Lesson 4/6

Hi everyone!

When the Jewish people had to run out of Egypt, they were making bread and do you remember what happened to it? Was it able to finish cooking?

So what do we eat instead? It's flat like a cracker.....It's called matzah!

At our seder, the matzah sits on our table and it needs something to sit in. Let's make a special matzah box for it to sit in!

Take a regular or thick piece of long paper and color it however you would like. You can use crayons, water colors, dot dot markers, stickers.....that's up to you! Decorate both sides.

Then, use your fingers (grippers) to help your grownup fold the corners together and you can help tape them together. Another option is to help punch a hole in the corners and tie a ribbon through the hole.

Here are some examples....HAVE FUN!

Story 1:

Story 2: