Lesson 3/30

Lesson Plan for Monday, 3/30/20


Zoom Circle Time - Fingerplays Spring, Caterpillars - Passover too!

Fuzzy Little Caterpillar

Fuzzy little caterpillar slowly creeping by

Don’t you know that one day you will be a Butterfly?


Little fuzzy caterpillar

In your warm cocoon

The long weeks are over and you'll be hatching soon.

Then you'll spread your wings

On a warm and pretty day

And wave us all goodbye

As you fly away!

Activity -

Egg Carton Caterpillars

Materials Needed: cardboard egg cartons (cut so that 3,4,5,or 6 cups are still connected in a row); pipe cleaners, googly eyes, glue, glitter, sequins, etc.

The children decorate their caterpillars any way they want to!

When the glue is dry take a picture to send me, hang your caterpillars from the ceiling.

Story 1:

Story 2: