  

PETER PAN: Peter Pan

WENDY: Is that all?


WENDY: Oh, I’m sorry…

PETER: It doesn’t matter

WENDY: Why were you crying?

PETER: I can’t get my shadow to stick back onto me.

WENDY: Your shadow has come off? (looking for the shadow behind him)

PETER: It is there.

WENDY: (She sees the shadow) Ow....How awful... But you can’t stick it on with soap, Peter. It will need to be sewn onto you, I can do it for you.  (Wendy goes to the dresser for the sewing box).

WENDY: Sit there. I dare say, it will hurt a little.

PETER: I never cry. (She pricks him a little) Ouch!

(He stands up): Look Wendy! My shadow! My very own shadow is back where it belongs.

WENDY: It’s only a shadow…

PETER: Yes, but it’s MY shadow. I am very clever you see.

WENDY: Of course, I did “nothing” (Sarcastically) You are “so” clever. Shall I give you a kiss?

(Peter holds out his hand).

WENDY: Don’t you know what a kiss is?

PETER: I will know when you give it to me.

(Not to hurt his feelings she gives him her thimble)

PETER: Now, shall I give you a kiss?

WENDY: If you would, please. (She closes her eyes)

PETER: Ey, ey...(She opens her eyes and Peter gives her a button)

WENDY: (She is shocked): Oh... a button… I will wear it on this chain around my neck... But tell me, Peter, how old are you?

PETER: I’m not sure, I left home when I was a very little boy.


PETER: Because I want always to be a little boy and to have fun. So, I ran away and I’ve been living with the fairies since.

WENDY: You really know fairies?

PETER: Yes, but they are all dying…


PETER: Every time a child says “I don’t believe in fairies”, fairies die because the child doesn’t believe. (Looking for Tink) Where has she gone, Tink?

WENDY: Do you mean there is a fairy right here in this same room?

PETER: She came with me. (They hear the tinkle of a bell). That’s Tink.

WENDY: It seemed to have come from over there.

(Peter opens the wardrobe and Tink flies out)

TINK: Oh, you’re a silly boy! Why did you shut me up in that wardrobe? And what are you doing with this human… girl?

PETER: Don’t say that. I’m very sorry!

WENDY: (Surprised): What a lovely fairy!

TINK: Firstly, I am not just a fairy, I am THE fairy. And secondly, Peter Pan is mine. This silly, human girl cannot compete with a fairy as wonderful as me.

WENDY: What did she say?

PETER: She says you are a silly human, girl.

WENDY: Oh...It’s all right.... But tell me Peter… Where do you live?

PETER: Way beyond the stars. It is a very secret and a magical place.

WENDY: Please, tell me!

PETER: Would you believe me if I told you?

WENDY: I would, I promise.

PETER: I live over there, second to the right and straight on till morning.

WENDY: What a funny address!

PETER: It’s called Neverland. It’s a place where dreams come true and time is never an issue. People never grow old there neither.

WENDY: What does it look like, Peter?

PETER: It is a small island, full of adventure. Neverland can be in summer, winter, spring and fall, all at the same time.

WENDY: It sounds lovely. I wish I could see it. Who else lives there, Peter?

PETER: The Lost Boys

WENDY: Who are they?

PETER: They are the babies who fall out of their cots after birth, and when the nurses are looking the other way. If they aren’t claimed in seven days, they are sent far away to Neverland. I’m their leader.

WENDY: What fun it must be!

PETER: Yes, but we are rather lonely. You see, Wendy, there are only boys living there.

WENDY: Are there really no girls?

PETER: No, you see girls are much too clever to fall out of their cots.

WENDY: Peter, it’s perfectly lovely the way you talk about girls. Would you like to give me a kiss?

PETER: I thought you would want it back! (He offers her the thimble).

WENDY: No, Peter, I didn’t mean a kiss, I meant a thimble.

PETER: What’s that?

WENDY: It is like this. Close your eyes (she leans forward to give a demonstration, but something prevents the meeting of their faces). Ouch! (She screams)

PETER: What is it?

WENDY: It felt as if somebody was pulling my hair.

PETER: Oh that’s sounds a lot like something Tink would do. She’s very naughty, sometimes.

TINK: I am not going to allow her to kiss my boy, silly human girl. I will do my best to stop it every time.

WENDY: What did she say?

PETER: She says she will do that every time I try to give you a thimble.

WENDY: But why?

PETER:  I don’t know...Why, Tink?

TINK: You just don’t understand, do you? Silly girl!

PETER: She’s called you a silly, human girl again.

WENDY: Oh, she sounds like a broken record. Peter, what brought you to our nursery window?

PETER: Your stories.

WENDY: My stories? Most of them are about you.

PETER: That’s why I like them. Then I return to Neverland and tell the stories to the Lost Boys. None of us know any stories...

WENDY: How awful!!

PETER: Once the story was about a Prince who searched for his true love, she lost her glass slipper at the ball, where they met.

WENDY: Oh, that’s the story of Cinderella. The Prince found her...


WENDY: ...and then they were happily ever after.

PETER: I am glad. (He jumps up and runs towards the window)

WENDY: Where are you going?

PETER (Already on his way to the window): To tell the Lost Boys.

WENDY: Don’t go, Peter. I know a lot of stories.

PETER: Do you?

WENDY: I’m so glad you came back tonight.


WENDY: This is my last night in this room with my sisters, my father has ordered that I have my own room because I’m growing up.

PETER: Growing up? Why do you need your own room?

WENDY: Tonight is my last night in the nursery. I will have my own room tomorrow.

PETER: But that means no more stories. No! I won’t have it! Come on.

WENDY: But where are you going?

PETER: To Neverland. You won’t have to grow up then, no one grows up in Neverland. Wendy, come with me!

WENDY: Oh, Peter, it would be so wonderful. But wait! What would mother say?

PETER: Mother? What is a mother?

WENDY: A mother is someone who loves and cares for you and tells you stories.

PETER: Good, you can be our mother. Come on.

WENDY: Oh, all the stories I could tell the Lost Boys; that would make me so happy! How exciting!

TINK: No, you are not coming to Neverland with us, I won’t allow it. You’ll never tell the boys stories, never!

WENDY: Joanna, Michelle, wake up. Look who’s here.

JOANNA: Wow, it is Peter Pan.

WENDY: He is taking us to Neverland.


WENDY: Of course, I couldn’t go without them.

MICHELLE: How do we get there, Peter? 

PETER: We’ll fly.

JOANNA: Fly? We can’t fly!

PETER: Yes, you can, it is very easy; all you have to do is think happy thoughts. (He starts to rise up into the air). And up you’ll go!!

MICHELLE: He is flying!

JOANNA: He’s flying!

MICHELLE: Will you teach us to fly, please?

PETER: Want to learn?

MICHELLE: Oh, teach us, please!

PETER: First we need fairy dust, Tink, Tink?! There you are (Peter sprinkles fairy dust on the children, Tink isn’t happy) Now, you must think happy thoughts.

JOANNA: Fishing

WENDY: Picnics


JOANNA: Summer

WENDY: Flowers


JOANNA: Fairies

WENDY:  Sailing


PETER: Happier thoughts, Michelle!

MICHELLE: Christmas!!

PETER: Yeah, that’s more like it!

(All three children fly)

CHILDREN: We can fly!! We can fly!!

PETER: Come on, I’ll take you to Neverland.

WENDY: Neverland!

PETER: There are Pirates and Indians!


JOANNA: Indians

MICHELLE: We must go at once.

PETER: Get ready!


(Peter exits, Wendy and John follow)

MICHELLE: Wait for me! Wait for me!                      (curtain)


Se cierra el telón y se cambia el escenario: se le da la vuelta al armario para que se vea el árbol

Se quitan las camas y se ponen una seta y un arbusto


SCENE 3 (Neverland)

NARRATOR: In Peter’s absence, life on the island of Neverland seems quiet, On his return, the island comes back to life. The Lost Boys are excited to hear more stories from Peter, the Indians search for the pirates, and the pirates search for Peter and the lost boys

NIBBS: Where is Peter?

TOOTLES: I am always afraid of Pirates and Indians when Peter’s not here to protect us.

SLIGHTLY: I wonder what’s keeping him so long.

(Suddenly they hear the Pirates’ singing).

NIBBS: What’s that?

TWINS: Pirates

ALL: Pirates! Pirates!

(They hide. The pirates arrive. One of the Lost Boys, Tootles runs from his tree and is seen for a moment and Starkey’s pistol is at once up-raised.. The Captain twists his hook into him).

STARKEY: They must be here somewhere

HOOK: I want all of the lost boys. Scatter and look for them. Go at once! At once I say!!

(The pirates disperse)

HOOK: Not you, Smee.

SMEE: (He has started to run and he comes back again): Not you, Smee

HOOK: Most of all, I want their leader, Peter Pan. It was he who cut off my arm. Oh, I have been waiting patiently to get my revenge on him! Oh, I’ll tear him apart.

SMEE: Yes, I have often heard you say your hook was worth a score of hands – for combing your hair and other homely uses. (Smee takes a handkerchief; he breaths over the hook and polishes it. Then Hook puts his arm around Smee. Smee looks at the hook fearfully)

HOOK: Aye, Smee, I wish I had my hand... but that stupid Peter threw it to a crocodile that happened to be passing by.

SMEE: I have often noticed your strange phobia of crocodiles.

HOOK: Not of crocodiles, but of that one crocodile. He liked my hand so much, that he has followed me ever since --- from land to land, from sea to sea, and he follows the ship, licking his lips for the rest of me.

SMEE: In a way, Captain, it’s a compliment.

HOOK: Well, I want no such compliment. (He shouts at Smee and he falls. Hook slaps Smee’s nose with his hook). I want Peter Pan, who first gave the crocodile his taste for me. Oh, Smee. (He opens his arms and Smee hugs him). That crocodile would have caught me by now if he hadn’t swallowed a clock.

SMEE: A clock?

HOOK: Yes, luckily, I know when he is coming because the clock goes on --- tick, tock, tick, tock within him, and so, before he can reach me, I hear the ticking. Then, I run for my life.

SMEE: Someday the clock will run out of batteries and then he’ll get you.

HOOK: (fearfully) Aye, that’s the fear that haunts me.

(He sits on one of the island mushrooms, or tree stumps, which are of enormous size. But this is a hand-painted one placed here in time of danger to conceal a chimney.)


SMEE: What’s the matter, Captain! (He sees the smoke coming out from the chimney)

HOOK: This seat is hot. Oh! It’s very hot. Oh, my Gosh!! I’m burning! Smee do something!! Do something!! (Smee blows his bottom) What are you doing?

SMEE: Something.

HOOK: Oh, Smee.

(They go towards the mushroom and remove it. They hear the sound of children’s voices).

HOOK: A chimney! Peter and the Lost Boys must be living underground!

SMEE: Listen!

HOOK: They say that Peter Pan’s away from home. (They replace the mushroom) Call back the men!

(Smee whistles and the men return) Lost Boys, your time has come! (Suddenly, the sound of ticking is heard)

HOOK: The crock! The crock!

SMEE: How do you know?

HOOK: I hear him ticking. Protect me Smee! Protect me! (He exists)

SMEE: (following him): Don’t leave me, Captain.

(A huge crocodile passes across, ticking, and follows them).

(The Lost Boys stick their heads out and then emerge)

SLIGHTLY: They are gone.

TWIN 1: Has Peter come back yet, Slightly?

SLIGHTLY: No twin.

TOOTLES: I wish Peter would come back.

TWINS: So do we.

SLIGHTLY: Maybe he is waiting to hear the end of the story about the girl and the glass slipper, so that he can tell us.

NIBBS: Even though I don’t know anything about my mother, I hope she was just like the girl in the story, kind and gentle.

SLIGHTLY: My mother was fonder of me than your mothers were of you.

TWINS: No, she wasn’t

SLIGHTLY: Yes, she was. Peter had to make up names for you, but my mother wrote my name on the clothes I was left in. Slightly Soiled – that’s my name.

(They push Slightly and they fight. They hear the Indians coming)

TWIN 2: What’s that?

(Four arrows shoot right to left over them)

TOOTLES: It’s Tiger Lily. Indians!!

ALL: Indians! (They hide)

(Indians enter)

TIGER LILY: I want to catch the Lost Boys. Psst. (She says very loudly): Let’s go home now {back to the tepee}


TOOTLES: (emerging): They are gone! (Sees the Indians) Oh no!

(Indians grab him, other lost boys grab from the other side – a tug of war. Suddenly Slightly looks up)

SLIGHTLY: Look! A bird! (Wendy enters “flying”)

NIBBS: It’s very white!

TIGER LILY: The bird must be an omen.

BRAVES (Indian): A good or a bad omen?

TIGER LILY: You know what they say: when in doubt—run! (Indians run away).

TWIN 1: Look! It’s Tinkerbell!

TINKER BELL: Hello boys! I have orders from Peter. This is a terrible Wendy bird.

ALL: a Wendy bird?

TINK: Quick, Peter has said that you must shoot her! (She points at Wendy)

TWIN 2: She says Peter wants us to shoot the bird.

TOOTLES: Shoot it quick – bows and arrows at the ready!

SLIGHTLY: Out of the way, Tink, I’ll shoot it!

(Slightly shoots bird and boys cheer. Wendy flies in with an arrow in her heart; they put her down).

SLIGHTLY: I have killed it! Peter will be so pleased with me!

NIBBS: This is not a bird- it is a girl!

ALL: A girl?

TWIN 1: Now I see, Peter must’ve been bringing her to us.

TWIN 2: Oh no, what if she was going to take care of us.

SLIGHTLY: Oh no, what have I done? Peter has been very kind and has brought us a mother to take care of us and tells us stories. But, I killed her! Oh, dear, I have spoilt our chances of having a mother! Peter will be very unhappy with me. Friends, good bye! (He tries to run away)

BOYS: Wait. Don’t run Slightly!

SLIGHTLY: I must! I am so afraid of upsetting Peter.

(Peter crows)

BOYS: Quick, it’s Peter.

(They line up in front of Wendy to hide her)

PETER: Greetings boys! I’m back. What’s the matter, why aren’t you happy?

BOYS: (they cheer): Hurray!

PETER: Wait!! I want to introduce you to new friends, this is Joanna and Michelle.


PETER: I have great news. I have brought us a mother, she flew this way. Have you seen her?

SLIGHTLY: Peter, I have something to tell you, it will be easier if I show her to you…

BOYS: No!! No!!

SLIGHTLY: Everyone stand back and let Peter see.

(They stand aside. Peter sees Wendy lying on the floor).

PETER: Oh no, Wendy! She has an arrow in her heart! Wendy is dead. Who has done this to Wendy, who?

SLIGHTLY: It was me Peter… Don’t strike me! I’m so sorry.

PETER: (He raises his arrow like dagger, but Wendy’s arm comes up and grasps Peter’s arm). What is happening, why can’t I strike?

NIBBS: Look it is Wendy!

PETER: She’s alive? How?  (Boys cheer) Look, the arrow struck against this, it is the kiss I gave her. It has saved her life.

SLIGHTLY: I remember kisses. Let me see, let me see. (Looking at the button). Oh yes, that is a kiss alright!

TINK: At last, she has gone. Now I will have Peter’s full attention.

NIBBS: Tink, who are you speaking to? Why are you so happy?

TOOTLES: Because she thinks that Wendy is dead.

SLIGHTLY: Tink told us to shoot Wendy, Peter. She told us that she is a terrible bird who’s coming to get us!

PETER: She said that?

ALL (pointing at Tin): Yes, she did.

PETER: Tink, is that true? won’t be my friend anymore.

TINK: Peter, no! I would never do such a thing, they are lying, Peter, (to the boys) you silly boys (to Peter) Peter, please. I’m your friend, not Wendy! I’ve always been there for you.

PETER: But friends don’t hurt each other. I am very disappointed in you, Tink! (she starts crying)

MICHELLE: Why are you crying?

TINK: This silly girl is causing me too much trouble.

MICHELLE: Wendy is kind, Tink. Why don’t you like her? She has come to be our mother, to tell us stories! She knows lots of stories.

NIBBS: Have we really got a new mother, Peter?

PETER: Of course, she has come to stay.

SLIGHTLY: We won’t be alone anymore; we have someone to care for us!

TWINS: At last we have a mother!

SLIGHTLY: Wendy can sing to us and tell us the stories we have been longing to hear over and over.

(Wendy wakes up)

TOOTLES: Look, Peter, she is awake.

ALL: (they take flowers and give them to Wendy):  Wendy, lady, be our mother

TWIN 1: We’ll be your children!

TWIN 2: We will be on our best behaviour always!

WENDY: I’d love to be the mother of you lovely boys provided Peter will be the father.

ALL:  Please, Peter!!!

PETER: (Hesitating) All right... As long as it’s only make-believe

ALL: Great!!

(Hook and Smee enter hiding behind the bushes and they place a poisonous cake on the floor).

TWINS: Look, a cake, a cake!

(All join in clamour)

WENDY: (Wendy removes the cake from the Lost Boys before they can eat it ): Children! I’m sure this cake is very unhealthy, I don’t want you to eat it.

(Boys groan)

SLIGHTLY: Oh, she is a very strict mother.

PETER: (Pushing and kicking Sligthtly): She is not a strict mother!

WENDY: Oh, Peter, I expect you will be helping me to set a good example for our children.

MICHELLE: Wendy, mother, I’m hungry.

WENDY: Oh yes, It’s nearly dinner time; I’ll go home and get it started. And Peter, now it is your responsibility to give our children their daily lesson, like a good father.

PETER: Well mother, I’ll try my best.

ALL: (laughing at him): I’ll try my best.

WENDY: After dinner, before I put you to sleep, I’ll have just enough time to finish the story of Cinderella. Goodby father, goodbye children (she exits)

ALL: Goodbye mommy!

PETER: Ok, boys... Line up over there. Are  you ready for today’s lesson?

ALL: Yes, Peter

PETER: Then, listen to your father and repeat after me...  I won’t grow up.

ALL: I won’t grow up

PETER: I don’t want to go to school

ALL: I don’t want to go to school.

PETER: I will never wear a tie

ALL: I will never wear a tie  (They exit)

(Hook and Smee enter)

HOOK: The game is up. Those boys have found a mother.

SMEE: A mother!

HOOK: What?

SMEE: A mother!

HOOK: Do you have a mother?

SMEE: What is a mother?

HOOK:  Oh.. Smee.

(Indians’ singing backstage)

HOOK: Indians! Get them (They exit)

(Lights off)


Se cierra el telón y se quita la seta


SCENE 4   (Mermaid Lagoon)

PETER: I must show you the island. It is very beautiful and enchanting.  

WENDY: Peter, look, a mermaid!

PETER: Watch out, Wendy! Don’t touch her. Keep away from her!

WENDY: I wish I could touch the mermaids.

PETER: Mermaids are such cruel creatures that they try to put boys and girls like you into the water and drown them.

WENDY: How awful!

PETER: Look there. That is a very important rock. It is called Marooner’s Rock. Oh... Here are the pirates. Be careful! They mustn’t see us. (They hide)

(Starkey and Smee enter with Tiger Lily, blindfolded)

SMEE: The captain ordered us to tie her to the rock and leave the tide to drown her!

TIGER LILY: Oh nooo!

STARKEY: To the rock with her, mate

WENDY: Poor Tiger Lily!

STARKEY: Who’s there?

PETER: (Mimics Hook’s voice): Ahoy there, you lubbers!

STARKEY: It is the Captain, he must be close by....

SMEE: I’ve put the redskin on the rock, Captain.

PETER: Set her free!

SMEE: But, Captain!

PETER: Cut her bonds, or I’ll plunge me hook into you! (thunder)

SMEE: How odd, I thought the Captain wanted her dead.

STARKEY: Oh you heard what the Captain said, untie her, at once. (They let her go)

(Hook enters)

HOOK: Ahoy there!

STARKEY: It is the Captain!

SMEE: Captain, is all well?

HOOK: All’s very well. Where is Tiger Lily?

SMEE: It’s all right, Captain, we let her go

HOOK: You let her go?

SMEE: We followed your orders, Captain.

STARKEY: You told us to let her go.

HOOK: You fools, I gave no such orders! What is happening here?

SMEE: It is something very odd. (thunder)

(Peter laughs)

HOOK: Spirits that haunts this dark lagoon tonight, do you hear me?

PETER: (In the same voice): Odds bods, hammer and tongs, I hear you.

HOOK: Speak, stranger, who are you?

PETER: I am Hook

HOOK: Oh, no, you are not Hook! I am Hook.

PETER: Yes, I am the Captain of the Jolly Roger (thunder)

HOOK: Well... If you are Hook, then who am I?

PETER: A codfish, a stinking codfish!

HOOK: A stinking codfish?

SMEE: Have we been captained all this time by a stinking codfish?

STARKEY: It’s lowering to our pride.

HOOK: Oh, shut up!

PETER: That is all?

HOOK: Have you other name?

PETER:  Oh.. yes!

HOOK: Vegetable?


HOOK: Mineral?


HOOK: Animal?


HOOK: Man?

PETER: Never

HOOK: Boy?


HOOK: An horrid boy?


HOOK: A wonderful boy?


HOOK: Are you in England?


HOOK: Are you here?


HOOK: Smee, you, ask him some questions.

SMEE: I can’t think now, Captain

PETER: So, I guess you give up!

HOOK: Yes.

PETER: All of you?

ALL: Yes.

PETER: Are you sure?

ALL: Yes!

PETER: Well, then... I am Peter Pan.

HOOK: Peter Pan, Smee!

(Peter Pan comes out and they start to fight. Smee and Starkey run away)

PETER: Take that!

HOOK: Give it back

PETER: Never

(Peter Pan and Hook fight until Hook falls down)

WENDY: You saved my life. You are the bravest and strongest boy in the world. Is there anything you can’t do?

PETER: Nothing!! (they cheer)

(Suddenly, Hook stands up)

WENDY: Peter, behind you! Watch out!

(Hook grabs Peter Pan)

HOOK: I’ve got you! (He hurts him) Take that!! Silly boy!

(Hook hears the clock)

HOOK: The crocodile! The crocodile! Smee!!! (He runs away)

WENDY: Peter, are you alright?

PETER: Look at the water, it is rising. Soon we will drown

WENDY: We must go!


WENDY: Should we swim or fly?

PETER: Wendy, do you think you could fly until the underground without me?

WENDY: I am not sure.

PETER: Hook has wounded me twice. I can neither swim nor fly.

WENDY: Do you mean we will drown? 

PETER: Look at the water, it’s rising.

WENDY: I won’t go without you.

PETER: You must! Are you ready, Wendy?(He throws the fairy dust over her and she starts flying) Go!! Fly!

WENDY: Oh, no, Peter. Don’t make me go without you. (She exits) No, please!

PETER: Today will be a lovely big adventure!

(Suddenly, Tiger Lily appears and helps him. They shake hands).



Se cierra el telón y aparecen los niños perdidos sentados en el suelo, para irse a dormir (cojín, peluche...)


SCENE 5 (Home underground)


MICHELLE: Where is Peter, Wendy?

WENDY: I don’t know, dear.  

MICHELLE: Oh mother, it was such a wonderful dinner. Strawbery shortcake, vanilla ice cream, chocolate pudding...

WENDY: Yes, I always believe in a well-balanced diet.

MICHELLE: Now that we have finished, will you tell us a story, please?

WENDY: Very well.

TOOTLES: Tell us the end of Cinderella.

WENDY: Well, the Prince knocked on every door in the village and he made all the young girls from the ball try on the glass slipper, Cinderella was the last to try on the slipper and of course, it fit!

ALL: And?

WENDY: And they all lived happily ever after.

ALL: Wow!

TWINS: What about the end of the Sleeping Beauty.

WENDY: Well, the Prince found her asleep, he had to give her a true love’s kiss in order to woke her up and...

ALL: And?

WENDY: and they all lived happily ever after!

ALL: Wow!

NIBBS: How about the end of Hamlet?

WENDY: Hamlet? Well, the Prince Hamlet died

ALL: Oh!

WENDY: And the King died

ALL: Oh!

WENDY: and the Queen died.

ALL: Oh!

WENDY: And Ophelia died.

ALL: Oh!

WENDY: And Polonius died and...

ALL: And?

WENDY: The rest of them lived happily every after!

ALL: Yeah!

WENDY: Ok, boys, that’s enough for tonight. Time for bed!

(The Indians enter. Wendy, Michelle, Joanna and the Lost Boys grab make-shift weapons – a broom, dustpan, rolling pin and Wendy holds an umbrella. In the nick of time Peter arrives wearing his new Indian headdress).

PETER: Don’t shoot! We are friends now!

ALL: Friends?

PETER: I saved Tiger Lily’s life in the lagoon, and she saved mine in return after Hook injured me.

TIGER LILY: Peter Pan is the sun and the moon and the stars.

PETER: Yes, I know...

TIGER LILY: Peter Pan is a lump of delight.

PETER: Yes, I know...

TIGER LILY: Peter Pan is the bravest and strongest of all boys.

PETER: Yes, I know. But now, come on, boys, shake hands with your new brothers.

ALL: No!!

PETER: Don’t be afraid! Oh... come on. We will have a united front against the pirates!

WENDY: It’s alright!

TIGER LILY: Friends?

ALL: Friends!!!!

TIGER LILY: No, we will leave to keep an eye out for Pirates.

ALL: Goodbye, Tiger Lily!

TIGER LILY: Goodbye my new friends! (Indians exit. Sit at the stairs)

WENDY: Now children, make your father comfortable.

SLIGHTLY: Here is your chair, father.

TWINS: Here are your slippers, father.

JOANNA: Here is your pipe, father

MICHELLE: Here is your paper, father.

WENDY: Now, go wash up, it is your bedtime, come along (the boys exit. Michelle goes to bed) Peter, they are sweet, aren’t they?

PETER: (He is sitting on the chair smoking his pipe) Oh, yes... there is nothing better than sitting by the fire with the little ones close by --- mother.

MICHELLE: (rising in cradle) Peter, don’t you think I’m too big for a cradle?

PETER: (holding his pipe) A little less noise there! A little less noise!!

(A serious expression comes over Peter’s face. Wendy notices).

WENDY: Peter, what is it?

PETER: I was just thinking --- it is only pretend, isn’t it, that I’m their father?

WENDY: Oh yes, but they are ours, Peter, yours and mine

PETER: But not really?

WENDY: Well, no, not if you don’t wish it.

PETER: I don’t

WENDY: Peter, what are your exact feelings towards me?

PETER: Those of a devoted son, Wendy?

WENDY: I thought so.

TINK: How did you ever think Peter would ever want to be with a girl like you?  

PETER: Girls are so strange. Tinker Bell is just the same. There is something she wants to be to me, but she says it’s not my mother.

WENDY: No, indeed, it isn’t

PETER: What is it, then?

WENDY: It’s not for a lady to tell.

TINK: (To Peter): You don’t understand, do you?

PETER: Stop it, Tink!

WENDY: Now on this we agree, Tink!

(Boys return with nightclothes)

TWINS: We are all ready for bed now, mother

TOOTLES: I even brushed my teeth.

PETER: Wendy! You promised to be my mother, remember!

WENDY: Their mother! (Wendy goes with the boys)

SLIGHTLY: Wendy? Do you know a lullaby to sing us to sleep?

WENDY: A lullaby?

TWINS: Yes, please.

WENDY: I think so.

MICHELLE: Wendy, I am homesick! I want to go home!


WENDY: Yes, we have been away from home for a long time, and we are very far away. Mother and father must be very worried about us...

NIBBS: Are you leaving us, Wendy?

WENDY: I must. Peter, will you please help us get back home to our parents, please?

PETER: If you´re sure.

TINK: Great! What a lovely surprise!

PETER: Tink, you are to take Wendy and her brothers, on a journey across the sea, back to England.

TINK: Wow, look at that! I finally get to take them home!

WENDY: Dear ones, if you all come with me I am almost sure my mother and father would adopt you.

ALL: Great!

TOOTLES: Peter, can we go?

PETER: All right! Go!

ALL: Great!

WENDY: Collect your things, boys. We will travel back to England as soon as possible.

(Boys exit)

PETER: (Peter, with his hand in his heart, seems quite sad) Augh!

WENDY: What is it, Peter? Is it pain?


WENDY: I will get you some medicine before our journey.

PETER: This is not that kind of a pain.

WENDY: So, go and get your things, Peter.

PETER: I am not going with you Wendy!

WENDY: Yes, Peter. You must...

PETER: No, I cannot leave Neverland, it is my home.

TINK: Didn’t you hear him properly?

WENDY: But why not?

PETER: You are wrong about mothers. Long ago, I thought like you,  my mother used to leave the window open. I was away for a long time before I returned, one night I flew back but the window was closed. My mother forgot all about me. There was another little boy sleeping in my bed. I had been replaced.

WENDY: Peter, not all mothers are like this...

PETER: I don’t want to grow up and I don´t want to become an adult. I just want to be a little boy forever and have fun. No one will catch me and make me become a man.

(Boys reenter with bundles)

SLIGHTLY: We’re all ready to go now, Wendy.

WENDY: Peter isn’t coming with us, boys.

TWINS: Peter is not coming?

NIBBS: Then Peter, we won’t leave either.

PETER: That’s all right. You have a chance to be a part of a real family, who will care for you. I hope you like them and live happily ever after, like the stories.

(Boys cry)

Now then, no fuss, no blubbering, just say goodbye. Good bye boys.

(Pirates attack the guarding Indians at the stairs and rout them, all huddle around Peter)

PETER: The fight is over.

WENDY: But who has won?

PETER: If the Indians won the fight they will beat their drum. Listen! (Starkey plays the drum) The drum! It is the sound of an Indian victory! You are perfectly safe now, Wendy. Tiger Lily will escort you through the forest. Goodbye boys!

(The boys file past Peter saying goodbye and shaking hands. Michelle gives Peter a teddy bear. They go to the stairs and there they are captured by the pirates)

PETER: Tink, are you ready to lead their way home?

TINK: It will be my pleasure to take them home.

WENDY: Peter, remember your medicine.

PETER: I won’t forget it.

WENDY: Peter, if you come for me once a year, I will come back and clean your home. Will you come for me? We could have a new adventure each time.

PETER: It sounds like a great plan.

WENDY: You won’t forget?

PETER: Of course not

WENDY: Peter, if another little girl should come along, one younger than I –

TINK: What are you talking about? There will never be another girl, not on my watch.

WENDY: Oh, Peter, how I wish you would come with us... (She tries to kiss him again but Peter rejects her) Yes, I know. (She leaves)

WENDY: Oh, Peter, goodbye!

PETER: Oh, Wendy, shall I give you a kiss?

WENDY: Of course!

PETER: Here you go (Peter returns the thimble).

(Wendy exits and Peter Pan goes to the cradle with the teddy bear and falls asleep).

HOOK: (At the stairs, Smee is holding Wendy) Take them all to the ship. The boys will walk the plank, and Wendy will be our mother.

SMEE: But what about Peter?

HOOK: This is for Peter, it is his punishment for taking my hand.

SMEE: Poison!

HOOK: Yes (laughs). He’s doomed! (he enters to put the poison in his medicine)

SMEE: (At the stairs with Wendy): I will save you, only if you promise to be my mother.

WENDY: I would rather have no children at all.

(the captain comes back with them and they exit)

(Peter wakes up)

PETER: Who is that? Is anyone there?

TINK: Peter, Tiger Lily was defeated and Wendy and the boys have been captured by the pirates.

PETER: What? I’ll rescue her. (He takes his sword)

TINK: What is that, Peter?

PETER: It’s just my medicine.

TINK: Don’t drink it, Peter! It´s poisonous.

PETER: Poisonous? Nonsense! Who could have poisoned it? I promised Wendy to take it and I’m going to as soon as I’ve sharpened my sword.

(Tink drinks his medicine).

PETER: Why did you drink my medicine?

(Tink faints)

PETER: What’s the matter with you? (He smells the medicine) It was poisoned! You drank it to save my life. Tink, dear, Tink, you are dying?

TINK: Did you call me dear?

PETER: Your voice is so low, I can’t hear your bells ring.

TINK: I could get well again if you kissed me.

PETER: I can’t hear you, Tink.

TINK: Oh, never mind.

PETER: You say you could be well again if...

TINK: If children believed in fairies.

PETER: But the children have gone. (to the audience) Do you believe in faires, children? Say you believe, please, don’t let her die. Do you believe??


(Tink recovers)

PETER: You are alive! Come on Tink, let’s rescue Wendy! This time it is between Hook and me!


Se cierra el telón


SCENE 6  (The ship)

(The pirates enter with the boys tied with a rope)

HOOK: It is the hour of my triumph, Peter has been killed at last and all the boys are about to walk the plank. I’m the greatest villain of all time! Who was Bluebeard?

SMEE: Nobody

HOOK: Who was Nero?

SMEE: Nobody

HOOK: Who was Jack the Ripper?

SMEE: Nobody

HOOK (to the boys): Now then, you bullies, you are about to walk the plank, but I have room for two cabin boys – which of you is it going to be?

SLIGHTLY: You see, Sir, I don’t think my mother would like me to be a pirate! Would your mother like you to be a pirate, Nibbs?

NIBBS: I don’t think so. Would your mother like you to be a pirate, Tootles?

TOOTLES: I don’t think so. Twins, would your mother like you to be pirates?

TWINS: We don’t think so, would your mother...

HOOK: Stop that gabbing. (to Michelle) You girl! You look as though you had a little pluck in you. Didn’t you ever dream of becoming a pirate?

MICHELLE: What would you call me if I decided to join?

HOOK: Blondehaired Michelle

MICHELLE: What do you think, Joanna?

JOANNA: Can we still be faithful to the flag?

HOOK: You would have to swear “Down with the flag”.

JOANNA: Then I refuse

MICHELLE: and I refuse.

HOOK: That seals your doom. Bring up their mother.

(Starkle enters with Wendy)

HOOK: Well, my proud beauty, you are about to see your children walk the plank!

WENDY: Are they going to die?

HOOK: They are (laughs)

ALL: Ohh!

HOOK: Silence! Silence, all for a mother’s last words to her sons.

WENDY: Dear boys, These are my last words. I feel that...

HOOK (He interrupts Wendy): Thank you...Tie her to the mast!

(They hear the tick-tock. It is Peter who is making the noise)

HOOK: Smee, Smee...The crock, the crock, save me!! (Hook hugs Smee)

SMEE: I’ll save you!

(All the pirates gather at the opposite listening to what they think is the crocodile. Peter and Tiger Lily enter and greet the children silently. The hide in the cabin)

SMEE: It is gone, Captain! There is not a sound.

HOOK: (to the children): Thought I was frightened, eh?

ALL: Yes!!

HOOK: Silence, you, come here! Fetch my sword. It is in the cabin

 (Cecco, a pirate, goes to the cabin to fetch the cat. He screams. Peter Pan cheers)

HOOK: What is that? Joe, go to see. (Joe, a pirate, goes to the cabin. He screams. Peter Pan cheers) Bill, go and fetch me out that doodle-doo.

BILL: No, Captain, no!! (He supplicates on his knees)

HOOK: Did you say no, Bill?

BILL: No, no, please, Captain, don’t make me! Alright! Alright! (Bill goes to the cabin. He screams. Peter Pan cheers)

HOOK: Who is to bring me out that doodle-doo?

STARKEY: Wait until Bill comes back.

HOOK: I think I heard you volunteer, Starkey.

STARKEY: No, by thunder!

HOOK: My hook thinks you did. I don´t think it´s a good idea, Smee, to humor the hook?

STARKEY: I’ll swing before I go in there. (He takes up a sword)

HOOK: Is it a mutiny? (He takes Starkey’s sword and Starkey runs away) I will bring out that doodle-do myself. Oh... something blew out the light.

SMEE:  Where are the pirates?

HOOK: They are dead. Now lads, here is a notion: open the cabin door and drive them in. Let them fight the doodle-doo. If they kill him all will be alright, if he kills them we will be doomed.

(The pirates take the boys into the cabin. They all scream. Peter Pan cheer)

SMEE: The doodle-doo has killed them all. The ship is bewitched.

ALL: The ship is bewitched.

HOOK: The ship is bewitched. There’s a jonah aboard.

OTHER PIRATE: (Advancing on him): It’s the man with a hook.

PIRATES: It is the man with a hook.

HOOK: No, lads, no, it is the girl.

PIRATES: It is the girl.

HOOK: There´s never luck onboard a pirate ship with a woman aboard. Take her to the plank.

PIRATES: To the plank

HOOK: There is none who can save you now, missy

PETER: There is one!!!

HOOK: Who is that?

PETER: Peter Pan, the avenger. (All of them fight)

HOOK: (Slightly fights Hook, the other lost boys are behind Slightly): Back, back, you mice. (showing them the hook) It’s Hook; do you like him? (he takes Michelle with his hook)


PETER: Wait boys, This man is mine

LOST BOYS: Yes, Peter!

HOOK: Proud and impunent youth, prepare to meet your doom.

PETER: Dark and sinester man, take that... (they fight. Peter wounds him but Hook tries to stab his hook on Peter. Peter takes the hook and stabs it on Hook)

HOOK: It isn’t fair, why is this silly boy fighting with me! Pan, who and what are you?

PETER: I’m youth! I’m joy! I’m freedom!

HOOK: Then if I am to die you’ll all die with me. I’ll light a bomb and blow up the ship! (he takes a bomb)

CHILDREN: Peter, save us!

HOOK: In two minutes the ship will be blown to pieces.... (they hear the clock) The crocodile! The crocodile! Oh noooo!! Oh, Pan – no words of mine can express me hatred for you (He then splashes into the water. Crocodile roars)

ALL: Great!  

TIGER LILY: Peter Pan is the sun, the moon and the stars!

ALL: Hurray!

WENDY: Peter Pan is the most wonderful of all the boys.

ALL: Hurray!

MICHELLE: You are the bravest and strongest boy in the whole world.

PETER: Yes, I know. I don’t say it to boast, but because I cannot tell a lie

MICHELLE: Peter, will you teach me how to crow? (he crows)

PETER: Sure! (he crows) (all of them exit)


Se cierra el telón y se pone la casa


SCENE 9  (Nursery)

(Mrs Darling is looking out window)

MRS DARLING: Oh, Nana, it touches my heart to see you turn down their beds night after night. But they’ll never come back, never! (Nana goes to the kennel, barking): No, Don’t disturb the master. He uses your house as his home, out of remorse. I’ll wake him when it’s time for his dinner.

(Wendy, Michelle and Joanna enter. Nana sees them, nuzzles against Mrs Darling and barks excitedly).

MRS DARLING: Wendy, Michelle, Joanna


MR. DARLING: (As he emerges from dog house on all fours): A little less noise there! A little less noise!!

MRS. DARLING: Father, the children have come home!

CHILDREN: Father! (They run and embrace him, Nana following)

MR. DARLING: Michelle, Joanna, Wendy!  (The Lost Boy enter)

MRS. DARLING: Who are they?

MICHELLE: There´s a few more of us. Will you adopt them?

MR. DARLING: What? All of them?

SMEE: Oh, please, sir

LOST BOYS: please, sir

MICHELLE: Please, father!

MRS. DARLING: George, do you think we could manage?

MR. DARLING: Well, what’s another six or seven children?

ALL: Great!!

MRS. DARLING: Oh, dear, I will get you some lovely chocolate

SMEE: Chocolate!


SMEE: Chocolate!

MR. DARLING: But you must treat me with respect!

ALL: Yes, sir.

TWINS: We’ll be good children.

MR. DARLING: All right! Now make yourselves at home.

(All exit, except Wendy who goes to the window).

WENDY: You won’t forget to come for me Peter --- please, please don’t forget. 


Se cierra el telón


SCENE 10 (Nursery years later)

(Wendy is sewing by the fire)

PETER: Hello Wendy!

WENDY: Peter

PETER: Where is Joanna?

WENDY: She is not here

PETER: Is Michelle asleep?

WENDY: No, that’s not Michelle

PETER: Is it a new one?


PETER: Boy or girl

WENDY: It’s a girl

PETER: What’s her name?


PETER: Jane!

WENDY: Peter, are you expecting me to fly away with you?

PETER: Of course. That’s why I came back. Have you forgotten it’s spring cleaning time?

WENDY: I can’t come. I’ve forgotten how to fly

PETER: I’ll teach you again.

WENDY: Oh no, Peter – don’t waste the fairy dust on me.

PETER: What is it?

WENDY: I’m older Peter. I’m ever so much more than twenty. I grew up a long time ago.

PETER: You promised not to!

WENDY: I couldn’t help it. I’m a married woman now, Peter.

PETER: No, you are not

WENDY: Yes, and the little girl in the bed is my child.

PETER: No, she’s not! She’s not!

(Peter sinks to his knees, sobbing. Wendy leaves the room. Jane is awakened)

JANE: Boy, why are you crying?

PETER: Hello

JANE: Hello

PETER: I’m Peter Pan

JANE: Yes, I know

PETER: I came to take my mother, well your mother – back to Neverland.

JANE: Yes, I know. I’ve been waiting for you

PETER: For me?

JANE: Yes, will you teach me how to fly?

PETER: Do you know any stories?

JANE: I know a lot of stories

TINK: Oh my God! The same story again. Another silly girl.

JANE: What did she say?

PETER: that you are a silly girl

JANE: Oh... Peter! Take me with you!

PETER: But first I must blow the fairy dust on you! Now think lovely, wonderful thoughts, and up you go!

JANE: How sweet!

PETER: She is sweet!

(Wendy enters)

JANE: Look at me, mother. I’m flying.

PETER: She is my mother. Come on Jane!


JANE: It’s just for spring cleaning time. He wants me to do his spring cleaning.

WENDY: If only I could go with you!

PETER: You can’t. You see Wendy, you are too grown up. Are you ready, Jane?

JANE: Ready!!  (Peter flies out and Jane follows).